Most of the expecting moms or either dads whether they are having firstborn or not usually wishes for a baby girl if not all. And mostly, mothers are the ones who decide and stressed out choosing what name it will be for their lovely babies. As much as possible, the baby names for girl Tamil has to be unique or has meaning in it. Others also choosing names followed from their mom and dad, grandparents, a combination of names or from certain people which they are fond of. More to know about girl baby names in Tamil.

There are lots and lots of options for baby girl name in Tamil if searched online including what the names represent or their meanings. In that way, parents or anyone can ease the stress of deciding and choosing names that will fit for their babies. Check-out more baby girl names Tamil.

More Names of Baby Girl


Baby Name Meaning
Vaidarbhi Wife of Lord Krishna
Vidyadhari Highly qualified Most brilliant
Vidwath Highly qualified Most brilliant
Vidhut Electricity
Vijul A silk cotton tree
Ujas Bright Light before dawn
Tunil TunilA Fast Clever The mind
Taiunaya Taiunaya Absorbed in Identical
Tejshri Of divine powers
Trushar Thirsty for someone
Shubhadra wife of Arjun
Sivaprabha Wife of Lord Shiva
Shambhukanta Wife of Shambhu
Sudakshima Wife of king Dilip
Sai Sree Flower
Sangamithra Socially friendly
Saiyeisha God Sainath
Shrinkhla Series
Shrizal God
Samanya The unknown one
Suravinda Beautiful yaksa
Sri Sai Sai
Sharnie Dirty stunted grass
Sanghmitra Unity with friendship
Sudevi Wife of Krishna
Svaha Wife of fire God
Sivamathy Knowledge Moon
Somdatta Moon Religious drink
Sai Suria Flower
Saurya Bravery Power Heroism
Sweety Sweety Swity So sweet Happiness
Sarthaka Well done
Shaury Brave
Somatra Excelling the Moon
Swity Sweety Swity So sweet Happiness
Sadguna Good virtues
Sinsapa Ashok tree
Sanah Skilful Radiance Elegance Conciseness
Samit Collected
Sinu Positive energy Horseless
Renjith Goddess Lakshmi Victory
Rajhans Swan
Rajju Rajju Angel of softness
Ritil Creeper of Love
Pinky Pinky Like a rose Pinkish
Oviya Painting Artist Beautiful drawing
Nilain NilainA Dark blue Sapphire
Natalie Born on christ day
Nandani Daughter of Anand
Manayi Wife of Manu
Misty Sweet person Sweet Surgery
Maiya Little girl
Monica Counsel Advisor Solitary
Marsha Respectable
Mayra Beloved Favorable Admirable Marvellous
Monika Counsel Advisor Solitary
Lotica Lotica Give light to others
Lucia The light of india
Liza Joy Devoted to God
Koel Koel The cuckoo bird
Kalaiarasi Kalaiarasi Childhood
Kavinilavu DDD Poet Moon
Katrina Variant of katherine pure
Jasodhara Mother of Lord Buddha
Jency Jency God has blessed
Jenny White and smooth Soft
Jesica God sees or wealthy
Indrasena Daughter of king Nala
Iraja Daughter of the wind
Houmesha Houmesha The Ray of gold
Gracy Gracy Angel Protector Very lazy
Grecy grecy Angel Protector Very lazy
Gayle Beautiful woman
Fullara Wife of kalketu
Ekaparana Wife of Himalaya
Drishani Daughter of the Sun
Drisana Daughter of the Sun
Drisna Daughter of the Sun
Darika Maiden
Danika Morning star
Chavi Chavi Ray of light Reflection
Brahmattmika Daughter of Brahma
Bobby Abbreviation of robert
Askini Daughter of Prajapati Virat
Abhavya Improper Fearcausing
Avaraja Avaraja Younger sister
Aaradhaya Regard
Anny Prayer
Anouka Spirit of God
Alekhya Nitya Constant picture A painting
Araceli Gate of heaven
Adritya The Sun
Annie Favor Grace
Angelina Angel
Angelia Messenger of God Angel
Arianna Holy one Peace
Ankia God is gracious
Archie Genuine courage
Aria A melody Pure Godly