Spain is a country with a very rich and complex hydrography. Not only is it bathed by various seas and has many lakes, but it also has an extensive network of rivers that extends throughout the country. Home to a great diversity of species and a source of drinking water supply, Spanish rivers play an essential role in the development of numerous economic and social activities. They are also a regular meeting point for recreational and leisure activities.

In fact, did you know that there are about 90 rivers and tributaries throughout the Spanish territory ? Of these, there are actually only 8 main ones: the river Miño, the Ebro, the Duero, the Tagus, the Júcar, the Guadiana, the Segura and the Guadalquivir. With an area of ​​80,600 km² and the third largest basin in the Iberian Peninsula, the Tagus River, which runs through the autonomous communities of Aragón, Castilla La Mancha, Madrid and Extremadura, is the longest in the country. However, it is not the most powerful. The largest river in Spain is the Ebro, with an average flow of 600 m3/s and the largest hydrographic basin in the national territory.

Without a doubt, these are very interesting curiosities that children will love to know. However, keep in mind that children tend to get bored with so many numbers and names, so a simple and fun way for them to learn the main rivers in Spain, their location and main characteristics is through maps. In Stage Infantil we have selected some of the best maps that represent the Spanish rivers to work with children.

3 maps of the rivers of Spain ideal for children

1. Map of the main rivers of Spain

This map of the main rivers of Spain precisely describes the 8 most important rivers of the Iberian Peninsula. Unlike traditional hydrographic maps, it represents them in a very simple and educational way so that children can easily learn where they are born and into which sea they flow. As it is a map of beautiful contrasts, it can also become a perfect decorative element for the room of the smallest of the house. In this way, they will not only give a different touch to the space, but the little ones will be able to review their knowledge every time they see it.

2. Physical map of rivers and tributaries in Spain

This physical map of Spain represents the rivers of the Iberian Peninsula and their main tributaries. It also describes their location, identifying the autonomous communities and cities they pass through. At first it may seem a bit convoluted, but it is undoubtedly an excellent resource for children to go a step further in their knowledge of geography and learn first-hand about the main physical characteristics of Spanish rivers. Also ideal for printing, it can become a perfect study tool for children who are studying rivers at school.

3. Blank physical map of the rivers of Spain

Blank maps are an ideal teaching resource for children to exercise their knowledge. In this case, it is a silent physical map that describes the course of the main rivers of Spain and some of its most important tributaries. Without a doubt, it is an excellent tool for children to easily review the name and location of rivers. To make their job easier, you can print the map so that the children can manipulate it or even write the name on top of the rivers. In fact, it can become a good resource to organize different activities on geography with the little ones at home.

3 activities to familiarize children with the maps of Spanish rivers

Maps are not only a good resource for children to learn about the rivers of Spain, but also to have a fun time while putting their imagination to the test. There are many activities that you can organize with the maps of the Spanish rivers, from location and identification games to question and answer games. Here are three fun ideas for some quality family time.

1. Identification Game

A very fun game that children will love consists of pointing out the different Spanish rivers on a map. For this, the printed silent map will be used and cards with the names of the different rivers will be made. The idea is that on each turn the players take a card and locate the named river. If you don’t want to get too complicated, it can also be done orally, with the participants choosing the name of the rivers each turn. To add a dose of complexity to the game, you can ask for other information such as the autonomous communities they cross or their main characteristics.

2. Location game

Another very entertaining idea for children to test their knowledge about the rivers of Spain with the help of a map is to ask them to locate them. Whether with thumbtacks, colored stickers or even markers, the idea is for them to name the different rivers and their tributaries. If you still have some to discover, you can complete the map as you learn new rivers. Another option is to use a thread from pin to pin to connect the different rivers. The result will be an abstract figure that, as rivers are added, will change shape.

3. Curiosity game

The little detectives at home will be delighted to play at identifying the main rivers of Spain from their curiosities. To do this, you can create cards with some curiosities and details about the rivers, such as: what is the longest river in Spain? What is the largest river in Spain? Or what rivers flow into the Mediterranean Sea? A simple and fun way for children to learn a little more about Spanish rivers and learn to locate them on a blank map. You can find many of these curiosities on the Internet, but there are also encyclopedias with very curious facts about the country’s rivers.