Bird with orange spot and plump body

The European robin is a small, plump bird that is distinguished by orange feathers on its face, throat, and chest; as if it were a bib. The upper part of the body is brown and a grayish stripe appears below. The head is large, the beak small, the legs thin and elongated.

It is a very popular bird, easy to recognize and that sings in a particular way. They have a sociable, curious and daring personality. It is distributed mainly throughout Europe, where it is common to see it in bushes or on the ground looking for insects.

Fun facts

  • Young robins do not have orange breasts, but are brown with speckles on top.
  • They make two types of sound: a call and an elaborate song. The first is dry, insistent and repetitive (tac-tac – tac… tac-tac), and the second is more melodious. The whole day is spent singing and claiming, especially very early in the morning.
  • Its stocky or plump shape is no accident. We see it more stuffed during the winter because it fluffs its feathers in such a way that an internal layer of warm air is generated.
  • They are birds that defend their territory a lot, so they are aggressive both with members of their species and with other types of birds.
  • It is common to find it walking on the ground in search of insects to feed on. They go to the highest branches of the trees to sing melodiously.
  • They not only eat insects, such as beetles, ants and spiders, they also eat fruits.
  • They like to build their nests close to the ground, inside natural holes and holes. To do this, look for grass, leaf litter, moss, fine roots, feathers and hair.
  • The European robin is known in some places as the gardener’s friend because it is a bird that is more or less used to the presence of people. It can even get very close when someone works and removes the earth, hoping to find food.