Accident insurance protects the insured and their families from the consequences of suffering an accident or illness during the course of their professional activity or in their daily life

More than 500,000 work accidents, two million domestic accidents, 100,000 traffic accidents with victims… Accidents occur every day both in the workplace and in the private sphere. In many cases it is practically impossible to avoid them, but we can protect ourselves and our families if they happen . Hence the importance of having good accident insurance.


When hiring this policy , several issues must be taken into account. To begin with, the smartest thing is to go to a recognized company, with the experience and solvency necessary to deal with compensation .

The price is also important, but as long as it is not to the detriment of the coverage. As a general rule, accident insurance must include a series of basic coverages:

  • Pay compensation to the beneficiaries in the event that the holder dies under circumstances established in the policy.
  • Cover medical and hospitalization expenses derived from an accident or illness suffered at work or in the private sphere.
  • Pay financial compensation to insurance holders who suffer permanent disability as a result of illness or accident. The amount depends on the degree of disability and what is stipulated in the contract.
  • The payment of an amount destined to adapt the house.
  • Financial aid to pay a person who takes care of the insured when he needs help to carry out his daily tasks.
  • Offer coverage anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day.
  • Access to emergency medical services.
  • 24/7 telephone service available 365 days a year.

Other additional coverage that can be contracted is, for example, receiving compensation in the event that the insured breaks a bone or requires hospitalization. In this last case, in addition to receiving a payment for each day of stay in the hospital , the insurance company also takes care of the transfer of the relatives to the medical center.

There are also policies that include coverage associated with other types of insurance , such as travel assistance, access to private healthcare specialists, advances on funeral expenses or legal protection.

Accident insurance exclusions

The coverages that are not usually contemplated in accident insurance are those related to claims caused intentionally by the insured.

Other assumptions excluded from the collection of compensation for illnesses/accidents are: those suffered before contracting the insurance ; treatments not prescribed by the doctor; participation in a crime; being under the influence of alcohol or drugs; competitive sports; the practice of sports or risky activities; heart attacks; natural disasters and wars.


Accident insurance is part of the so-called personal insurance. Depending on the company, there are several types: death by accident, hospitalization, disability, fractures, etc.

It is important to remember that accident insurance can be purchased as a supplement to other health or life policies . Even the driver’s insurance that is included in some car insurance is accident insurance.

There are also group insurances (a single policy covers several people). Within these, we find:

  • Convention insurance s: protect workers during the exercise of their profession. They are mandatory for companies and the amount of the premium varies depending on the professional activity.
  • Compulsory traveler insurance (SOV): this is a multi-risk policy of transport companies that covers possible compensation to passengers who suffer an accident during the trip.


In conclusion, accident insurance not only protects the insured, providing money to cover health expenses and the payment of an amount during the time they have to be off work . His relatives also receive compensation if he dies. And in the event that he suffers a permanent disability, an economic amount is contemplated for his care.