When you are pregnant, even if you have symptoms that make you feel bad, it is one of the best stages of your life. You feel full because a perfect being is growing inside you that will be your baby.
Perhaps you have also decided to breastfeed your baby and if so, you will see how beautiful it is and also, you will be able to check some curious habits that breastfed babies have… But as strange as they may seem, we can also tell you that they are wonderful.
Breastfeeding is an experience that is difficult to explain. Although it is difficult at first, both in the short and long term, you will not regret it. Of course, if you decide to give your baby formula milk, it is also absolutely normal and you will live wonderful moments and connection.
But in this article, we want to focus on the curious habits that babies who are breastfed perform and that if you are breastfeeding with your baby, you will love to know them! Because you will notice more from now on.
Professionals always recommend breastfeeding babies for as long as possible because of the benefits it has for both mom and baby. Implantation bleeding in pregnancy: What is it and how to identify it? Breast milk is the most complete food for the health of the little one and as if that were not enough, the bond between mother and baby is strengthened.
The longer it lasts, the more you can enjoy that bond so close and full of unconditional love. Its beautiful.
Habits of breastfed babies
When you are breastfeeding your baby you will discover that special connection but you will also see how your little treasure does some things that will surprise you. You just have to pay attention to those little details that perhaps until now, you had overlooked.
Next we are going to tell you about these habits so that, if you had not noticed, now you can enjoy it! You will be able to live much more that special moment that is breastfeeding together. Do not lose detail:
- Your baby will caress your face and when you connect his gaze with yours… he will smile at you in the sweetest way that exists.
- He will give you a few pats on the breast when he drinks his milk, and he may even pinch you.
- With one hand he will touch your nipple while nursing and with the other hand he will caress or touch the nipple of the other breast.
- He may inadvertently scratch you on the chest or face.
- If he has teeth, he may bite your nipple while you’re breastfeeding, but he’s not doing it to hurt you, far from it! It’s because he’s enjoying that wonderful moment between the two of them.
- While nursing, he may not touch your breast or bite you, but he will do acrobatics to grab your feet and move them without releasing his mouth from your breast.
- He likes to play with your clothes.
- He will put his precious hand between your breasts looking for warmth and comfort.
- Sometimes, he will fall asleep because of how comfortable he is and how safe he feels by your side.
- He may scratch his head in the most adorable way.
- He will touch his face, his little ears… and then he will touch your ears, your hair…
Perhaps you have already realized these details or else, now you will. Your little one may have other habits that you also find strange but adorable at the same time.
As you have seen, there are many habits that babies have when they are being breastfed and each and every one of them is the sweetest. Now, you will watch him endlessly when you are in this special moment. It will be etched in your memory forever, and that’s a great gift for life!