Reciprocal antonyms are words that have opposite or contrary meanings and that have the peculiarity that the existence of one of the terms implies the existence of the other. For example: give / receive. For someone to give, someone else has to receive and vice versa.

Antonyms are two words that have opposite meanings and when classified according to meaning they can be:

  • complementary antonyms . One term excludes the other. For example: dead / alive.
  • Gradual Antonyms . They are opposite terms, but there are other terms among them that show graduation. For example: gigantic / tiny.
  • reciprocal antonyms . The existence of one term implies the existence of the other. For example: delivery / receipt.
  • See also: Sentences with antonyms

Characteristics of reciprocal antonyms

  • They must belong to the same class of words.
  • They have a difference in meaning (not a total opposition).
  • They have an inverse relationship, that is, one term is the inverse of the other.

Examples of reciprocal antonyms

Its reciprocal antonym is…
speed up brake
loosen up tense
grab release
host invited
go down go up
good evil
give have
collect to pay
purchase sell
debtor creditor
sleep wake
owner lessee
meet to lose
to teach learn
delivery reception
deliver to receive
slave love
winner loser
import export
immigrate emigrate
offer demand
Pattern employee
powerful weak
reconcile quarrel
reply to ask
get out get in
feel stand up
have deliver
seller buyer
return leave