An active father in parenting has a positive impact on the development of his children

There are many types of families today. For example, there are single-parent families with one mother or one father, families with two parents or with two mothers… and all of them can raise happy children who do not They feel that something is missing in their life. But next, we want to detail the link a father has to child development.

Because when the father is present, his role is of great importance and this must be taken into account and leave behind the obsolete thinking of previous decades where the role of the father was not taken into account in raising children.

The childhood years

The positive impact of active fathers in parenting does not end in the first years of life. Throughout childhood, the important role of parents continues as children develop emotionally, physically, and intellectually. As with mothers, fathers influence children’s development, largely through the attachment relationship they have with their children throughout childhood.

Development social-emotional

Social-emotional development is a key area where the impact of parenting is clearly seen. Secure attachment with parents supports emotional skills such as empathy and the ability to understand emotions, even in the school-age years.

As children mature, the role of the game becomes increasingly important in its development. Although it seems stereotyped to say that dads get involved in rougher games, there are studies that support that fathers have a primary role in the social-emotional development of young children.

It was shown that children whose parents were active participants in play, particularly rough play, had stronger social competition at school and better behavior. While that game may seem loud, it actually has surprising hidden benefits on child development.

active parent

Education and cognitive development

Recent research is opening our eyes to the fact that the daily involvement of fathers in raising their children also influences their education and cognitive development. Several studies have shown that father involvement in activities such as reading and going out together predicted greater educational progression for children.

Similarly, children with involved fathers were more likely to graduate from high school. high school and college. It is clear that the contributions of parents to the cognitive development of childrengo far beyond the financial resources available to them(for example, when the father contributes money but maintains a passive parenting behavior ).


The teenage years can be a turbulent time for many children. These are the years when peer influences, risky behavior, and mental health issues can take hold if there aren’t more positive influences. Fathers can play a crucial role in children’s lives during this stage.

The presence of an active and committed father can act as a protective force in the lives of children. teenagers. For example, studies find that adolescents with involved fathers are less likely to have problems with delinquency and depression.

The role of the father’s attachment relationship also extends to adolescence. Although children are older and more mature, this fundamental attachment relationship can have long-lasting effects. Other studies make it clear that adolescents who are securely attached to their parents have higher self-esteem and are less likely to engage in delinquent behavior. The time parents spend in those early years bonding with their children continues to benefit them well into adolescence.

After years of diminishing their role in parenting children, it is now understood that parents contribute equally to their development. Through research and personal experience, we see that fathers play a significant and complementary role to that of mothers. Parents influence children in significant emotional and psychological ways that last a lifetime.