All tips to prevent the flu go through strengthening the immune system. Rest, warm up and include fruits and vegetables in your diet.
The cold arrives and with it the first flu. It is difficult to go through the whole winter without catching this virus, but not impossible. The key is to strengthen the immune system. Along the following lines we will give you a series of tips to prevent the flu .
1. Sleep a minimum of 7 hours a day. In this way, the body regains strength.
2. Try to maintain a healthy and balanced diet, with plenty of vitamins and minerals. Fruits and vegetables are your best allies to help increase your defenses.
3. Play sports.
4. Avoid sudden changes in temperature. That includes dressing up warm when going outside. In this sense, it is important to point out that the latest study carried out by Cinfa concluded that the main reason why Spaniards contract the flu is due to sudden changes in temperature (57.5% of cases).
5. Extreme hygiene. You should wash your hands frequently, using soap and water. Take special care to rub between the fingers and under the nails.
6. Clean the surfaces of furniture and household objects with antibacterial products.
7. Keep rooms ventilated.
8. Avoid environments with tobacco smoke, as this substance greatly irritates the mucous membranes and the throat.
9. When coughing or sneezing, cover your nose and mouth with the inside of your elbow. You can also use a disposable tissue and throw it away immediately. Afterwards, wash your hands well.
10. If you notice your throat starting to hurt, try gargling with warm water and lemon.
11. When you are congested, a natural remedy is eucalyptus vapor.
12. Stay hydrated to clear mucus, but avoid cold drinks and alcoholic beverages. The best is water, natural juices and broths.
13. If someone is sick at home, try not to drink from the same glass or use their cutlery.
14. Specialists recommend getting the flu shot. Ask your doctor what he advises you to do.
Special mention deserves the issue of medicines. Assuming you’re not going to self-medicate, you should know that antibiotics don’t work to treat the flu. For their part, analgesics and antipyretics improve symptoms, while antivirals are only recommended in certain cases.
Have you followed these tips to prevent the flu, but have not managed to escape its clutches? In this case, it is best to go to the doctor and follow his instructions. Take only the medication prescribed for you, rest and drink plenty of fluids.
As a general rule, the medicines used to treat the flu are pain relievers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. In addition to helping to lower fever , they relieve discomfort and muscle pain.
Antihistamines can also work, as they decongest the nose. Some anti-flu contain this substance. Antitussives and home remedies such as broth or honey with lemon can be a complement to anti-flu.
On the contrary, antibiotics are not useful to treat the flu, since we are dealing with a virus, not a bacterium. Antivirals, on the other hand, are only administered in exceptional cases.
With regard to decongestants, they are not recommended for everyone because they can cause side effects, such as headaches or tachycardia. To this must be added the fact that they interact with many medications, so it is necessary to take extreme precautions if you are taking other drugs. They are highly discouraged in people who have high blood pressure or thyroid problems.
In the same way, you have to be careful with anti-flu like Couldina or Frenadol. We buy them without a prescription and use them happily, not realizing that they may contain a mixture of different active ingredients. So if you use them, read the prospectus carefully.