If you are in the final stretch of pregnancy and the time has come to look for a striking and original name for your baby, Soledad is one of the best alternatives. It is a name of Latin origin that comes from the word ” solus”, which is related to calm and to people who are unique and persistent in their actions.
In addition, it is a name with a strong religious meaning, since it represents the invocation of Our Lady of Solitude. This name was very popular in Spain during the 1960s and 1970s. In fact, the average age of women named Soledad is about 61 years. In this babynamesforgirls article, we will tell you the meaning of the name Soledad , its origin, personality, saints and popularity throughout Spain. Soledad is a girl’s name .
what does loneliness mean
The name Soledad means ” the one who is unique “, “the one who is alone” or “the one who likes solitude”. Other of its associated meanings would be: isolated, lonely and alone.
Although it seems that this name has a cold meaning, it is really related to those women capable of overcoming adversity, since they have a lot of tenacity, strength and persistence to face difficulties.
Origin of the name Soledad
The name Soledad has a Latin origin . Specifically, it comes from the root “solus,” which translates to alone. This name was very popular during the Middle Ages, especially because it was related to the Marian Invocation of Our Lady of Solitude as a reminder of the loneliness that the Mother of Jesus Christ experienced when she lost her son on the cross.
Diminutives and variations of the name Soledad
The name Soledad has few variations and diminutives. However, some of the best known are the following:
- sun
- Soli
- chole
- Sun
The name Soledad in other languages
Due to its etymology, the name Soledad is written the same in almost all languages. However, this would be its spelling in some languages:
- Arabic : وِحْدَةٌ
- Brazilian Portuguese : solidão
- Chinese : 孤独
- French : Solitude
- Italian: solitude
- Galician : Soidade
Personality of the name Soledad
Soledad is characterized by having a strong, determined and fighting personality . Although he is usually somewhat temperamental, deep down he really likes to socialize with other people. Likewise, she very much enjoys her time alone to reflect and analyze each step she will take in her life.
In love, she is a girl of strong and lasting feelings. In fact, she doesn’t like to waste her time on passing relationships that go nowhere. On the other hand, if she suffers any disappointment, Soledad is one of the women who recovers quickly to move on. In addition, she usually sees the positive side of every situation, no matter how negative or problematic it may be.
In the family sphere, Soledad is more attracted to spending quality time with her parents than being in large gatherings. She is characterized in that she has strong ties with her family . However, she prefers to be with her relatives when it is really necessary. However, she Soledad will be a family member that everyone can lean on when they need her.
As for the work plan, she will be a tireless worker who likes perfection and responsibility . For this reason, she will not leave the tasks for later and even less will she give up in the face of challenges. She prefers scientific careers, in which she requires a lot of statistical analysis and planning.
Celebrities with the name Soledad
The best known celebrities who bear the name of Soledad are:
- Soledad Bravo : She is a famous singer and songwriter born in Venezuela with Spanish origin.
- Soledad Puértolas : famous Spanish writer and who is an academic of the Real Academia de la Lengua.
- Soledad Gallego-Díaz : Spanish journalist, former director of the newspaper El País.
- Soledad Acosta de Samper : Renowned novelist, writer, and short story writer born in Colombia.
Day of the Saint of Solitude
According to Catholic saints, the day of the Saint of Solitude is October 11 .
Numerology of the name Soledad
Numerology associates the digit 8 with the name Soledad. This is a number that represents people of strong character and who do not let adversity bring them down.
Popularity of the first name Soledad
Soledad is a name that is very popular in different Spanish-speaking countries. For example, in Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela and Chile the use of the name Soledad is very common.
For its part, according to INE data, in Spain there are currently some 30,567 women with the name of Soledad. As for their average age, statistics show that they are approximately 61 years old.
In addition, the Spanish communities in which the use of the name Soledad is most common are the following:
- Badajoz
- Cordova
- Toledo
- Basin
- Albacete
- Murcia.