Most children who do not yet write will improve in this skill through the school years. As parents, we like to keep our children’s first writings -except for homework-. Writing is a big part of kids’ everyday lives at school, but sometimes not at home. That’s why it’s important for parents to help kids develop good writing skills. writing during the elementary years.
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When they start writing
Technological advances in education have taught us that reading and writing development are intertwined in children’s early learning.The act of writing words increases a child’s ability to read. The complementary relationship between reading and writing continues long after these early efforts, so parents can help improve these skills greatly by fostering the habit of writing in childhood. The first step is to enable phonetic writing instead of worrying too much about correct spelling.
Focusing on the building blocks of good writing
A rich language environment is the foundation of good writing. Learn easy ways to build children’s language through games and activities that develop vocabulary and increase the range of words that the child will know to write correctly. The word games are classic and fun is guaranteed for the whole family.
Another idea is to review your child’s homework and check for possible spelling and punctuation errors to reinforce their skills. When your child is writing, allow him to write in draft so that, if necessary, he can check what he should modify later in the writing. Marking the errors in the writing is important so that the child can correct it and realize the mistakes made.
Provide tools and opportunities for writing
It’s a good idea to have fun paper and pencils at home to encourage them to write. You can keep note cards or stationery tools at home to write letters and notes to friends and family. If they see this as a regular habit at home, they will do it as normal too. Allow your children to write the shopping list before going to the store. If you think your child has a creative streak, you can give him writing books or writing activities that will encourage him to develop this talent.
Writing strategies for Primary children
Jessie Wise and Susan Wise Bauer talk about the writing process in two steps for elementary students. The first step is oral composition practice. First, the child is encouraged to talk about what he is going to write. The second step is the practice of dictation. Children learn to put words on paper by copying phrases from books or dictating a story, this step teaches sentences and paragraph structure.
It takes about ten years for elementary school children to getting practice writing and starting to write well. What is needed is to stimulate practice, build a language corner at home, talk a lot and about everything, and not be critical of the creative efforts of child’s writing…whether it’s for something fun or to encourage a love of writing at a young age.
How do you encourage your children’s writing skills at home? Do you provide them with the necessary tools so that they feel the importance of reading and writing in their daily lives?