!! Congratulations!! It is time to know the meaning of the name you have chosen for your baby. Sometimes this can be an exciting process for many people because there are a wide variety of names that can be an excellent choice. Do not stay behind if you are looking for a name with beautiful meaning. In this post we are going to explain the meaning of the name Felipe.

Etymology of the name Felipe:

According to anthroponymic studies, it is considered that the name Felipe comes from the Greek Philippos , where philo means “love” and hypos means “horse”, so its literal meaning is ” he who loves horses “.”. The name belongs to Felipe Apóstol, born in Bethsaida, in the Galilee region, and is one of the twelve apostles of Jesus of Nazareth who preached in Greece, Syria and Phrygia. San Felipe Neri, known as the Apostle of Rome, is also known as the one who founded the Congregation of the Oratory, although he was highly influenced by the Dominicans. He was educated in the humanities and at the age of sixteen he fulfilled his religious vocation while he was helping with the family business and later decided to go to Rome. The biblical story of Philip and the Ethiopian turned into a song is also known. Felipe is the variant of the name in Spanish.


Philipp in German, Philippos in Amharic and Armenian, Filibi in Arabic, Fulup or Fulub in Breton, Filip in Bulgarian and Czech, Felip in Catalan, Filippu in Corsican, Fillip in Danish and Slovak, Filipo in Esperanto, Pilipa in Basque , Vilppu in Findlandic, Philippe in French, Ffylip in Welsh, Filipe in Galician and Portuguese, Philipe in Gregorian, Philippos in Greek, Fülöp in Hungarian,Philip or Phillip in English, Pilib in Irish, Filippus in Icelandic, Filippo in Italian, Feripe in Japanese, Philippus in Latin, Filips in Latvian, Pilypas in Lithuanian, Pheelipose in Malayalam, Filippu in Maltese and Sardinian, Filippues in Dutch, Filip in Norwegian and Polish, Filipp in Russian, Filip in Serbian and Swedish, Filipus in Turkish. Their diminutives are usually Feli, Pipo or Pipe.The best known female version is Felipa.

Famous people named Felipe:

  • Philip Massa

    • Brazilian racing driver : He was born in Sāo Paulo in 1981. He participated in Formula 1, Formula Chevrolet Brasil, Formula Renault Euro Cup, Italian Formula Renault 2000, in Euro Formula 3000 and in the Race of Champions. Throughout his career he has obtained 41 podiums and 11 victories. He was also president of the International Karting Commission of the International Automobile Federation. He is a diligent, enthusiastic person with an overwhelming personality.
  • Felipe Neto Rodrigues Vieira

    • Vlogger, actor, comedian and businessman : he was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1988. He has a YouTube channel where he uploads videos of various content and has managed to be one of the Brazilian channels with the most subscriptions. He is the founder of a company within the YouTube platform where he manages more than 5,000 channels and is a marketing professional in general entertainment. He is a friendly, smiling boy with great ease of communication.
  • Philip Restrepo Pombo

    • Colombian journalist and writer : He was born in Bogotá in 1978. He graduated from university with a literature degree and worked as a journalist with Cambio magazine, Paris Match, Esquire, Semana, Gente, and El Espectador, in addition to his collaboration as an editor at Gatopardo magazine in Mexico City. He has published several books and was included in the Bogotá39 list as one of the best young writers in Latin America. He is a passionate, kind and devoted man to his work.

General characteristics of the most famous people named Philip:

They are generally dreamy, intrepid people who seek independence. They are friendly boys, with a wide social circle, although they do not usually enjoy massive social movements. They are also calm, peaceful and like to be in contact with nature. They have communication skills and are great lovers of the unknown and the adventure that inspires them in their daily lives.