Teenagers are not easy to deal with, but the reality is that from one day to the next they go from being children to being teenagers. Teenage children want more freedom and want to show their identity, the one they are forming for when they reach adulthood. Adolescents must also accept the responsibility that comes with independence… something that is sometimes not always easy for them to accept.
The extra responsibility also means that children’s abilities can be relied on to handle complicated tasks on their own, without there having to be a constant adult supervision. Little by little, building responsibility will make the transition to independence easier for everyone. Teenagers need your support, learn to be more independent and take care of themselves through responsibilities. But, how to get it?
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Review the responsibilities of your teenagers
The first thing to do is review your children’s responsibilities, the ones they currently have. So you can get an idea of what he really does day after day. Common responsibilities for teens include cleaning their room, doing their homework, working part-time, taking care of their belongings, paying their entertainment expenses, etc.
Thinking in the responsibilities that your child can perform
Look for the tasks that your child may be frustrated with. For example, if he doesn’t like doing the dishes, you can choose another household chore to take care of, such as doing the laundry. It is necessary for your adolescent to understand that her responsibility is necessary to be able to have her independence, that not everything is going out with friends. Do not force him to responsibilities, reach agreements and positive and negative consequences in case he does not carry them out.
Responsibilities should be gradual
It is important that you add the responsibilities to your teenagers gradually, so that they do not feel too overloaded with tasks, but that they can develop them little by little without frustration. For example, you can start by telling your child to put their dirty clothes in separate baskets -color, white-. After that fold and put away her clean clothes when they are already washed . Over time, teach her how to do laundry and have her store, fold and put it away herself.
Teach your children the new skills
Teenagers need to learn the necessary skills to be able to carry out their responsibilities, by this I mean, do not tell them to do something if they do not know how to do it, because they will only get frustrated before begin. If, for example, you want him to clean his bedroom thoroughly, you should show him where the cleaning products are, what tools are necessary and you can give him a few tips to clean more efficiently.
Let them make their own decisions
Adolescents need to feel that they are in control of their lives, otherwise they may have inappropriate reactions, but this does not mean that they should control all aspects of their lives. life, far from it. They need your guidance and guidance at all times, even if they tell you it isn’t.
Listen to what they want to tell you, and offer your support without making decisions for your teenagers, make the decisions together. Listen to their thoughts, their emotions and try to see things from their point of view. You can talk the pros and cons of things and then come to logical agreements where it’s a win-win.
Allow for natural consequences
If there’s one thing it teaches teens, this they are certainly the natural consequences that come from his actions, even when you want to get him out of trouble. If you give him the responsibility to manage his tasks, you allow him to fail if he doesn’t. If he forgets to wash his soccer uniform, let him see the natural consequences of not doing it.He must understand what his responsibility is and not think that his responsibility -which he is not interested in- belongs to others.
Boost confidence in your child
You can verbally help build and reinforce confidence with your teens. Taking on a new responsibility can be intimidating for a teen, but if he knows he has your support (and not criticism or rejection if he does it wrong), he can feel more confident to do it.