Each name is unique and special without a doubt, that is why we have made a compilation where we will tell you the pertinent data and information that you must take into account when choosing a name. We know that there may be several options that you have at this time, and you may still continue to go round and round about which one of them you are finally going to choose. To help you in this arduous task (which is not easy at all), we have summarized each name and this time we are going to explain the meaning of Claudia .
Etymology of the name Claudia:
According to anthroponymic studies the name Claudia is considered to derive from the families of Ancient Rome , the gens Claudia. Belonging to the branch of the patricians, Appius Claudius Sabinus settled in Rome with his family during the early days of the Roman Republic. From there the nomen Claudius became popular. Lady Claudia, who was the first wife of Emperor Augustus during the 1st century BC, is known. Claudia Sessa was a 16th-century Italian singer, instrumentalist, and composer who participated in the Baroque genre at a very young age. Claudia of Rome, also known as Claudia Matrona, was a Breton woman who, after being martyred, considered herself a saint of the Catholic Church. Claudia is the variant of the name in Spanish and English.
The gradation of the name Claudia is maintained in most languages. Claudine or Claudette in French, Cláudia in Portuguese, Gladys in Welsh, Claudie in Swedish, Klaudia in Polish, Klaudie in Czech, Klaudija in Croatian, Klavdija in Slovenian, Klaydiya or Klaya in Russian, Kladiva in Bulgarian.
Famous people named Claudia:
Claudia Joan Alexander
- American astronomer, geophysicist, geologist and planetary scientist : she was born in Vancouver in 1959. She is a researcher dedicated to the study of geophysics and planetary science. Since graduating from college he began to earn distinctions. He worked with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the United States Geological Survey. He was chairman of NASA’s mission to Jupiter called Galileo and on the Rosetta mission. He is a member of the American Geophysical Union and created a scholarship that bears his name in support of science students at the University of Michigan.
Claudia Paola Soto Figueroa
- Chilean soccer player: She was born in Aysén in 1993. She generally plays in the position of defensive midfielder and her team is UC of the Chilean Women’s First Division, as well as playing for the Chilean national team. He began his sports career at the age of 6 when he played in his first children’s team. He later played for Chile’s under-17 team in the Soccer World Cup. He has participated in several championships such as the Copa Libertadores, the Copa América, among others.
Claudia Amengual Puceiro
- Uruguayan translator, teacher and writer : she was born in Montevideo in 1969. She graduated as a public translator and a graduate in letters, and traveled to Europe to complement her studies at the Complutense University of Madrid. She has been a university professor of literary translation and was chosen as one of the most outstanding writers in Latin America. Her writings have won several literary contests such as the Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Award, the National Golden Citizen Award, and the Legion Book Award, among others.
General characteristics of the most famous people named Claudia:
They are usually risky, courageous and given to adventure . In general, they are very determined people who manage a rational and analytical mentality. They tend to look for weaknesses to improve them by turning them into strengths. They are usually calm, serene and devious, although sometimes they tend to open up to the world with their spontaneity. They like to stand out and do things their way, they tend to take control of situations to ensure that everything goes as planned.