Each name is unique and special without a doubt, that is why we have made a compilation where we will tell you the pertinent data and information that you must take into account when choosing a name. We know that there may be several options that you have at this time, and you may still continue to go round and round about which one of them you are finally going to choose. To help you in this arduous task (which is not easy at all), we have summarized each name and this time we are going to explain the meaning of Enzo .

Etymology of the name Enzo:

According to anthroponymic studies, the name Enzo is considered to be the Italian variant that comes from the German word Heinz , used in the composition of several names. Some versions indicate that it is related to the Germanic word anzo which means “giant ant”. Despite the derivation, the use is extended throughout Italy mainly from the thirteenth century where it became popular thanks to Enzio of Sardinia, son of the Holy Roman Emperor. The name quickly became popular in all those countries that were destinations for Italian immigrants during the 19th and 20th centuries, mainly in South America and the south of France. Enzo is the variant of the name in Italian.


It is considered that Enzo could be the diminutive in Italian of several names with which Enrique, Vicenzo, Crescenzo, Laurenzo, Lorenzo, Fiorenzo or Innocenzo are related. Heinz in German, Ant in Polish, A variant of the name can be Anzo. A feminine variant of the name can be Enza.

Famous people named Enzo:

  • Enzo Cucchi

    • Italian artist, painter and sculptor : born in Morro d’Alba in 1949. He is known as one of the representatives of the Italian Trasavantgarde. He uses techniques such as painting, charcoal drawings and collage, in addition to experimenting with other materials such as earth, metal or burned wood. He tends to draw what he writes, giving his works a great symbolic charge. He is awarded the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic and his works are in museums such as the Art Institute of Chicago, the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Georges Pompidou Center in London, the Louvre Museum, among many others.
  • Enzo Avitabile

    • Italian saxophonist, composer, musician and singer : also known as Vincenzo Mercurio, he was born in Naples in 1955. He began studying the saxophone when he was 7 years old and later graduated in flute. His performances have won awards such as two David di Donatello Awards, two Nastri d’Argento, a Globi d’oro two Ciak d’oro and an André Award, in addition to having been the winner of the Bari International Film Festival, with the majority of his awards are for best original song.
  • Enzo Bearzot

    • Former Italian football player and coach : also known as Vecio, he was born in Aiello del Friuli in 1927. Initially his career developed when he played as a defender for several Italian teams, becoming a coach on a couple of occasions. His relationship with the sport was consolidated when he became a coach and led the Italian under-23 team and the senior team. He led the Italian team 104 times, managing to win several World Championships and European Championships.

General characteristics of the most famous people named Enzo:

People who bear this name are usually charming, charismatic and full of energy . Sometimes they can also be creative, imaginative and very scattered people. They are very easily distracted and seem to live in a fantasy world. This leads them to be extremely risky, brave, and daring, but it is difficult for them to follow an established routine. They can be very sensitive and melancholy with situations of adversity in the past that can confront them in the present. As long as they feel family support, they will continue forward like winners.