Do you like the first letter of the Spanish alphabet? If the “A” is to your liking or suggests something special, you may want your child to have a name that begins with this letter. There are many boy names with A that exist, and you can find very modern and original boy names but also more common and traditional options, biblical names, names adopted from other languages…, in short, a wide variety of boy names. male with A among which you will surely find the one you are looking for. Continue reading this babynames article to discover the best selection of boy names that start with A and find out what the meaning of each of them is.
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Aaron means “father of martyrs.” The one who knows how to act at the right time and finds what he wants. Regarding the Hebrew, there are several meanings, among them: the one who guides on the right path, the one who instructs from…
It represents the slave of God, literally “slave of Yahweh”. There is a similarity of meanings with certain names such as Obadiah, Abdiel and Abdallah, in the same sense as Yah’s servant. It is also of religious origin.
The masculine name Abdiel is currently very unpopular in Spain and means “servant of God”. Abdiel’s name has a biblical origin and is believed to derive from the name Obadiah, which means “servant, servant or…
UNIQUE Boy Names That Start With A
Continue reading this paraBaby article to discover the best selection of boy names start with A and find out what the meaning of each of them is.
Aaron means “father of martyrs.” The one who knows how to act at the right time and finds what he wants. Regarding the Hebrew, there are several meanings, among them: the one who guides on the right path, the one who instructs from…
It represents the slave of God, literally “slave of Yahweh”. There is a similarity of meanings with certain names such as Obadiah, Abdiel and Abdallah, in the same sense as Yah’s servant. It is also of religious origin.
The masculine name Abdiel is currently very unpopular in Spain and means “servant of God”. Abdiel’s name has a biblical origin and is believed to derive from the name Obadiah, which means “servant, servant or…
Abel is a name that means “the breath of life” or “the son born”. Due to the Hebrew etymology of him, he can also be translated as “the ephemeral one.” It is one of the most…
It means “father is tall, exalted”. The name of the primitive patriarch was Abram, and Yahweh called him Abraham, father of the multitude.
The meaning of April is related to youth, spaciousness, freshness, light and openness. Likewise, given that it is used to name the spring month of all due to its etymological origin, the name…
Adalberto comes from Adal “noble lineage”, from Berht “brightness, brilliance” and Badu “combat, fight”. By the relation of the concepts of him means the one who shines for the nobility of his lineage, also famous for the nobility of his actions, due to his strength and courage in combat.
The name Adam means “made on earth”.
It is “the earth”, admah. It is related to the reddish color of the earth, in fact Adam came to be identified as “the red one”. In a biblical way the same thing happens, Adam is identified with Edom, “red”, which is Esau’s nickname.
From adal, “noble lineage” and ulf “wolf”, as a sacred animal that was interpreted in mythology as a warrior, so its metaphorical vision would be “thrown warrior”, also “warrior of noble lineage”.
Name of semiotic origin that in Greek means Lord (in Hebrew, Adonai). But it has a very special mythological meaning in Greek culture: it is the God of delicate and manly beauty. The representation of this immortal is close to that of Orpheus, as a being of absolute beauty.
Adonai is a masculine name meaning “My Lord”, “God with us”, “administrator”, “lord” and “master”.
The male name Adonijah comes from Latin or Hebrew and means ‘the Lord is my master or my teacher’. It is the name of the fourth son of King David.
Adrian’s name means “he who comes from the sea.” In addition, it could be understood as “the one that comes from the Adriatic Sea”.
It literally means “the one that belongs to the foam”. Mythology represents Aphrodite as the goddess of love who was born from the foam, according to the fable, born from the sea.
It is a name of Hebrew origin, but it is derived from the Arabic hadchara or hidshra, “to flee”. It represents as an allegorical name the flight of Mohammed to Medina. It is therefore an allegorical name: the biblical Hagar, Abraham’s concubine, was forced to flee into the desert.
The name Agustín comes from the Latin Augustus. He means “the holy man” or “he who is revered.” Also, he is related to Augustinus, so he is assigned the translation of “relating to…
It is a hypocoristic of the name whose first element is Haim, “house, dwelling”, in the same sense as names like Haimrad, that is, Aimardo. He is the bold one in his homeland, the one who knows his country and acts correctly.
Apparently it is a name formed by the Basque word aita, “father”, and the word derived from the Germanic athal, “noble”. It can mean noble father or founded lineage. It is a name of very recent use and of spectacular fame.
The name Alain can have different meanings depending on the term from which it comes. Two main hypotheses are considered. In case the name Alain comes from the term “Alun”, its meaning is handsome. while…
The name Alan means joy. Alan’s meaning also includes graceful, harmonic and beautiful.
It has a very beautiful meaning; “harmony” , “balance”. It is also believed that it may have a derivation as an ethnic name: from the barbarian people of the Alans, who identify themselves with “Iranians”. It symbolizes the charm of stability, of what turns and moves correctly.
It is the contraction of Adalberto. It means “the radiance of the noble lineage”. The one who for his nobility shines and makes himself stand out.
It is a derivation of the Latin root of albus, alba. It is the one that wakes up to the light, after its transit from the darkness of the night, from uncertainty. It is the one that begins to know and enjoy the dawn.
It is one of many Germanic names whose component ald means “to grow”. In it is the Indo-European root of al, (to feed), the same as the Latin alere. It represents the value of age, life, generation.
Its form in classical Latin is Alacer, alacris, that is, “joyful, excited, full of illusion”. She is the one who lives and enjoys life with joy. It is a widely used and highly symbolic name for the Sephardim in the full and totalitarian sense of liveliness and ardor.
The meaning of the boy’s name Alejandro is “the one who protects man”, “the one who rejects or defeats his enemies”, “the man who protects us”, “the protective man”, “the main protector” and “the great protector”. savior”.
He is “the defender, the one who helps and rejects his enemies.” He has an important symbolic value focused on the concept of “protection”. He is the one who offers the tranquility and balance of defense, the security of help.
Alexander means “the protector of men”. This is because Alexander (English variant of the name Alexander) comes from the Greek name Alexandros. This name of Greek origin is formed by the words “aléxein”…
Name that comes from Adal, “noble lineage” and Funs, “prepared, competent, ready”. In its adapted meaning, it is the man trained and ready for combat.
It comes from the union of Aelf, “elf”, and Read, “advice, recommendation and guide”. Its meaning is the “council of the elves”.
It comes from the union of Ala, “everything” (like the English “all”) and Mir, “illustrious and famous”. He is the one who is all fame, known and appreciated for his actions and thoughts, the one who represents fame and general opinion, the one known by all and who also obtains the category of illustrious.
The name Alonso has several meanings, such as “noble and intelligent man”, “strategist man” or “person ready for battle”. However, it is usually conjoined and simplified to “noble warrior prepared for combat”.
The name Aluhe of Greek origin is unisex and means soul. He is a kind and political person.
The name Álvaro means “the cautious man” or “the man who is on guard”. It comes from the Nordic regions of Europe, where it was written as “Alvar”. This name characterizes…
It represents with its Latin form “the one who loves God”, the one who appreciates things in a general sense. There is a correlation with names derived from the same Latin form as Amador, the one who is born to love and to bestow happiness.
He is the “gallant, the lover, the lover”. Due to its metaphorical meaning developed over time, it can be identified with the subtle, the one who knows how to love correctly and therefore be loved. Establishing as an essential priority for his life this condition of lover.
It is a hypocoristic name of those whose first element is amal- “work”. He is the one who works and strives to get what he appreciates or wants.
This is a name, Amerigo or Americo, which was imposed on the continent by the Italian Vespucci. But from its ending rik- we can deduce the meaning related to chief, command and king.
The name Amir means “the top of the tree”, “he who is on high”, “chief”, “prince”, “chief” or “minister”.
Its etymology means “beneficial Yahweh” or “merciful Yahweh”. Curiously, with the same words, the inverse Juan (Yehohanan) is formed. That is to say, its origin leads us to think “the merciful God”, but also the one that bears this name bears symbols of kindness, good and beneficial for others.
The masculine name Ander is a Basque variant of the name Andrés. It derives from the Greek root ‘Andros’ which means ‘robust and virile’. His feast day is November 30. He is a person with inventive capacity, who does not like mediocrity and who has the character of a leader.
Aner wants “man” and Andreia “strength, manly”. It is also symbolically that which is masculine and has style, elegance, cadence. From the diminutive in English derives the concept of Dandy.
The name Angel means “the messenger of God” or “the envoy of God”. He alludes to the protector of the heavens, whose mission is to obey and serve the Creator. In some monotheistic texts…
It means “Punic god”. He is of Phoenician origin, and although he externally gives the impression of being calm and objective, he has a hard time expressing his emotions. He highly values loneliness and isolation and has obvious difficulties relating openly and spontaneously to others.
Literally it would be “Ace or God” and “Helmo”. In a metaphorical way we could say that it represents protection, “the one who has a God as wilderness”, “the one who has an Ace as protection”. Anselm was a well-known champion of Charlemagne, to whom this symbolic meaning can be fully attributed.
The name Antonio means “he who is brave”.
In its archaic form it would be Abelios, name of the sun among the Cretans, very similar to Helios. If we take into account the Indo-European basis of the name apel-, its meaning is “the exciter e, the creator, the promoter”.
Ariel’s name means “Lion of God”. This religious meaning refers to the creature of God, therefore, another meaning attributed to it is “the one who is on the altar of God”.
It means the “hero of the army”, just like Herman. He is the powerful, the laureate, the winner. He is the “bold man” who conquers and wins. Its variants carry the same meaning as Armando.
By the union of Arn, as a contraction of arin- which means “eagle, and from wald or oald, “government, command, power”. Thus, Arnaldo is the one who has great power, that is, the one who carries the power of the eagle .
It apparently derives from a Roman gens, Artoria, which takes its meaning from the Celtic, “bear guard”, “high, on high”. Hence the relationship with the star Arthur, Arcturius, which keeps the constellation of the Great Bear.
The Basque name Asier comes from the word hasiera and literally means “the beginning”. Due to this translation, the meaning of Asier is closely linked to leadership and the launch of a great event. So, as we shall see…
Its literal interpretation is “the one that shines like a star”, the one belonging to the stars, the illuminated one. The meaning of “child of the stars” could also be coined. In mythology, the name of the Titanide that Zeus turned into a Quail.
This name represents the perfect gentleman, the strong and manly. It is one of the nicknames of Zeus because the mount where the God had his temple located was called Athos.
In the translatic sense it is “venerable, sublime, divine”, it is the sacred. Its most original meaning is “sacred by omen”, by the signs that expressed the will of the Gods.
Name of a Roman gens, deriving from the same Indo-European root as Aurora, usráh meaning “of the morning”. It can also come from the same hypothetical root from which the sun is derived, Ausel. One of its variants is Aurora.
They are people of enormous rectitude and lovers of the truth. They listen to all opinions before making a judgment and their measured attitude sometimes makes it difficult for them to express their feelings.
The name Axel means father of peace, meaning of Absalom, name from which Axel derives.