5 fundamental teachings for well-behaved children

Everyone wants their children to be well-behaved children. Currently with all the responsibilities that parents have, it seems that they juggle every day to be able to teach children what is right from what is wrong. Sometimes the actions themselves remain in the background. Most parents know what it’s like to feel embarrassed in front of other adults when a child shows bad manners.

The harsh reality is that children learn by imitating their parents. If you want your children to have proper mannerisms, then you must first observe yourself. Your gestures and the way you speak will be what they teach your children, and remember that at some point in your life when you were little, you also learned it from your parents. Do not miss some fundamental teachings so that your children learn to be well-behaved children.

Saying “please” and “thank you”

You might be surprised how rarely they are heard these expressions in adult conversation today. Children do not know these rules and must learn them by observing. When someone gives you something, the correct answer is ‘thank you’ to show appreciation, it also conveys respect and appreciation for the other. When you ask for something it is also necessary to do it ‘please’ because it also conveys respect and kindness.

Greeting others

It is necessary to pay attention to how many people say ‘hello’ few times nowadays. Even many people try to avoid the greeting, not because they do not want to but because in most cases they feel ashamed to do so. The ideal way to greet is to do it when you pass someone you know on the street or enter a room with people. Even if other people don’t wave back, you’ll be showing kindness and respect to others, and that’s what your child needs to learn.

Answering the phone

When you pick up the phone you have to speak correctly with the person on the other end. Ideally, always say ‘ hello’ first, so the other person can understand that you can start talking now. If you call someone, say their name and the purpose of your call after the greeting. Your kids will watch you do it and learn to do the same as they grow up and start making their own phone calls.

Teaching well-behaved children

Wait your turn to speak

When your children are talking it is necessary that you do not interrupt them, so they will learn how to listen and speak when the other person is speaking. Interrupting is not entirely avoidable as it is sometimes a part of the flow of normal conversation, but doing so in excess is rude and disrupts good conversation.

Show generosity

It is very important that you teach your children to practice generosity, which means showing consideration for others. For example, you can teach your children to carry shopping bags for elderly people, give up your seat on the bus to an elderly person, a pregnant woman or someone who has a broken leg or arm. Doing things for others will allow your child to establish good behavior.

Mastering all these manners will teach your children to have responsibility, sensitivity, respect, maturity… it will help for your child to see in you a good example to learn to be polite and also, you will be modeling a behavior that will be reflected in your child when he becomes a balanced, educated person who fits well in society. Do you think there is any more teaching that children should learn to be well educated?