One of the most important aspects in raising children is sincerity. It is the basis of trust in all families. In this way there will be an affective bond with good communication. If your children are able to tell the truth without fear of retaliation, then they will feel confident and have strong self-esteem. Sincerity strengthens people’s emotional intelligence.
Sincerity and Emotional Intelligence
It is common to resort to lying so that children do things we want or simply to hide some truths that we think it is better that they do not know. It is usually an act to convince them to do something that we think is for their good or to protect them from some conflict.
This tool stops making sense when children begin to understand the difference between truth and lies. Children are a blank canvas and they learn from us, if you lie to them they will lie to you sooner or later. Lying generates an emotional wound that is difficult to heal. Sincerity is a fundamental value and begins to be understood at 5 or 6 years of age (depending on the capacity of each child).
At six years old, children know that lying is just as bad as swearing, but it is at 8 years old when they are able to understand intentional deception. They begin to understand the possibilities that lies offer them how to avoid consequences or punishments… it is necessary to strengthen sincerity so that children do not fall into the spiral of lies. They must understand the importance of being assertive in daily life.
Sincerity through love
It is important that children understand that sincerity is also important for themselves and not only for others. This means that they must learn to be sincere and honest with themselves and accept the mistakes they may make in life and learn from them. Also, to be able to educate in sincerity do not miss these keys to always achieve it from respect, dignity and love.
No judgment
No judge your children, think that things are not done with bad intentions. When you pass judgment on your own children, you will be blocking them emotionally and they will not be able to reflect. Behind a lie there may be your child’s need for you to help him with something that worries him.
Even if you know your child is telling you a lie, listen carefully. Children can act impulsively and say things that are only in their imagination but they do not intend to lie, only to share what is on their mind. These are fantasies that you must listen to understand their true communicative intention.
It is important that you always correct your children assertively and never punitively or in a way that can hurt them emotionally or affect their dignity. Explain to him the consequences of telling lies, this way he can think before he speaks or acts. Butremember that the change from lies to truth doesn’t happen overnight, it takes patience.
Positive reinforcement
Positive reinforcement It is essential for children since in this way you will be positively flattering those correct behaviors. Say phrases like: “I love that you’re so honest with me” or “It’s brave to tell the truth” or also, “I feel proud that you told me the truth even though it cost you to do so ”.
A good example
It is important that you lead by example, don’t lie if you don’t want your children to lie later! If you lie to them, they will think that it is normal to do so and that it is even necessary to have good communication with others. Nothing could be further from reality… Honesty always comes before anything.