In the Basque country, the Basque or Basque language is spoken, which is known as a rootless language. However, it is still striking and different. When the time of delivery approaches, one of the most important tasks is to choose what the child will be called, because that is something that will mark him for life. If your baby is about to be born and you know that a boy is on the way, Basque names are a very nice alternative. To help you choose a meaningful and different name, in this baby names article, we have listed 160 Basque boy names . In the selection you will see the most original, popular, ancient, modern and even those that were used in medieval times. It is possible that when you finish reviewing the selection you have already chosen a beautiful Basque name for the baby.

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Popular Basque boy names

Basque is a very striking language and it is different from Spanish. For this reason, many parents choose to give their children Basque names. In addition, there are popular Basque names that are easy to pronounce. If you want a Basque name that is very popular, then the following section of popular Basque boy names is the most suitable for you:

  • Adei: this is a beautiful Basque name for boys that means “the one who respects”.
  • Aitor: This is one of the popular Basque boy’s names, made famous by JA Xaho’s famous novel La lègende d’Aito.
  • Amets: is a common name in the Basque country and translates as “dream or desire”.
  • Arima: It is a mystical and religious name that means “Spiritual ingredient of existence”.
  • Arkaitz : this is a name that means “the stone”.
  • Asier : is a name of Hebrew origin that means “God is my strength”.
  • Beñat : is the variant for Bernardo and translates as “strong as bears”.
  • Bingen: is a variant of the name Vicente that means the “man who sells”
  • Danel: This is the Basque variant for Daniel and means “God’s justice.”
  • Erlantz: is a name that means “glow or shine”
  • Gizane: is a variant of Gixane and means “incarnation”.
  • Iker : this Basque name translates to “the visitation”.
  • Indalecio: is a name that means “like a teacher” and derives from the Aragonese Indalezio.
  • Imanol: one of the popular Basque boy names. It is an adaptation for Manuel and for Emmanuel.
  • Inhar: This is another popular Basque name for boys that comes from Inar, and which means “ray of light”.
  • Iñaki: Basque adaptation for Ignacio in Spanish.
  • Joango: is one of the Basque variants for Joan.
  • Josu: is a variant of the name Iosu. And it is the translation of the name of Jesus in Basque.
  • Jurgi: is another of the Basque forms for the name Jorge, and which means “the farmer or the farmer”.
  • Lander: This is the masculine for Ikerne, which translates as “the visitation.”
  • Laskain: This other beautiful modern Basque name that has become popular as the pseudonym used by the writer José Azurmendi.
  • Luka: this beautiful Basque name means “the luminous one” or the one that shines and comes to be Lucas in Spanish.
  • Maren: another of the popular Basque boy names. It is a Basque variant for Mariano.
  • Manex: is a Basque variant of Juan and means that he has compassion.
  • Markel: this is a very popular Basque name for boys and it refers to the God of Mars, it is the variant for Marcelo.
  • Neketi: This is a name that was widely used in medieval times, but has become very popular in recent decades.
  • Odei – This is another Basque name for boys that is related to nature. It has a mystical origin and is translated as “cloud”.
  • Sein: is a Basque name that means innocence, and has a derivation as Seyn.
  • Xabier: one of the popular Basque boy names. It is the variant for Javier in Spanish and whose meaning is “the new house”.
  • Zigor: is a common Basque name that means “scourge”.

Original Basque boy names

Basque names stand out because they are unusual, but full of personality and charm. If you are looking for a rare Basque boy name that will give your baby a unique personality, the following section of original Basque boy names will be very useful.

  • Amets: This is a unisex Basque name and it translates as “the dream”.
  • Alatz: is an unusual Basque name and means “prodigy”.
  • Ander: This is the Basque variant for Andrés.
  • Aratz – This unique Basque name for boys means “the clean man.”
  • Ardaitz: this name is the one that bears a town in the Erro valley, in addition, it is a Basque name widely used for men.
  • Artzai: is a Basque name that means “shepherd or caretaker of flocks”
  • Beñat: this name is the cow variant for Bernardo in Spanish.
  • Besajaun: this name comes from Basque mythology and means “the lord of the woods”.
  • Durruma: a name for Basque boys that is uncommon and that comes from the festivities in San Román.
  • Eako: this is another of the Basque names for boys that is related to nature, it is believed to be a derivation of Alexander.
  • Egoitz: This is another original Basque name for boys. It translates as “house”.
  • Ekain: This Basque name for boys has to do with the famous caves located between Deba and Zestoa in the Gipuzkoa community. It means “the highest part of the Sun”.
  • Eñaut: this name means “ruling eagle”, and is the adaptation for Arnaldo.
  • Garikoitz: this name means “wheat field” and is often used as a surname in the Basque region.
  • Ganix: is a name that comes from the variant of John and translates “The grace of God”
  • Gorka: this Eusaka name is the Basque adaptation for Jorge, which comes from the roots ge and ergon meaning “land and work”.
  • Hegoi: This is the Basque word used to refer to the winds from the south.
  • Hodei: this name was given to a mythological being related to hail and storms.
  • Iñigo: this name comes to be a variant for Eneko.
  • Jatsu: this name is also carried by the communities of Lapurdi and Baja Navarra.
  • Joseba: is a Basque variant of José and very common in children throughout Spain.
  • Joritz: this name derives from Jori and means “abundant and rich”
  • Kimetz: An original Basque boy’s name meaning “the sprout.”
  • Kripan : this Basque name is of Latin origin and also belongs to the Town of Álava located in the Sierra de Toloño.
  • Kutun: This Basque name is rare and uncommon, but with a beautiful meaning, since it means “beloved”.
  • Muño: this singular Basque name derives from the patronymic Muñoz, and which means “cold hill”.
  • Negu: this Basque name is related to nature, it has a Basque origin. Its meaning is winter and it is a unisex name.
  • Oihan: It is a rare Basque name for boys and it translates as “forest”.
  • Olai: comes to be a name equivalent to Olayo, which is a variant for Eulalio. It means “he who is eloquent in speaking”.
  • Orixe – One of the original Basque boy names denoting bravery and ambition.
  • Urko: This is a name that derives from the Basque term “urki” and which translates as birch.
  • Uhaitz: It is an unusual name that means “river” or “tributaries”.
  • Uztai: It is a sophisticated name that means “ring” or “crown”.

Pretty Basque boy names

Are you looking for a Basque boy name that is pretty? In the dictionary of Basque names there is a large collection of names for boys that are very nice. If you review the following list of beautiful Basque boy names, it is likely that you will identify with one and end up giving it to your baby, since in short, who does not want a beautiful name for their child?

  • Adiran: This is a nice Basque boy’s name that means “the one who comes from the sea”. In Spanish it is Adrian.
  • Albin: This is a Basque name of Latin origin, and its literal meaning is “white”.
  • Andoni: It is a beautiful Basque name that translates as “the brave one”.
  • Aritz: this beautiful Basque name is related to the town of the Céndea de Itza.
  • Argider: This Basque name is very pretty and translates as “the beautiful light”.
  • Bictor: This is a Basque variant for Victor.
  • Eder: This name translates as “the beautiful one”, and is associated with a sensitive and kind personality.
  • Enaitz: it is a beautiful Basque name for men and it is also the name given to the top of the mountain in Aizkorri.
  • Endika : is a Basque derivation of the German name Henrik and means “people’s authority”
  • Haran: This beautiful Basque name for boys means “the valley”.
  • Haritz: this is another name of Basque origin and means “the oak”.
  • Hernani: It is a beautiful name that means “On top of the clear hill” and evokes the heights of the mountains.
  • Ibai : A very handsome Basque name for a male meaning “river.”
  • Iban : one of the beautiful Basque boy names for boys is also available as a patronymic in the Basque country in the form of Ibanie.
  • Izei : this name derives from a word commonly used in the Basque Country and which means “fir tree”.
  • Iraitz: This is an uncommon Basque name for boys that translates as “to expel something outside”.
  • Joanes – In a Basque name that comes from the Hebrew name Yehohanan or Yohanan and means “the compassion of God.”
  • Julen: name that means “the one with strong roots” and is a variant of Julián in Spanish.
  • Kaiet: is a Basque variant for Cayetano.
  • Maide: this beautiful name has a mythological origin and refers to a magical being that entered the chimneys at night. It is a unisex name and is associated with an independent and risky personality.
  • Martin: This is another name that is associated with the God Mars, and that would be Martin in Spanish.
  • Markel: another of the pretty Basque boy names. It is a variant for Marcelo. It is a name relative to the Roman God of war: Mars.
  • Oier : This is the Basque variant for Andrés and whose meaning is “robust and virile”.
  • Praisku: equivalent to the Castilian Francisco and means “man in freedom”.
  • Seniko: Originates from the name Senicco which means sincerity and honesty.
  • Sukil: It is a name that is reminiscent of the Christmas tree and fire, it is also a name that protects against dark influences.
  • Txomin : is a name that comes from the diminutive Domiku (Sunday) and can mean “like a god”.
  • Ugaitz – This name translates to “great torrential river.”
  • Unai: This is another beautiful Basque name for boys and its meaning is “the cowherd”.
  • Ugutz: is a name that recalls the entry into the Christian Church.
  • Xanti: one of the pretty Basque boy names. It is a variant of Santiago that means “rewarded by God”
  • Zuhur: comes from Basque meaning “sensible”. Although it is also known as “selfish”.

Modern Basque boy names

Modern names are a good option for the baby that is on the way. However, you must be careful when choosing any of them, lest over time they are no longer fashionable. Therefore, it is good that you also be guided by its meaning and sound. In order for you to make the right choice, we invite you to read the best modern Basque boy names:

  • Abaigar: this Basque name is widely used today, and is related to an area in Navarra. It is believed that it comes from the root igar and that it means “the dry tree”.
  • Adur: This Basque name for boys means “lucky.” It is a mythological name that was used for wizards and witches.
  • Alain: a beautiful Basque name for boys and that comes from the Alans.
  • Asier: This is a Basque name for boys that, apart from being modern, is very popular and translates as “the beginning”.
  • Bizen: This name is a Basque adaptation for Vicente and means “the man who wins”.
  • Damen: is the Basque adaptation for Damián.
  • Edur – This beautiful name is the equivalent of Edurne and which translates as “the snow”.
  • Ekai: This beautiful name has its origin in the valleys of Longida and Arakil.
  • Erdain : This is a name that translates as “the circumcision.”
  • Ganiz – One of the modern Basque boy’s names. It is a Basque variant for Juan, which means “God is good”.
  • Haize – This is a name that translates to “wind.”
  • Ignazio: is the Basque variant for Ignacio.
  • Laratz: This nice name also has a very unique meaning and is associated with “the chain that hangs in the home.”
  • Nikanor: This name is widely used today and its meaning is “the victorious man”.
  • Oihan: very current name that is used more and more every day and translates “forest”.
  • Oinatz: is a powerful name that evokes the forces of nature.
  • Oroitz: is a name with an intrinsic mystery that means “Memory” or “I remember”.
  • Unax: is a variant for Unai and means “the cowherd”.
  • Paken: this name has a Basque origin and is a variant of Paciano, it means sensitive and diplomatic.
  • Patxi: is a name derived from Frantzisko. Also, it is a way to shorten the name of Frantses.
  • Semenko – Another of the modern Basque boy’s names. It is a name with a mysterious and powerful connotation.
  • Silban: comes from the Latin Silvanus, and means the god of the woods.
  • Ukerdi: it is a name that originates in the towns of Navarra, and that means “the caretaker of cows”.
  • Untzalu: is synonymous with Gonzalo in Spanish.
  • Usun: it is a beautiful modern Basque boy’s name that refers to the town of Romanzado.
  • Utxin : is a name that denotes a philosophical and spiritual person.
  • Xabier: This is the Basque variant for Javier, which means “new house”.
  • Xuxen: This modern Basque name means “he who is just and upright.”
  • Xuban: is a name that originated in Rome. He is related to bravery and courage.
  • Zuhaitz: This name is unusual, but current, and it means “tree”.

Medieval Basque boy names

For parents who prefer traditional names with history, below you can review a careful selection of beautiful medieval Basque boy names that have been used for centuries and still retain their charm and deep meaning. You can choose among all these alternatives the name that best identifies with your tastes:

  • Aimar – This is a beautiful medieval Basque name for boys that is a variant for Eimar and the masculine form for Aimara.
  • Albar: this Basque name was widely used in the Middle Ages.
  • Argi: This beautiful Basque name for a boy translates as “the light”.
  • Aner: Another Basque name for boys that was widely used in the Middle Ages is Aner. In fact, it was widely used during the year 1200 in the Basque country of France.
  • Antxon: This name is a Basque variant for Antonio.
  • Balkoe: This is a Basque variant for Falcon, and was already used in Pamplona during the 14th century.
  • Baztan: this is another of the medieval Basques for children and is also carried by the Navarro Valley.
  • Beltso: it was also a name of Basque origin that was widely used in the Middle Ages, especially in Navarra.
  • Benin: one of the medieval Basque boy names. It is a Basque adaptation for Benigno. Its meaning is “benevolent”.
  • Diagur: it is a Basque name for a man that was already used in the year 1500 in the community of Navarra.
  • Ekaitz – This is a beautiful Basque name for boys that was used in medieval times and is related to nature. It means “the storm”.
  • Eneko : This Basque name for boys was widely used in the middle ages, and its meaning is “mine”. In fact, it was carried by the first king of Pamplona.
  • Gorka – This medieval Basque name is the variant for Jorge and its meaning is “the farmer”.
  • Ibon: is a Basque term for Juan or for Joanes.
  • Ioritz – this is a Basque mythological name, which was used quite often in the middle ages. It means “the tree of abundance”.
  • Izan: It has its origin in the Basque name Izani, and it is a name that was widely used in the medieval age.
  • Heiko – The meaning of this beautiful Basque name for boys is “the ruler of the home”. It is a name that has a mystical meaning and was already used in the middle ages.
  • Jeino : a beautiful medieval Basque name that appears on the tombstone of the church of San Vicente in Abadiño.
  • Jon: another of the medieval Basque boy names. It is the adaptation for Juan in Spanish and it means “God forgives”.
  • Julen: This Basque name comes from iulianus , and translates as “he who has strong roots.”
  • Kasi – A beautiful Basque name that was frequently used in medieval times and is the equivalent of Casio.
  • Lain: this Basque name was widely used in medieval times, in fact, by the year 956 it was already documented. It has a Hebrew origin and its meaning is related to “life”.
  • Leioari: this is another Basque name that was used in the Middle Ages and that is listed on some tombstones in the Hermitage of San Vicente.
  • Luken: its meaning is the luminous or the brilliant and it is the variant of Luciano in Castilian.
  • Luar: this is a Basque adaptation for Loarre, the name of a famous castle located in Aragon.
  • Maren: This is another male Basque name that means “the sea.”
  • Mateo – This name is very popular and has a Hebrew origin. Its meaning is the gift of God.
  • Mikel : is a Basque variant for Miguel and means “who like God”.
  • Mairu: this name has a Latin origin, it comes from the name Maurus and was very popular in the middle ages.
  • Maiu: This was a legendary and mythological name that means “God is fire”.
  • Peru: This is the Basque variant for Pedro. It means “man firm as a stone”.
  • Sanduru: It is of medieval origin and characterizes people with leadership and ambition.
  • Uztail: This name is related to the month of July and also to the harvesting of crops.
  • Xurio : is a variant of the name Txurio that evokes wise and passionate people
  • Zeian: a medieval Basque boy’s name that recalls bravery and courage.