Tantrums are normal for any boy or girl, it’s their way of telling you they’re upset about something! In fact, it seems that children have a knack for timing tantrum moments, and they tend to be the most inopportune! They tend to occur more frequently in public places, when you are with more people, when you arrive late, when you want to rest…
It’s true that tantrums can be frustrating for any parent, but they are completely normal. And although it is hard for you to believe, they are also easier to carry than you imagine. Children have tantrums when they are faced with circumstances that they do not know how to manage.
Most of the Children begin the tantrum phase at about 15 months and intensify by age 2 years. It is a normal part of the transition from attachment and dependency on parents to more independent thinking and functioning. Temper tantrums usually subside by age 3 or 4, which is when the child’s communication skills improve. Although of course, tantrums themselves continue throughout life if they are not managed, even adults have tantrums!
Improving communication
Before telling you the steps to end tantrums, first let’s talk about communication. Young children must be taught about communication and even if they do not know how to express themselves correctly through oral language, it is important that they can do it in another way; understanding their emotions.
Parents You can help your children develop a better understanding of their emotions by teaching them to label their feelings. Phrases like: “I see you’re angry” and questions like: “It’s normal for you to feel frustrated because you can’t find your favorite toy” will help children understand what’s happening to them and learn words to express themselves better.
5 steps to stop tantrums
To stop tantrums we are going to do two phases of 5 steps, first we will focus on 5 steps to avoid them and then when they have happened, 5 steps to manage them.
To avoid tantrums
Remember that you cannot avoid them, they are a normal part of growing up, but although they cannot be avoided 100%, it is possible to minimize them.
- Keep a routine. Set times for meals and sleep. Children do better when they know what to expect.
- Communicate transitions. Children tend to be more accepting of change when given advance warning.
- Get enough sleep. Young children should sleep 11-14 hours a day, including naps.
- Anticipate conflict. Know the your child’s triggers and stay away from them.
- Understand their emotions. When your child begins to have emotional conflict it will show in their behavior, anticipate it by understanding their body language.
It is also important that you focus on positive reinforcement. Notice when your child behaves appropriately and reward him for it so that he learns what you expect. Another thing to keep in mind is offering options. Always options! Give your child options but you have to make sure they are acceptable to you.
Good moods turn bad when kids are hungry, tired, or not getting their general needs met. Meet these needs so that successful behavior is imminent.
Tantrum Management
Children can be very happy one moment and have a tantrum the next. epic. If you have to handle a tantrum, then follow these 5 steps to get it under control ASAP.
- Provide a distraction. Offer a different activity or change the setting (physically move to a different place).
- Talk to your child. Accept their feelings and help them find solutions to their problem.
- Offer body contact. Sometimes a child having a tantrum just needs a hug, a little love, or being corrected with all your love.
- A while waiting time. Waiting time should not be a punishment or a negative consequence, it should be an opportunity to calm down and give him a safe space to feel protected and comforted do.
- Don’t give in! Even if he has a tantrum in public, don’t be tempted to give in to your child’s unreasonable demands, this will only cause more tantrums!