Are you worried about the future of your children? We give you a series of tips on how to guarantee the financial stability of your home.

The economic situation of a family can take a 180 degree turn from one day to the next. As a mother, I am very concerned about the future of my loved ones and that is why I always take into account all the advice on how to guarantee the financial stability of my home.

After implementing a series of measures, I have realized that most of them are common sense. We can all improve our economy if we put a little effort . Don’t know where to start? Keep reading to learn some tips that I hope will help you.


Visualize your financial situation for the future

To grow, companies have to know what their assets and liabilities are. Well, home economics is similar. If you have never done them, you should draw a table in which you record what your savings, your income and your expenses are. Then, make a projection of the future so you can see where the family finances will be.

Analyze what percentage of expenses you have over income

In any guide on how to guarantee financial stability that you consult, they will tell you that you must make a budget. Without that exercise, knowing how much money you spend and earn is complicated. And what is more important, it helps you to be clear about what percentage of your income goes to expenses.

The ideal would be, according to the experts, that when adding all the debts, these do not exceed 28% of the income . If you have a mortgage, the percentage should not exceed 36%.

Are you very far from that proportion? Well, I’m sorry to tell you that you have to start cutting costs if you want to guarantee the economic stability of your children. You should start by eliminating the occasional ones, that is, all those that are not necessary. The cinema, restaurants, mid-morning coffee, etc.

The necessary but variable ones, like supplies or food, you should also try to reduce. It is not so difficult. You just have to compare the rates of other operators, try to reduce spending on electricity or set a budget for the supermarket, for example.

Invest for the future

Once you’ve managed to save money, set aside some for an emergency mattress.

What do you do with the rest? It is best to prepare an investment plan for the future. Opt for safe investments and diversify your money .

Right now interest rates are low, but one day they will rise again. Instead of savings plans, you can opt for other types of products that give you a higher return than the rise in the CPI.

Pension and retirement plans will also provide you with extra money to complement your retirement pension.


Another piece of advice that we can give you in relation to how to guarantee the financial stability of your family is to take out insurance that will provide you with financial support for tomorrow. Among the most advisable options you have the following:

  • Life insurance : offers compensation for the death (charged by the beneficiary) or disability of the insured. As the amount will depend on the insured capital, when contracting it it is necessary to calculate what your household expenses will be until your children finish their studies, at least.
  • Accident insurance : as we have indicated in other previous entries, this policy offers economic compensation to insured persons who are unable to work due to illness or accident (as long as they are included in the contract). Most also include death coverage.
  • Study insurance: many life insurance policies include this modality, designed to guarantee that students named as beneficiaries can continue with their studies when their parents can no longer afford the expenses. The educational center receives the money that remains to be paid until the beneficiary’s studies are completed, and the beneficiary receives financial compensation for living expenses.
  • Endowment insurance – Perhaps the least well known, but it is actually becoming more and more popular as it combines the features of life insurance with those of survivors. They are generally of two types:
  1. Temporary : the policyholder can set a date for the beneficiary to receive the agreed amount.
  2. Mixed : the beneficiaries collect compensation when the insured dies before the deadline. If he survives, he is the one who receives the money.

Apart from all that has been said, it is essential that you teach your children the value of money, give them the tools to learn how to manage it and instill in them the importance of saving.