easy christmas cookie recipes with few ingredients

The Christmas Log is a nice Christmas tradition. It originally consisted of choosing a nice, durable log, decorating it, and letting it burn in the fireplace all through Christmas Day . In the 19th century this tradition passed to the world of confectionery, with this dessert .

This sweet, known as  ‘La Buche de Nöel’ or Christmas Log , is very popular in Europe, and consists of a cake that can be filled with various creams (cream, vanilla, nougat , nuts …) and covered with chocolate.


  • To make the cake:
  • 6 eggs
  • 70 gr of wheat flour
  • 40 gr of cornstarch
  • 80 gr of sugar
  • 100 gr of powdered chocolate
  • To make the filling:
  • 250 ml of liquid cream
  • 200 gr of Jijona nougat
  • To make the coverage:
  • 60 gr of chocolate covering with 70% cocoa
  • 50 ml of liquid cream

A beautiful way to finish Christmas dinner , and an ideal recipe to prepare with your children this Christmas.

How to prepare, step by step, a Christmas Log

1- First, we make the filling. To do this, put 100 ml of cream in the blender, together with the crushed nougat. Beat everything until a homogeneous cream is obtained. Next, divide the pasta in two and separate them in different containers, since one will be for the filling and another for the coverage. Put one of the pasta halves back in the blender and beat it together with the leftover cream, and stir slowly. Put the mixture in the fridge. Christmas Stollen. German panettone recipe for Christmas.


2- Now we will make the cake. To do this, beat 4 yolks and two whites with the sugar with a mixer until a smooth dough is obtained. Separate the whites from the yolks in the other eggs and put them in different containers. Mount the whites until stiff. When they are assembled, add the previous mixture little by little together with the whites until stiff and stir everything carefully.

3- When everything is mixed, add the flour, cornstarch and powdered chocolate, little by little, and stir gently.

4- Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Spread the baking tray with a little butter and pour the cake batter over it, spreading the batter over its entire surface. Bake the tray for about 15 minutes. When the cake begins to brown, remove it from the oven and spread it on a parchment paper and let it cool down.

5- While it cools, prepare the coverage. To do this, we have to cut the chocolate into pieces and pour them into a saucepan. Bring to low heat to melt. Then add the remaining cream and stir. Then add the nougat and cream mixture and stir again. Let it cool down.

6- Meanwhile, fill the cake with the topping that was in the fridge so that it covers its entire surface. With the help of the kitchen paper, carefully roll up the cake, loosely.

7- And to finish, brush with the sauce from the coverage on the surface of the gypsy arm and take it to the fridge to solidify. Take it out of the fridge an hour before serving.

And here we have our Christmas Log .