Are you expecting a boy? !! Congratulations!! At baby names, we want to help you choose the best name for your child. Looking for an original name? The names that begin with H are, because the letter H is the most different and special in the alphabet. Héctor, Hermes, Hugo and 60 more names brings together this collection of the best names with H for men. In this article, you will find different types of boy names that start with H : classic names, short names, original names, etc. In addition, we tell you the origin and meaning of each of them so that you can decide the name for your child with criteria. Which one do you like more?

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This is the name of one of the minor prophets of the Bible, it is a pseudonym that has derived from the Akkadian name of a plant and means “embrace”, which in turn is an allusion to one of Elijah’s prophecies; “Next year you will hug a son.”


Habib is an etymological mixture that ranges from Arabic to Hebrew, it is believed that it comes from the voice javiv, which means “dear, beloved”. He is the man loved for his qualities and for his passion.


The original form Amlothi became Amleth in Saxo Grammaticus (in the Gesta Danorum, late 12th century) and was transcribed by the translators into the most familiar form, Hamlet.


It is formed by the union of the Germanic terms hathu, “combat, fight, fight”, and wolf, “wolf”. Metaphorically it has been interpreted as “the thrown warrior”. The warrior banished from his own people is one of the possible interpretations, as is “the wolf of combat”.


The meaning of the name Hansel is “the gift of God”.


Harmodio comes from the Greek and means “the harmonious, the comfortable, the one that adjusts correctly to the situations”. He is the nice and convenient man, the one who knows how to act to be nice.


Name of Germanic origin that means “government of the army”. Impulsive and viscera. The excessive desire to search for affection can make him not have it. In very tense or special situations, he has the intuition to capture the conditions that prevail in them.

UNIQUE Boy Names That Start With H


It means in its original form “the act of God”, its meaning is exclusively religious, as is the case with most Hebrew names. Its most used graphic variant is Azael. Its use is indistinct for men and women.


It is one of the evolved forms of Heriberto, which comes from the union of the Germanic terms heri, “army”, and berth, “brightness, brilliance”; it would be “army shine”. That man who is characterized by resplendent in the fight, the illustrious in combat.


Héctor means “the man who possesses” or “he who has it”. It usually represents self-centered and possessive people, who like to impose their ideas and their way of being. Their qualities are compensated… or Meaning of The Name Mark.

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Heladio is a patronymic, it means “the one who belongs to or has lived in Ellás, that is, in Greece”. Many of the common given names are patronymics, especially those of Latin or late Greek origin.


It comes from the union of the terms held, “persevering, determined warrior” (held is hero in modern German), and rat, “counselor”. Its most appropriate translation is “the advice of the steadfast warrior.” The man who bears this name is characterized by his security and firmness.


Helium means “the sun”: in a broad way it means the king of light, the brightest and most luminous, and by default life. In Greek mythology there are many names that have been given to the Sun; Apollo, Phoebus, Sol.


It is the union of two Greek words and means “the gift of the sun”. Symbolically, it is the person characterized by his light and his strength, “the enlightened one”, the one who is vital, the one who knows the light of truth.


Helvecio derives from the term heluetti, which means “Helvetians”, the inhabitants of present-day Switzerland. It is a patronymic name, that is, it indicates the place of origin, in ancient times, of the person who wore it.


Henrique is used instead of Enrique in the Portuguese spelling. It comes from the Germanic, from the union of the words haim, “house, country”, and rik or rich, “chief, command, power”. He literally means “the prince of the house”, “he who has power within his territory”.


Heracleos, like Heraclius, derives from the Greek and means “the one belonging to Hercules”. The feminine form of him is Heracleia. Symbolically, the person bearing the name would be supposed to have the characteristics of strength, “the one with the strong will”, “the indestructible one”.


Heracleid, like Heracleus and Heraclitus, means “the one belonging to Hercules”. Symbolically, the person bearing the name would be supposed to have the characteristics of strength; “the one with the strong will”, “the indestructible one”.


Heraclius, like Heracleus and Heraclitus, means “the one belonging to Hercules”. Symbolically, the person bearing the name would be supposed to have the characteristics of strength; “the one with the strong will”, “the indestructible one”.


It is the union of the terms Hra, that is to say “Hera”, the wife of Zeus, and kleitós, “illustrious, famous”. Thus, its literal translation is “the one who is illustrious as Hera”, the person who bears the glory and the light.


Herculaneum, like Heracleos and Heraclius, means “the one belonging to Hercules”. Symbolically, the person bearing the name would be supposed to have the characteristics of strength; “the one with the strong will”, “the indestructible one”.


Its literal translation is “the glory of Hera”, as it happens with Heraclitus. In this case it is related to the glory of Juno, since Hercules, when he was just a newborn, strangled the two snakes that the goddess had sent to devour him.


Heriberto comes from the union of the Germanic terms heri, “army”, and berth, “brightness, brilliance”; it would be “army shine”. That man who is characterized by resplendent in the fight, the illustrious in combat.


The literal translation of Hermágoras is “the statue of Hermes in the agora”, that is, it pays tribute to the figure of the messenger of the gods in a public place, in the agora or main square. This was the name of a famous speaker from Temnos, Aeolis, from the 1st century.


Herman, a very unusual name, is formed by the Germanic words hari, “army, battalion”, and man, “man”, is the “army man”, the one specialized in fighting. One of the best known variants of him is Armando.


This name is formed by the terms ermans, “strength”, and land, “country, land”. In its literal translation it would be the “country of strength”, “the land of protection” or “the one that comes from a strong and courageous country”.


Hermenegildo comes from the union of airmana, “big cattle”, that is, bovine and horse, and gilds, “value”. It would be the value of the cattle, the wealth of the property from a more general point of view, or even “what is worth for your cattle”.


Hermes comes from the popular Greek etymology and means “announce, say, confront, clarify with words”, this etymology is from which the concept of irony also seems to derive.


Hermilo is one of the derivations of Hermes; its diminutive Hermes comes from the popular Greek etymology and means “announce, say, confront, clarify with words”, this etymology is from which the concept of irony also seems to derive.


It is one of the graphic variants of Ermino, which means “the strength of the cattle”. There is another somewhat less likely interpretation, in which Herminio would be one of the variants of Armino.


It is another of the names derived from the Greek Hermés, “the messenger who announces the will of the gods”, and adapted directly from its Latin form. Symbolically, he is “the man of the good message, of the good word”: it must be remembered that the concept of irony derives from the same etymology.


It is another of the names derived from Hermés, its exact translation is “the strong one like Hermés”. In a more extensive way it would be analyzed as “the powerful through the word”, since Hermes is the messenger of the Roman gods, Mercury being the Greek correlative of him.


Hermogenes comes from ancient Greek and is made up of two terms; by hermes, “the messenger of the gods”, and by génos, “generation race”.


Its meaning is very similar to names like Hermogenes. It derives from Hermes, the messenger of the Greek gods, Mercury for the Romans. It means “the one who comes from the land of Mercury”.


Hernan is the shortened form of Hernando, or what is the same, Fernando. This name derives from the Germanic words firthu, “peace, balance”, and nands, “bold, daring”.


This name acquired the stage of personal name, in Italy, thanks to the success of Verdi’s work, whose libretto was based on Victor Hugo’s dramatic poem.


It is one of the most common variants of Harold, which in turn means “the command of the army”, “the power of the warriors”. This name has been documented since the 1st century, so its historical tradition is quite extensive.


It comes from the Greek term with the same form, Heron, which means “hero”, “the strong and admired man”. This name was in common use in archaic Alexandria. Heron was a famous Alexandrian mathematician from the 2nd century BC.


Heros has nothing to do with Eros, the Roman god of love and passion. This Heros derives from the Greek “hero”, which means “the strong and admired man”, “the one famous for his courage and nobility”, within the conception of the classic hero “valued for his strength in the fight”.


Hervé is one of the few surviving names of Breton origin, meaning “the active one in combat”. Probably in this same way derives the famous English name Harvey, which is also related to Harold, as one of his hypocoristics.


Higinio is in its literal sense “the healthy, the vigorous” derived from the term “health”. It is the well-preserved man, the untouched. From this same terminology derives the word “hygiene”. In the saints we find a pope from the 2nd century, martyred in Rome.


Hilarius is the adjectival form of Hilarus, which means “the cheerful, the vigorous, the jovial, the graceful”. The man who wears it is characterized by his optimism and constant joy.


Hilarion, as happens with Hilario, comes from the Greek concept ilarós, which means “cheerful, lively, serene, optimistic”. He is the person whose attitude is focused on happiness, constant and simple joy.


Like other Germanic names, its first element is hild, “battle”, and secondly Berth, “brightness, brilliance”. It would constitute “the brightness of battle”, “the illustrious battle”. This same meaning is that of Gundelberto.


Hildemaro is formed by the Germanic etymology hildi, which means “battle, fight”, and mers, “illustrious, resplendent, brilliant”. He is literally the illustrious man in battle, the one who becomes famous for being a magnificent warrior.


Hypatius comes from the Greek superlative meaning “the supreme”, “the supreme”. He is the man whose qualities are above normality, the one who belongs to a higher stage.


This is the name of the most famous and illustrious doctor of antiquity. Its Greek etymology derives the name from ippos, “horse”, and krátos, “power, strength, domination”.


Hipólito means “the one who unties the horses”. It comes from the terms ippos, “horse” and lio, “loose, release, untie”. In a metaphorical way, he is the one who releases the force, the power (symbology directly related to the horse).


The name Hiram means “the brother of the supreme God”.


It has two possible interpretations; on the one hand it translates directly from the Greek as “the hostage”, on the other hand it alludes to the meaning of “blind”, from which the tradition of Homer’s birth blindness comes from.


It is, as its meaning inherited by the Spanish language, “the honest, the decorous, the noble”. He relates to the man who is honest because of his goodness and honor. It derives directly from honor, that is, “respect, admiration and esteem projected towards a particular person.


He is “the honest, the decorous, the noble.” He relates to the man who is honest because of his goodness and honor. He derives directly from honor, meaning “respect, admiration, and esteem projected toward a particular person.”


Horacio is the name derived from the term “hour”, it is the time, the mark of the years and in the same way the youth. Hora was the goddess of youth, lover of Quirino on Olympus. The most important use of this name is due to a Roman gens, whose most outstanding hero was Horatus.


Hormisdas is the contraction of the original Persian Ahura-Mazda, which means “the great wise lord” of the Zoroastrian religion. This god represents the principle of good, kindness and creation.


Hospice comes from hospes, “foreigner, stranger, guest”, from which comes the conception of hospitality, “room reserved for a guest, someone who is not a foreigner”. It would then be “the hospitable person”, the one who offers herself to please the foreigner.


Huascar is used sporadically in Peru as a given name. It is believed that it comes from the Quechua huasca, “rope”, “chain”. His fame is caused thanks to the fact that this was the nickname of Inti Cusi Hualpa, the brother of Atahualpa.


Huberto is the union of the Germanic words hug, “spirit, thought”, and berth, “brightness, radiance, dazzling”. Its meaning would thus suppose “the man of illustrious spirit”, “the one with the brilliant mind”.


Hugo is a hypocoristic of the names of Germanic origin whose first element was hugi, which means “spirit, reason, mind, intelligence”. He is that man who is valued primarily for his wisdom and rational logic.


Hugolino is the Italian diminutive of Hugo. This name is a hypocoristic of the names of Germanic origin whose first element was hugi, which means “spirit, reason, mind, intelligence”. He is that man who is valued primarily for his wisdom and rational logic.


Humbaldo is formed thanks to the union of the Germanic words hun, “puppy”, and bald, “bold, savvy, intrepid”. He would thus be the “intrepid cub”, always referring to the identification with the bear cub.


Humberto translates as “the brightness of the cub (especially referring to the bear cub). In a metaphorical interpretation we would say that it is “the innocence of youth, the innocent and fresh intelligence”.


Hunfredo is formed thanks to the union of the terms haim, “house, dwelling”, and frid, “protection, protection”. This name makes direct reference to “the protector, the defender of the home”. It is very widespread in the Anglo-Saxon sphere in the form of Humphrey.


Hunfrido is one of the variants of Hunfredo, which is formed thanks to the union of the terms haim, “house, dwelling”, and frid, “protection, protection”. This name makes direct reference to “the protector, the defender of the home”.