Both adults and children can feel confused when writing “rayar” or “gratar” because they do not know if they should use “y” or “ll” in each specific case. Therefore, it is necessary that you learn as soon as possible how to write and when to do it so that it is correct.
We are dealing with homophones and it is necessary to know their differences in order to write them correctly. They are words that sound the same but have different meanings. What is the difference between “scratch” and “scratch”?
Difference between “scratch” and “grate”
The “y” and the “ll” have the same sounds and are distinguished when writing them because there are words that require one consonant and not the other. Both cases are verbs , but their meanings are totally different. Let’s see:
- To scratch: to mark something with a line using an object.
- Grate: Gratin something or grate it with a grater.
Verbs are always actions that are performed and knowing them is essential to be able to choose the correct letter in each case. It is necessary to know what action you want to transmit in order to write it well.
It is possible that when you pronounce the words you do not notice that difference, but you only have to think about the meaning of the word you are using to know how it is written. In this case, the context is fundamental to be able to understand what is meant.
If you are going to say that you will grate the cheese before dinner, we know that you will have to use the “ll”, instead if you say that you are going to scratch the mural with the color purple, you will know that you will have to use the “y”.
lightning and lightning
Within this, we also want to talk to you about the difference between “rallo” and “lightning”. When we talk about “grating” we are referring to a food grater or to the first person of the present tense of the verb “grating”. Instead, a “ray” is a line of light made up of energy.
In order not to get confused when writing both terms, it is essential that you know what each of them means. Only in this way can you avoid absurd confusions that could make you have quite important spelling errors.
Examples for you to understand better
Next we are going to explain some examples so that you understand it better and in this way, you can write the words knowing why and with the certainty that you are doing it right. Let’s see.
grate or grate
- let me grate the carrot
- If you want, I also grate the cheese for the gratin
- When you can, grate the tomato for the dinner sauce
If you want to distinguish it even better, you can take into account a trick to make “grating” easy for you: it is almost always used in cooking terms.
lightning or scratch
- Please stop playing the record you’re going to scratch it
- Yesterday I saw lightning strike on the horizon
- Last night my car was scratched and now I have to take it to the workshop
As you can see, it is very easy to remember it in order to write it well. If you used to make mistakes and you didn’t know if you had to use “y” or “ll”, now that you know what each term means and how you should use it, it will be much easier for you to get good results in your writing with these two words. even though they are pronounced the same.
Although the words look a lot alike and are even pronounced exactly the same, from now on you will have it much easier. And remember “raiar”, it doesn’t exist and you shouldn’t use it when speaking or writing! Also, if you pronounce it correctly, you will realize that it is not well said, let alone written!
You won’t have a problem with these two words anymore!