Today there are still many parents who consider that a spanking or spanking is a good option for their children to focus and realize that they must obey and to learn which way to go. We live in a world where when an adult hits an adult it’s called aggression, but when an adult hits a child, it’s called discipline. This should not be the case.
There are studies that show that spanking is useless for positive behavior change. Spanking, in addition to showing educational frustration on the part of parents, makes children feel ashamed, disconnects and harms children. According to a 2014 UNICEF report, up to 80% of parents around the world spank or spank their children. They think it’s reasonable to do so, but research shows that a spanking leaves a negative emotional mark too deep to be ignored.
Consequences of spanking
A study of more than 50 years of research showed that the more they are hits children, the more damage it does to them emotionally. The study was published in the Journal of Family Psychology and reached this conclusion after a detailed analysis of 50 years of research involving more than 160,000 children. It was clear from the study that spanking was a blow with an open hand to the lower extremities, such as the butt, but that the more children are hit:
- It become more defiant
- Become more aggressive
- Have more antisocial behavior
- May have mental health problems
- You will have more cognitive difficulties
Spanking parents are more likely to be spanking parents
People who were spanked as children will also be more likely to use physical punishment as an educational response in their own children. Usually the justification is: ‘I was spanked and it didn’t hurt me’. Many people who have been spanked try to make believe that they have happy, successful lives with healthy and satisfying relationships. But all this does not change the enormous emotional damage that always comes with a spanking. Maybe they’ll be fine or maybe they’re not. Most likely they are not. There is no research that has shown positive aspects of spanking, however, there is plenty that does show negatives.
There are many people who grew up with spanking, who think that spanking children is reasonable. The harm lies in being desensitized to the use of physical force against children.
Spanking is not a reasonable option
Children learn through the actions of their parents and many times we don’t even realize the messages we are sending them. Spanking or spanking often means many things even if it does not cause physical harm or pain. Spanking or spanking pollutes the way children see themselves, the world and the way they should respond to it. Children will not always listen to what we say, often they do not listen. What they do is watch what we do.
When there is a physical response whether it is in the name of love or discipline, the messages can be subtle, but the potential of these messages can influence them over time. throughout their childhood, in their adult relationships, and throughout their world.
Messages kids get from spanking
These are the messages kids get from spanking or spanking:
- It’s okay to hit someone else if they don’t do what we want
- If someone hits you it’s because they love you
- If someone hits me , it’s because I’ve done something wrong
- If someone hits me, it’s because I deserve it
- Don’t say ‘no’
- Don’t say what you think
- Don’t make mistakes
- Don’t tell the truth to avoid getting into trouble
Positive discipline and emotional education can prevent parents from feeling that spanking or spanking is a good educational option.