In the midst of all the concern and complications that having a sick child (by Covid or whatever) entails for parents, especially when it comes to reconciling , in the last few hours a court ruling has come to light that can set a precedent for all those workers who are only given the possibility of taking vacations or reducing their hours (with a corresponding decrease in salary), when a child has to be confined.
The case has taken place in Logroño. There, a father had to take care of his son under the age of 14 for five days due to close contact with classmates who had tested positive for coronavirus, and whose work as an official as a judicial assistant cannot be carried out telematically.
The Administration of Justice denied the permit arguing that the worker had unused vacation days, so it decided to deduct those five days from his rest period.
Caring for sick children “does not fit” within the rest days to which a worker is entitled
Upon learning of the case, the CSIF Civil Servants Union filed a lawsuit as representative of this civil servant, against the Administration of Justice of La Rioja. On December 17, the Court issued the sentence, under which the care of his son “is not framed” within the days to which the worker is entitled for his own business or for vacations “and would entail discrimination against other workers who They would have exhausted them by now.”
As a month has elapsed since the sentence without the agency having appealed, the CSIF has described it as a pioneering sentence and positively values that justice recognizes the “inexcusable duty” to attend to this type of situation, which would cover similar assumptions in those who intend to restrict this right, both in the Administration and in private companies .