Children are like ships

You may ask, how is it possible that children are like ships? Well, yes, we’ll explain why: children are like ships, they must go out and experience their own storms… and parents are like a safe harbor, where they can always return to recharge their energies, feel safe and move on after.

The port is the safe place

The port will always be the safe place for your children. For as long as the ship (your son) is in port (her home), nothing bad can happen to it. It is preparing to be able to enter the sea, since the destiny of a ship is to be able to avoid the waves of the sea and to be able to travel freely from one place to another. Living their own adventures and overcoming the obstacles that come their way. It will choose its own path, and later, its own ports.

Over time, the ship will become experienced in the sea (life) because it will learn to navigate better and better , although at first, the first trips can be somewhat complicated. Your son will learn that life is the sea and that in the ports, he can always recharge his energies with different people (his loved ones) who will wait for him to hug him when he needs it. But you will always have a favorite port to go to (home with your parents).

We were all born to sail

All of us were born to sail on the sea ​​of ​​life, and although there is protection at home, it is necessary to be able to run our own risks and live the challenges that give us experience to continue learning and growing.

That path will make your children fill with knowledge and strengths, they will be able to move forward thanks to everything they have learned. But for them to be able to achieve this and be successful travelers, you need to let go of the moorings. That you allow them to embark on their journey and that whenever they need it, you are in their preferred port, waiting for them with open arms.

It is true that as parents it is natural to want keep the kids in a safe place, but you don’t have to do it forever. When they are old enough, just as birds take flight when they are ready to do so, you will have to let your children take flight. The stay in the port is only a preparation for them to be able to navigate. You are giving them enough skills to move forward in life as successfully as possible.


What if you don’t want them to set sail?

There are times when parents don’t want that their children set sail and they overprotect them so that they do not do it, but that is not good for them. Perhaps you are one of the parents who want their children to stay in the port forever, but you cannot do that to them. Even if you think that your children will be safe and happy, it is not real. They need to experience life in order to really grow.

Your children came into this world to be raised as good people, to become good citizens. Although their smile is your whole life, you can’t smile for them. You are a great pillar for their happiness, but you cannot be happy for your children… They need to experience that emotion and many others to be able to mature emotionally and grow as a person.

For that they are able to set sail and navigate need to feel loved and sure of themselves. So they can be prepared to start the trip. They will need preparation through values, confidence, virtues, strengths and a good self-esteem.

Let go!

Even if it is not easy for you to let go the moorings, it is necessary to do it. You should feel proud to see your son sail on his own, choosing his course and seeing how his boat is strong and stable, independent and capable of weathering the storms that come its way. If you achieve that, you will have to be happy because it is thanks to you that your child is prepared to advance in the sea of ​​life, in a healthy and independent way.