The time has come to choose the name for the girl you are waiting for! To find the name that you like the most, you can take a look at this series of articles on girl names with each letter of the alphabet. You will be able to get many ideas. Do you want a special, pretty name that starts with the letter L? There is a great variety of names with the letter L and for all tastes: long, short, modern, classic, etc. In this baby names article, we help you find girl name with L , such as Laura, Leonor or Lissette. With the meaning and origin.
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The female name Lady is of English origin and is the name of the female title of honor used in Great Britain by the nobility. She is a clueless person who likes social life and bustle. She is very hard-working, spontaneous and loves her freedom.
There are several theories that speak about the meaning of Laila. The first one defends that Laila comes from the Arabic word layl, which translates as “night”, which is why it gives the same meaning to the name. The second indication…
Lamberta is one of the Germanic names that begins, like many others, with the term land, which means “country, place, land”, and is completed by berht, “light, brilliance, brilliance”. In a conventional interpretation, Lamberto is “the illustrious one in his country.” Wikipedia having most famous baby name list.
Landrada has its origin in the Germanic land, which means “country, land”, and rat, “council” or “counselor” (a voice that continues to have the same meaning in modern German). Landrada would mean “the woman counselor in her land”.
The name Lara means “protective goddess of the home”, but it can also be attributed the meaning of “woman who protects her home”, “the one who watches over her family” or simply “the protector”.
Latina has been used as a given name very sporadically, it derives from Latin and means “Latin”, that is, the one belonging to Latium or Lazio. In a previous Latin etymology it was identified with “width”, something currently very doubtful.
The meaning of the name Laura is “a winner”, since it comes from the Latin word laurea, a name given to the crown of laurels that was used symbolically to announce a winner in ancient times. The laurel was used…
Laureano comes from the Latin Laurus, “laurel”, in a symbolic interpretation it is “the one crowned with laurel”, that is to say, that person who is awarded with honors for his bravery. The laurel was a symbol of triumph in ancient times.
Laurencia is a name of the Italian city of Lazio called Laurentum. According to Virgil’s version in “The Aeneid” it was named after a famous laurel consecrated to Apollo. The laurel was a permanent symbol of triumph and honors.
As in the case of Laurencia, Laurentina is a name of the Italian city of Lazio called Laurentum. According to Virgil’s version in “The Aeneid” it was named after a famous laurel consecrated to Apollo.
Lavinia has established itself as a feminine given name thanks to the daughter of the Latin king, named like this and given to Aeneas as his wife. Lavinia is one of the names with an older etymology, and therefore still confusing to us.
Lea is a name with different meanings, since it is used in different countries, such as Germany, Holland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Finland, Slovenia, Croatia, Czechia, Slovakia and Israel. So, if we consider…
Leandra is the union of the two Latin words lón, which means “lion”, and ànér, “man”. In a literal translation it would be “the lion man”. The man who bears this name is characterized by acquiring the qualities of the lion; strength, supremacy and power.
Leda is one of the most beautiful mythological names, it means “lady” and comes from the Mediterranean word lada. Latona, for example, has the same meaning as Leda by sharing etymology. Leda was the beautiful daughter of the king of Aetolia, loved by a Jupiter metamorphosed into a swan.
The meaning of the name Leila is “night”, it derives from the word “layl”.
Leire is a feminine, simple and beautiful name that means legionnaire.
Lena is the Italian and English abbreviation of Maddalena, the name of Magdala, located in Galilee. It is from this place, according to tradition, that Mary Magdalene who assisted Jesus Christ came from.
Leobarda is one of the most common variants of Leopard. Leopard has its origin in the Greek, where “leopard” was a neologism formed by the union of the term that designated the “lion” and the concept of “panther”.
It is a name with a really beautiful meaning. It means “the one belonging to Leucada”, that is to say “the island of white roses”. In the saints we find Santa Leocadia, a Spanish virgin who was a martyr in Toledo in the fourth century.
Leocricia is the Attic form that means “the judge of the people”, that is, the one who, due to her qualities of nobility, honor and impartiality, is erected the center of justice. Santa Leocricia was a maiden from Cordoba, with Mohammedan parents, martyred for her Christian faith in the 9th century.
Leodegaria is a name of Germanic origin formed by the words liut, “people”, and gari, “lance”. It is in its literal translation “the spear of the people”, that is, “the strength, defense and protection of the people”.
Leofrida is the union of two Germanic voices; in the first place by liut, “town, people” (a term that is maintained in modern German), and by frid, “security, protection, protection”. In a literal translation it is “the protection of the people”.
Leonarda is the fusion in a name of two different cultures. On the one hand it is formed by the Greco-Latin term “lion”, and its second term comes from the Germanic etymology hard, “strong”. Its most approximate translation would be “the one who is daring in the fight, the strong in the confrontation”.
Leoncia is the adjective form of León, it would translate as “leonine”. It means the same as the concept inherited by our language; “lion”, is the bold, imperious, daring and brave man. Leoncio acquires the characteristics of the mammal with this name.
Leonela is the diminutive of lion, that is, “little lion”. It means the same as the concept inherited by our language; “lion”, is the bold, imperious, daring and brave man. Leo acquires the characteristics of the mammal with this name.
Leonila is the diminutive of León. It means the same as the concept inherited by our language; “lion”, is the bold, imperious, daring and brave man. Leonilo acquires the characteristics of the mammal with this name.
Leonilda is an etymological hybrid; the first term is of Greek origin and means “lion”, while the second word that the form is hildi, “combat, fight, battle”. The literal translation of her is “the one who fights with the strength of a lion”, she is the fearless warrior.
Leonor appears to be an apheresis of Eleanor. It is a name that derives directly from the gothic alan, “to grow”. She is the woman who experiences great intellectual development. She the one who grows in wisdom.
Leonora is one of the most common variants of Leonor, which in turn seems to be a contraction of Eleanor. She is a name that derives directly from the gothic alan, “to grow up”. She is the woman who experiences great intellectual development.
Leontina is the feminine variant of Leoncio, which is the adjective form of León. It would translate as “leonine”. It means the same as the concept inherited by our language; “lion”, is the bold, imperious, daring and brave man.
Leovigilda is one of the Germanic names that are made up of two different voices; on the one hand liub, “beloved” (the current German lieb comes from this terminology), and secondly by gilds, “courage, bravery”.
Lesbia is a patronymic, it means “the woman belonging to the island of Lesbos”, in the Aegean Sea. This was the island to which the poet Sappho belonged.
Its Latin origin makes laeticia mean “fertility”, but there is a later evolution of the term that makes it share meaning with “joy and happiness”, possibly derived from fertility.
Leuca comes from the original Greek and means “the white, the luminous”. The woman who bears this name acquires the symbols of the term; the pure, white and innocent, and also the enlightened one, the one that obtains the wisdom of the light.
Leucofrina comes from Latin, but has its ancient origin in Greek, meaning “the one with the white eyelashes”. It was the name given to girls born with blonde hair and light eyelashes.
According to its main etymology, Lía (Leah or Lea) is a feminine name that means “tired, languid, melancholic and hard-working”. Because of this meaning, many people tend to believe that women…
Liana is one of the most beautiful abbreviations for Juliana, which in turn is Julio/a’s patronymic name. Iulius is a derivation of the word (d)iu, that is, “god”. It bears a parallelism with the Sanskrit dyaus, “heaven”, from which “the celestial” is supposed, that is, “the god”.
Libania comes from the Latinized form of the Greek Libanius; it means “the tree of incense” and is a loan from an earlier voice, specifically from the Semitic. Libanio is known for being the name of the Greek sophist, teacher of Saint Basil and Saint John Chrysostom.
Liberata is “the liberated one”, that is, the one who has been a slave to some circumstance and has been liberated from it. Symbolically, he is the man with enough courage to stand up, to overcome problems and pernicious situations.
Libertad not only means “freedom” in its pure state, but it already appears in the Latin language under the concept of “libertas”, that is, freedom as a civil right comparable to the citizens of the nation.
In mythology, Libya is the wife of Poseidon, that is, of the Latin Neptune. Formerly Libya designated all of Africa and was named precisely in honor of this mythological character, who is the sister of Asia.
Librada is one of the vulgar forms equivalent to Liberata, which means “the liberated one”, that is, the one who has been a slave to some circumstance and has been liberated from it. Symbolically it is the man with enough courage to stand up, to overcome problems and pernicious situations.
Liceria has an etymology that is not yet clear; it can be relative to two differentiated terms; on the one hand there is a parallelism with the Greek líce, “lluz”, but on the other hand it is also graphically related to lízos, “wolf”.
Licia is one of the names related to the Greek líce, that is to say “light”, being “the illuminated one”. Licia was the nickname of the goddess Diana and, also in mythology, the lover of Apollo.
Licinius was a name of a Roman gens, that is, of a Roman family. Its etymology is not clear nowadays, it seems to come from the root lei-, which means “twisted, bent”. Even so, its meaning is obscure because there are no derived terms with the same root.
Lida is one of the variants of Lidia, it is a patronymic name and means “the one that comes from Lidia”, that is, the one that belongs to the region of Asia Minor. Saint Lydia was a seller of purple in Macedonia, she curiously hosted Saint Paul in her house.
Lydia has the meaning “that which comes from Lydia”, where Lydia is a historical region located in Asia Minor. For this reason, in ancient Rome it was translated as “the woman who is from Lydia”. The name…
Liduvina has a doubtful etymology; the first term that composes it could be assimilated to liut, which means “people, people” (this meaning is still maintained in modern German), while the second is win, “friend”.
Ligia means, thanks to its Greek origin, “the melodious one”, that is, “the one with a sweet and pleasant sound”. Ligia was the name of a legendary siren and one of the characters in Sienkiewicz’s “Quo vadis” of 1895, daughter of one of the kings of the Ligios.
The name Lila can have several meanings depending on its origin, but the most popular currently is the one that refers to the night and means “she who was born at night”. Another theory is that it refers to the flower of…
Lilia comes from the Latin lilium and means “lily”, the flower symbol of purity and innocence thanks to its characteristic whiteness. It seems that this name comes from an ancient Indo-European language.
Liliana seems to be a Hispanization of the Anglo-Saxon Lilian, that is, derived from Elisabeth. She means “the oath of God” or “God is my oath”. The interpretation that seems more accurate is that of “God is my true oath.”
Liliosa is one of the variants of Lilia, it comes from the Latin lilium and means “lily”, the flower symbol of purity and innocence thanks to its characteristic whiteness. It seems that this name comes from an ancient Indo-European language.
Lina is the feminine of the Latin linus, meaning “linen”, the thread that symbolizes life. Linos was an important mythological character, son of Apollo and one of the muses, who is credited with the appearance of the melody.
Linda is the most common abbreviation of Germanic names such as Gundelinda, Adelinda or Belinda. It comes from the rais lent-, which means “soft, flexible, soft”. Lind designated the snake in Old German precisely because it is the most flexible animal.
Lioba is a Germanic hypocoristic of nouns beginning with vos liub, meaning “kind, beloved, dear” (meaning inherited from Modern German “lieb”). Lioba stands out as a feminine given name for its pleasant sound and its beautiful meaning.
The female name Lisbeth has a biblical origin and means ‘she who loves God’. It is a variant of the names Elisabet and Elizabeth. He is a nice, sociable and witty person who likes to be around people.
The name Lissette means “the promise of God”.
Lita is a diminutive that can correspond to names such as Carmelita, Isabelita, etc… At present, the direct use of diminutives that replace the symbolism of a given name is very common.
Name of Latin origin that means “plain”. Taking nothing for granted and investigating the motivations of their routines and habits is their way of facing their personal transformations. He knows how to defend his ideas with energy and tends to exercise leadership among his friends.
Lola is a derivation of the name Dolores. It means “the woman who endures or endures difficulties” or “the woman who resists suffering”. It is typical of tireless, energetic women with a lot…
The meaning of the name Lorelay is “slate rock”, it is the name of a rock on the Rhine River, where it is said that a mermaid came out and perched on top of it. Its mythological meaning refers to a sweet…
The name Lorraine means “the one who was born in Lorraine”, that is, it refers to the native women of Lorraine, a historical region located in France.
Lorenza is one of the variants, which has evolved historically, of Laurentina. This name is a gentile of the Italian city of Lazio called Laurentum. According to Virgil’s version in “The Aeneid” it was named after a famous laurel consecrated to Apollo.
Loreto is one of the Advocations of the Virgin Mary, in the province of Ancona. Tradition has it that the house in Belem, where Jesus was born, was transferred to a field of Laurels by the angels and that is where…
Italian variant of the name Lorenzo. From the Latin root “Lorus“, means “That laureate or awarded after the battle”. With a strong personality, authoritarian and domineering, independent and opportunistic, he usually occupies managerial positions in his job.
Lot means “veil, gauze, covering” in Hebrew. It is the name of the biblical character, Abraham’s nephew, who was saved along with his family from the destruction of the city of Sodom.
Loth is one of the graphic variants of Lot. Lot means “veil, gauze, covering” in Hebrew. It is the name of the biblical character, Abraham’s nephew, who was saved along with his family from the destruction of the city of Sodom.
Lourdes is a name that means “the irreplaceable woman”, “the unique woman” or “the woman who is loved”. Also, some historians attribute the translation of “the one that comes from…
Luana’s name has different meanings, depending on its origin, thus, in Hawaiian, it means “happy and satisfied”, while in Teuton it would be “warrior full of grace”. Therefore, depending on its root…
Lucana is a name for Lucana, which means “morning, morning”. It is the beginning of the day, the hope towards new projects and illusions. It comes from the Indo-European root luc-, “luminous, illuminated”.
Lucelia is a hybrid of two feminine given names Celia and Luz. Celia is the name of a well-known Roman gens, whose foundation is due to the Etruscan Celes Vibenna, who also gave his name to the hill today called Lateralense.
The name Lucia means “the one who was born with the first light of day”.
Luciana is the patronymic of Lucio, in old Latin Lucia. It comes from the term lux, “light”. Formerly it was used to designate those born with the first light of the sun. Symbolically it would be “the enlightened one”, the one who is guided by light and reason.
Lucila is the diminutive of Lucio. It comes from the term lux, “light”. Formerly it was used to designate those born with the first light of the sun. Symbolically it would be “the enlightened one”, the one who is guided by light and reason.
Lucina is the Roman goddess of childbirth, its translation would be “the one who helps give birth”, related to the root luc-, “light”. Formerly it was used to designate those born with the first light of the sun.
Lucinda is a poetic variant of Lucina, the Roman goddess of childbirth. Its translation would be “the one that helps to give birth”, related to the root luc-, “light”. Formerly it was used to designate those born with the first light of the sun.
Lucinia derives from Latin and means “the one belonging to Lucina”. Lucina is the Roman goddess of childbirth, its translation would be “the one who helps give birth”, related to the root luc-, “light”. Formerly it was used to designate those born with the first light of the sun.
Lucretius was in ancient times the name of a Roman gens, of Sabine origin. A relationship can be established, in popular etymology, with lucrum, “gain, profit”. But its true origin is that it was the name of one of the three primitive tribes; the lights, according to the Etruscan Volnius.
Lucy is the modern English form of Lucia. Lucía is the feminine of Lucio, which comes from the term lux, “light”. Formerly it was used to designate those born with the first light of the sun. Symbolically it would be “the enlightened one”, the one who is guided by light and reason.
Ludgarda is the union of two Germanic voices; on the one hand luit, “town, people” (still used in modern German), and gard, “dwelling, house, shelter, protection”. In a literal translation she is “the abode of the people”.
Ludmila is one of the few names of Slavic origin that has been preserved today, its literal translation is “the beloved of the people”. Its name is remembered thanks to Saint Ludmila, a bohemian duchess from the 10th century, who was the grandmother of Saint Wesceslao.
Ludovica is one of the Russian variants of Luis, which is one of the names with a broader historical tradition. Despite its Germanic origin, it has a prolific use in Latin countries thanks to the fact that it has been one of the royal names.
Luisa is one of the names with a broader historical tradition. Despite its Germanic origin, it has a prolific use in Latin countries thanks to the fact that it has been one of the royal names. Its literal meaning is “illustrious warrior”, “the celebrated and famous man”.
The female name Louisiana is of German origin and means ‘famous warrior’. He is a prudent and upright person, who knows how to recognize his mistakes and is clear and frank. She is also graceful as well as delicate.
The meaning of Luján is “to shine”, since it derives from the Latin word luxare. Balanced and patient, in solidarity with others, she will commit herself to social causes and will know how to apply her diplomatic capacity in…
Luminosa is the feminine of luminosus; its literal translation is “the one that gives off light”, “the luminous one”, “the brilliant one”. It comes from lumen, which is a specific focus of light, not the general light (which would be comparable to the sun) and would be reflected in the differentiated Latin term lux, “light”.
The name derives from the Latin “moon”, which is a contraction of “lucina” meaning “to shine” and “to illuminate”. The name Luna refers to the satellite that revolves around the Earth. Asíl Luna literally means “the…
Lupe is the most widespread diminutive of Guadalupe, which has had a much discussed etymology. It seems that its most accurate origin is Arabic, meaning “river of love”, with the symbology that this implies.
Luperco is “the wolf god”, due to the influence of Luperca; “the wolf goddess” who suckled Romulus and Remus. Its etymology is formed by the words lupus, “wolf”, and arceo, “maintain, contain”. Symbolically, this name acquires the characteristics of “chief of a lineage”, “origin of the family”.
Lutgarda is one of the most common variants of Ludgarda, which is the union of two Germanic voices; on the one hand luit, “town, people” (still used in modern German), and gard, “dwelling, house, shelter, protection”.
Luz, as a feminine given name, is one of the Dedications to the Virgin Mary. It comes from the Latin lux, “light”, and symbolically represents the strength of daylight, it is “divinely illuminated”. The diminutive of the name is Lucita and its hypocoristic Fight.
Lya is one of the graphic variants of Lía. It comes from the original Hebrew leah, which means “tired, languid, melancholic”. There is another interpretation of the etymology according to which leah would be “mountain cow”.
Lyda is one of the widely used graphic variants of Lida, which in turn is another of the variants of Lidia. Lidia is a patronymic name and means “the one that comes from Lydia”, that is, the one that belongs to the region of Asia Minor.