Rubén is a short name loaded with legend that is easy to pronounce and also very elegant. In addition, it appears in the sacred writings, since it was given to the firstborn son of Jacob, one of the great Hebrew patriarchs. Its meaning is very deep, since it is associated with the exclamation “Look, I have a son of God”, among other interpretations.

So that you know everything about this historic name, in this babynamesforgirls article you will see the meaning of the name Rubén , its etymology, diminutives, personality, saints and even its popularity throughout Spain. Knowing all the details, we know that Rubén will enter your list of favorite names for your baby. Ruben is a boy’s name .

What does Reuben mean?

The name Rubén means “ look, I have a son of God ” or “God sees my need and sends me a son”. This expression appears in the Bible and was used by Leah, Jacob’s wife. The woman proclaims this phrase when she was granted to give birth to the first son of the patriarch Jacob, who was one of the founding fathers of the tribes of Israel.

origin of the name Reuben

The name Reuben is of Hebrew origin . It derives from “Re’uven ” which literally translates as “look, a son”. This word appears for the first time as a name in the book of Genesis. There it was used for the son of the biblical patriarch Jacob.

Diminutives and variations of the name Rubén

Being a short name, Rubén does not have many diminutives or variations. However, the most common are the following:

  • Ruby
  • rubencito
  • Rub

The name Reuben in other languages

Now, let’s see how the name Rubén is written in other languages:

  • German, Italian and French : Ruben
  • English : Reubens
  • Arabic : روبن
  • Japanese : ルベン
  • Hebrew : רובן
  • Chinese : 鲁本
  • Greek : Ρούμπεν
  • Russian : Рубен

Personality of the name Reuben

Rubén is a man with a light and easygoing character. His nature is sociable and communicative with all who meet him. In addition, he is usually restless and extroverted.

At work, he is a practical person and, in a way, somewhat carefree. He will always be in search of carrying out the activities of the job with the least possible effort. Of course, he will always try to get good results. In addition to that, Rubén likes to have leadership, so it is sometimes difficult for him to take orders from others.

In the family, it is a reference of support and solidarity . For this reason, all members of the family nucleus see him as the patriarch of the group. In fact, they will always look for him to share pleasant moments, as well as in situations of economic difficulties.

In love, Rubén is a person who gives himself totally to the chosen partner. He is affectionate, loving and attentive . That is why he will be a good match for the girls around him. As a father he is a special being. He adores his children and will always be willing to guide them at all times, even when they have left home. For Rubén, the distance will not be an impediment to always be aware of his children.

Celebrities named Ruben

The best known celebrities who bear the name of Rubén are:

  • Rubén Blades : he is a Panamanian singer called “the poet of salsa”. He is greatly admired by fans of that musical genre.
  • Ruben Rausing – is the Swedish inventor of the famous Tetra-brick food containers.
  • Rubén Ochandiano : is a Spanish film and television series actor.
  • Rubén Cortada : is a model and film and television actor of Cuban origin.
  • Rubén Sanz : is a model and television presenter, born in Spain.
  • Rubén Bonifaz Nuño: was a poet and classicist, born in Mexico.
  • Rubén Darío: was a Nicaraguan poet, writer, politician and journalist, promoter of the new literary model that considers the poem as music.
  • Rubén Juárez : was a singer and author of tangos, of Argentine nationality.
  • Rubén Albarrán Ortega: is a Mexican musician, singer, songwriter, producer and activist.

Day of the Saint of Rubén

The onomastic date for Rubén in the Catholic calendar is August 4 , the day on which Saint Rubén is commemorated.

Numerology Of The Name Reuben

Numerology associates 8 as the lucky number for Rubén.

Popularity of the first name Reuben

Rubén is a name of Hebrew origin that was very popular in the Anglo-Saxon peoples during the 16th and 17th centuries. Later, it returned to its popularity in Spain in the 20th century.

Currently, this name has been very well accepted. In Spain alone we can count some 129,201 men with an average age of 29 years who are called Rubén.

In the attached map, you can see the Spanish communities where the name Rubén is more popular. They are the following:

  • Asturias
  • Lion
  • Palencia
  • Valladolid
  • Burgos
  • The Rioja
  • Guadalajara