The multiplication of 9 is one of the most complicated tables to learn since it works with high odd figures. However, if the children have already mastered the previous tables and know what this mathematical operation consists of, they should not have great difficulties in learning the table of 9. To make their work easier and to make sure that they understand this multiplication well, explain its properties in a simple way. simple. Learn the multiplication table of 10.
How to explain to children the multiplication table of 9?
Children who already know the essence of multiplication will quickly understand the properties of the table of 9. Basically, its products are the result of adding nine times the multiplicand. This means that the results are the ninefold of the multiplicand. For children to understand more clearly, this implies that 9 x 6 is the same as adding nine times 6, that is, 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6, the result is 54 . Learn the multiplication table of 5.
To lighten the load for children, there is a very simple trick that can be applied to the results of the multiplication of 9: the first digit increases progressively from 0 to 9, while the opposite occurs in the second digit, descending from staggered form from 0 to 9. For example, the first three results of multiplication by 9 are: 9, 18 and 27, as can be seen, the first number goes up (0, 1 and 2) while the second goes down ( 9, 8 and 7). Learn the multiplication table of 6.
Exercises to learn the multiplication table of 9
Teaching children the multiplication table of 9 does not have to be boring, there are many educational activities with which you can exercise the table in a different and entertaining way. From logic exercises and card games to music sessions or materials activities, the options are almost endless for them to have fun while putting their math skills to the test. In Stage Infant we have made a compilation of some ideas to do at home. Learn the multiplication table of 7.
1. Math toys
There are toys that are much more than just entertainment for children and, in addition to entertaining them, help them develop their mathematical skills. These are toys specially designed for children to exercise their knowledge of multiplication tables, such as this magnetic tube from Meridy, which they will take great advantage of since it not only allows them to exercise multiplication, but also other operations such as addition, subtraction and the division. Learn the multiplication table of 8.
2. Card games
Board games with cards or cards are an excellent alternative for children to practice multiplication and especially the table of 9. If you have skills with crafts, you can make your own game with cards at home. You only need some cards on which you will write the multiplication operations on the one hand and the results on the other. In this way, the children will have to guess the results of the cards that appear, then turn them over to check if they have been successful or not. If you don’t want to get too complicated, you can also find multiplication card games on Amazon, like this version of Cayro .
3. Musical sessions
Music is a great ally of children’s learning, it not only stimulates children’s concentration and encourages their creativity, but also helps them to better fix knowledge. For this reason, a good strategy for children to learn the table of 9 is to organize musical sessions with themes on this multiplication, such as this catchy rumba by Miliki with which children can also have fun while they learn.
The multiplication table of 9
- 9 x 1 = 9
- 9 x 2 = 18
- 9 x 3 = 27
- 9 x 4 = 36
- 9 x 5 = 45
- 9 x 6 = 54
- 9 x 7 = 63
- 9 x 8 = 72
- 9 x 9 = 81
- 9 x 10 = 90
9 multiplication table to print
Having a multiplication table of 9 printed to hang in the room of the smallest of the house or to carry it in his notebook is also a good resource for them to exercise this multiplication. In this way, they will be able to consult the table every time they do not remember a result or if they want to verify the product of a specific multiplication. Here is a multiplication table of 9 that you can print for the little ones at home.