Why are you looking for the best name meanings! You do not need to go around the Internet anymore, you have come to the right place. We have made a list of the most popular, beautiful names with great meaning that we want to share with you on every occasion. We also have lists of Hebrew names, Spanish names or original names if you want to take a look for inspiration. Now we are going to explain the meaning of the name Gonzalo .
Etymology of the name Gonzalo:
According to anthroponymic studies, it is considered that Gonzalo is a name that derives from the ancient battlement language, which at the time was known as the Gonzalvus variant. So Gon refers to the meaning “ willing ” and salvus means “ the one who fights ”, “ the one who keeps safe ” or “ the one who saves ”.”. This name, like many names of Germanic origin, is associated with the Visigothic period. Gonzalo Antolinez or also called Gonzalo Alonso de Burgos is known, a Spanish Catholic writer and priest who is remembered for being a redeemer of captives during the 16th century. San Gonzalo García was a Franciscan friar from India who was martyred. Gonzalo is the variant of the name in Spanish.
Gonςal in Catalan, Gontzal or Ontzalu in Basque, Consalvo in Italian, Gonzalve in French, Gonςalo in Portuguese, Gonsalwy in Polish, Cathal in Irish. Some diminutives of this name can be Gochi, Gonza or Gonzalito . The feminine variant of this name is Gonzala.
Famous people named Gonzalo:
Gonzalo Anaya Santos
- Spanish writer and educator : born in Burgos in 1914. He is considered one of the promoters of pedagogical renewal in Spain. During a moment of his life he was a teacher in rural schools and later he dedicated himself to university teaching in institutions such as the University of Santiago de Compostela or the University of Valencia as professor of philosophy. He was a representative to the Ministry of Education in various meetings of the OECD. His knowledge in pedagogy led him to write several books.
Gonzalo Juanes Cifuentes
- Spanish photographer and photographic theorist : born in Gijón, Asturias in 1923. He is known for being a pioneer in the use of color in photography. Initially he worked as an industrial expert, but his passion for photography led him to dedicate a lot of time to it. He frequently participated in the gatherings of the Royal Photographic Society in Madrid and his trips to France served as inspiration to express innovative ideas in photography. He published two books, and several essays and articles on photographic theory.
Gonzalo Arango-Arias
- Colombian writer, poet, journalist and playwright : he was born in the Andes in 1931. He is known for being the creator of the literary genre such as nadaísmo and belonging to the literary avant-garde with national and continental repercussions. He belonged to a group of artists and writers who sought a change in traditional literature and morals. He was the creator of poetry, short stories, prose and plays, full of his irony and renewed lexicon that characterized his writings.
General characteristics of the most famous people named Gonzalo:
They are usually people who have many talents in various areas and tend to stand out quickly from the rest. They are not very patient people and do not forgive easily. Making a mistake is not within its logic and mistakes are inadmissible. With the harshness with which they judge events, they often apply them to themselves. They are persevering, stubborn and when an idea gets into their heads there is nothing that can make them change their minds. They are kind, generous, enterprising and great leaders.