How many hours do your children study a day? Perhaps you think that the time they spend studying is little or, on the contrary, that it is not enough  because the results are not what they expected. In reality, study time should not be valued by the number of hours a child spends learning, but rather by the quality of the time she spends. Less time is better, but higher quality.

In fact, children should be children and they do not have to spend all day studying, far from it, nor is it appropriate for them to spend hours and hours doing homework after having been at school for a large part of the day. They must have free time, play, enjoy and be with family.

For this, it is important and necessary that parents are aware of the maximum hours that their children should spend in front of books and not force them to spend more time. If your child is angry, this is how you can talk to him…  Although the results are not always as expected. In fact, children should not be rewarded only for results, but rather for effort.

Facing the school year well

So, if you want your children to face the school year well, they need to learn but have the necessary tools to do so. They should be aware that effort is necessary to get good results, and thus, study habits will practically appear on their own once you teach them what to do.

First, you must take into account not only his age, but also his ability to learn and the maturity he has at the moment. Once you have reached this point, you must assess how many hours they should study according to their age.

concentration and study

How do your children concentrate? Because if you have children who have a hard time concentrating, then you should take this into account. ¿Why is it so important? Because sometimes, children are required more than they can perform, demanding levels of concentration for which they are not prepared and therefore easily frustrated. With this frustration, feelings of insecurity and incapacity appear that, over time, can cause an undesirable school failure for them.

In this sense, it is necessary to opt for a real study time where the children mark it depending on what their own rhythm is. In order for a child to be able to learn and absorb information well, in addition to instilling the value of effort and setting certain guidelines for study habits, it is necessary to take into account their developmental pace and the time they are capable of learning without becoming too overwhelmed.

This means that it is better to set short study rhythms, especially in young children, and gradually increase when you see that they begin to respond correctly at this time.

Study hours guide for your children

Of course, and before starting with the study hours guide, it should also be borne in mind that children need rest periods so that their minds can wander a bit before concentrating again.

  • 6 years. If your child is 6 years old, he will maintain attention for 10 to 30 minutes, 30 minutes being unlikely. Little by little and with good study habits, he will begin to understand that he must spend some time sitting down to do his homework.
  • 7 years. Your attention span may increase up to 35 minutes. Knowing that he has to sit down to do his homework, but you may have to remind him regularly.
  • Eight years. At this age, attention span increases to 40 minutes, but you should also remind him of the importance of effort and of sitting down every day to do his homework.
  • 9 years. He can hold his attention for up to 45 minutes, and with good study habits, he’ll know to sit at his desk without being reminded.
  • 10 years. She can pay attention for up to 50 minutes and begin to do her homework autonomously, but she will still need help to understand some concepts that are abstract for her.
  • More than 10 years. From this age, the ideal continuous study time is 1 hour, with its corresponding 10-minute break. Rest patterns are essential for the mind to recover energy.

This study schedule guide is not something that should be inflexible, far from it! In fact, children need flexibility so that they can concentrate better and feel understood and listened to at all times. It is necessary to take into account their emotions so that they can do their tasks, the motivation for said task and also, the difficulty of it.

Help your children with their homework and little by little, withdraw that help until they are able to think and do their things more autonomously, but being by their side whenever they need it.