Whether you want to know the meaning of a name or you need to choose one for a baby, the good news is that you have reached a page where we can help you. Here we have put together an interesting collection with their etymologies. In each case you will know what they mean and about people who have carried them. You will be able to verify that all the information is accessible and easy to understand. Find out below what meaning Leo has.

Etymology of the name Leo:

This name originates from the Latin leo , meaning lion . It was popular in the early days of Christianity . Thirteen popes were also named like this, such as Saint Leo the Great. In the same way six Byzantine emperors and five Armenian kings carried it. There is the constellation Leo, and a zodiac sign designated by this name. Leo Tolstoy was a Russian author of Anna Karenina and War and Peace .


Leontinos in ancient Greek, Levon in Armenian, Leos in Czech, Léonce in French, Levan in Georgian, Leonzio in Italian, Leonas in Lithuanian, Lew in Polish, Lyov in Russian, Leon in Slovenian, Leoncio in Spanish.

Famous people named Leo:

  • Leo Tolstoy

    • Russian writer : born in 1928 and died in 1910 in the Russian Empire. He was one of the greatest authors of all time. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature in the years 1902 to 1906, and for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1901, 1902 and 1909. That he received neither is a source of great controversy even today. His most famous works were War and Peace of 1869 and Anna Karenina of 1878. He also wrote a trilogy with biographical overtones known as Childhood , Adolescence and Youth that met between 1852 and 1856. He was also the author of A Confession of 1882 in the one that pointed out his moral and spiritual crisis that led him to be a profound pacifist.
  • Leo DiCaprio

    • American actor : born November 11, 1974. He is an actor, film producer, and environmentalist. He is famous for playing particular roles, under the orders of cult directors such as James Cameron, Martin Scorcese and Quentin Tarantino. In 2016, he won an Oscar for Best Actor for his role in The Revenant directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu. He has also received a British Academy Film Award, three Golden Globes and a Screen Actors Guild Award. Some of his most famous films are 2004’s The Aviator , 2013’s The Wolf of Wall Street , and 2019’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood .
  • Leo Szilard

    • Hungarian-American physicist and inventor : born in 1898 in Hungary and died in 1964 in Germany. He conceived the nuclear chain reaction and patented it in 1934. In 1939 he wrote the letter together with Albert Einstein that constituted the Manhattan Project, which during World War II produced the atomic bomb. He wrote the thesis on Maxwell’s demon , an enigma of thermodynamic and statistical physics. He was also the first to point out the relationship between thermodynamics and information theory. In the same way he ventured into biology, inventing the chemostat and discovering feedback inhibition.

General characteristics of the most famous people named Leo

Leos are very sociable, warm and eloquent subjects. They enjoy spending time with friends and can also handle the weight of fame. They always seek to do things to the highest standards, which is why they excel in whatever activity they choose.