You did not imagine that choosing the name of your baby was going to suppose so much indecision, right? It’s normal, it’s a very important decision! If you have thought of an option with this letter, you surely know that there are few boy names that start with the letter Q, they are not very common and there is little variety. In this baby names article, you will find boy names that start with Q such as Quintillo, Quiriko or Quintín, along with the meaning and origin.
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Name of Latin origin that means “the one who makes a complaint”. Queremán is a born prankster, but his jokes are never malicious or intended to harm anyone. He likes to chat, contact with the sea and good food.
Cherub translates as the celestial spirit of the first angelic choir. In a metaphorical sense he is “the innocent, the clean, the infant.” The meaning of cherub is related to that of angel, it is “the child angel”, “the young and pure soul”.
Name of Latin origin. He belongs to “Quintus”. Quinciano is gossipy and has a somewhat intriguing character. He is very manipulative and is always more concerned about the lives of others than his own. Holiday: June 14.
Quintiliano means “the one born in the fifth month”, that is to say, in July (in March before the reform of the Roman calendar).
UNIQUE Boy Names That Start With Q
Quintilio means “the one born in the fifth month”, that is, in July (in March before the reform of the Roman calendar).
Quintín is the patronymic of Quintus, that is, of “fifth”. This was the name given to the fifth born in the family. It was common to designate the new member of the family numerically; this happens with names like Octavian, Decius, Primus and Nunio.
The fifth son. Variant: Quentin. Of Latin origin, he is practical, communicative and observant. He is easy to make friends. He is trustworthy and honest. When he sets his mind to something, he almost always gets it.
Quiríaco is one of the graphic variants of Ciriaco, which means “the native of Cyrene” The use of patronymic names as personal names is very common. They reflect the characteristics of a foreign culture in the personality of the human being.
Quirico is the vulgar form of Ciríaco, it means “the native of Cyrene” The use of patronymic names as personal names is very common. They reflect the characteristics of a foreign culture in the personality of the human being.
Quirinus or Quirinus is one of the oldest Roman deities, who has traditionally been identified with Romulus, one of the founders of Rome. Etymologically it derives from the term curia, the political and religious division of the Roman people.