One in three children under the age of six has cavities, being the most prevalent oral disease in childhood. Caries is initiated by the demineralization of the enamel produced by bacteria in the mouth that progressively destroy it.

A diet rich in sugars and inadequate oral hygiene favor the appearance of cavities , as well as other problems that can affect the teeth and gums.

With simple prevention and care of the child’s oral health from the moment the first tooth comes out , we can avoid problems. We give you some keys to take care of children’s teeth and take care of their smile.

How to take care of children’s teeth

The earlier oral hygiene is started, the less likely a child is to develop tooth decay and periodontal disease.

1) Use toothpaste

The dentist can help choose the most suitable one for children between the ages of zero and two. If there are no teeth, the gums can be gently rubbed with a moistened gauze pad, cloth, or special brush.

As soon as the first milk tooth comes out, it will have to be cleaned with a soft pediatric toothbrush. A toothpaste with an appropriate concentration of fluoride specific to your age will be chosen. Let us remember that the SEOP (Spanish Society of Pediatric Dentistry) recommends fluoride in a concentration of 500 ppm between six months and two years and up to six years with a concentration between 1000 and 1450 ppm of fluoride.

As for the amount of pasta they should use: the size of a large rice before the age of two and the size of a pea after that age.

Mouthwashes or mouthwashes can be made from children who are able to use them without swallowing them.

2) A correct brushing

It is very important to monitor children’s brushing, making sure that they use a suitable children’s brush and reach all the spaces of the mouth. Accompany them in brushing at least until they are seven years old.

Many times we trust their good work and then we get unpleasant surprises. Only from the age of 7 or 8 is a child capable of brushing their teeth correctly, cleaning all their faces, meanwhile we must help them to reach where they do not arrive, especially molars and internal faces.

As for the frequency of brushing, before going to bed is the most important, but it is recommended to do it at least twice a day,   preferably three (after the heaviest meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner), to remove the remains of food and prevent tooth decay.

3) Regular visits to the dentist

Specialists recommend making the first visit to the dentist when the child is one year old. The first visit aims to detect and prevent pathologies, early caries or other abnormalities and will mark future behavior. And then reviews, at least once a year.

Of course, go if the child feels pain or sensitivity in the teeth, if he suffers a blow or any other oral problem.

4) Reduce sugar from children’s diet

The WHO recommends not taking more than five teaspoons a day , including those of industrial products, for this it is important to reduce the sugar in the diet of the little ones . Always drink water and avoid soft drinks and sugary juices, avoid industrial pastries and sweets and increase the amount of fruit and choose natural foods over processed ones.

5) Eat a healthy diet

A healthy diet is the ideal ally of a healthy mouth. Not only avoid sugary foods but also eat foods that strengthen teeth, mainly dairy products, vegetables and fruits.