Currently one of the phrases we are using the most is “I miss you”. We miss our loved ones, those who are not by our side. Missing is a common feeling that we all feel at some point in our lives, but if you want to tell someone, you’ll have to know how to spell it correctly!


Homophones are words that have the same pronunciation but are spelled differently and have different meanings. Today, there are still people of all ages who have doubts and do not know if the expression “I miss you” is written with ho without h.

In order to know if it is written with ho without it, you just have to think about the meaning of the word. “Echo” comes from throwing and done “done” to do, but when we talk about the expression “I miss you” or “I start to cry” or also “it has been spoiled” the meaning of the word can confuse you. From now on you will be able to know perfectly if it is with ho without h.

Done or echo

Keep in mind the following:


It means to throw, expel, put or deposit. So “hechar” is a word that simply does not exist. You just have to remember when to write: echo, echo, echoes, and when done, done, done, done. All forms of the conjugated verb are written without h. Examples:

  • I miss you
  • I always put the garbage in the bin
  • If you put so much salt it won’t be good

Sure, When we say “I miss you” we don’t mean that we are throwing something or someone… It is the verb throw but with a different phrase. Let’s see:

  • Missing means “longing”
  • Spoiling means spoiling
  • Echar together with infinitive means action indicated by the infinitive (to start walking)

 It is written done or echo

When to write done, done, done, done

Done and done, and their plurals, are the participle of verb to do, and are written with h. In addition, “fact” is also a masculine noun meaning “thing that is done or happens” and can be part of the expression “in fact”.

Examples of fact such as past participle of do

  • I’ve made dinner for everyone
  • This week’s homework is done
  • These dream catchers are made by hand
  • The lentils are already made

Examples of fact as a noun

  • It is a fact that they have divorced
  • In fact, I thought it was different from what you said
  • “In fact”, it is always written with h

How to know if it is written echo or fact

If you still have doubts about whether you have to write echo or echo, you can take into account some tips to remember it from now on:

    • If it is preceded by a subject or a pronoun then you will be faced with the conjugated form of “echar”: “Luis misses his mother”

If it is preceded by a verbal form (conjugated verb) it will be a participle of doing: “He is furious after the news they gave him”

From now on! it will be easier for you to correctly spell “echo” or “done”!