Each name is unique and special without a doubt, that is why we have made a compilation where we will tell you the pertinent data and information that you must take into account when choosing a name. We know that there may be several options that you have at this time, and you may still continue to go round and round about which one of them you are finally going to choose. To help you in this arduous task (which is not easy at all), we have summarized each name and this time we are going to explain the meaning of Pilar.
Etymology of the name Pilar:
According to anthroponymic studies, the name Pilar is considered to be a Spanish name related to the Marian invocation of the Virgen del Pilar. It is believed that during the first century, the Virgin appeared to Santiago Apóstol on January 2 and as a sign of her visit she left a column of sedimentary rock, probably jasper, in the Roman city of Caesaraugusta. This column was popularly called El Pilar. Santiago ordered the construction of a sanctuary as a witness to the event and by the 13th century pilgrimages were already being made in his honor. The Virgen del Pilar was proclaimed patron saint of Zaragoza during the 17th century, among other patronages that were added. For the 20th century, a Basilica was built that bears his name and was sponsored by Pope Pius XII. Pilar is the variant of the name in Spanish.
Some variants of the name can be Pilarica, Piluca. Its most common diminutive is Pili or Pily. This name has no known male variants.
Famous people called Pilar:
Pilar Winter Hill
- American violinist: was born in Brooklyn, New York in 2006. She is a famous classical violinist. She began studying violin at the age of 6 and at age 9 she was accepted into the prestigious Juilliard Pre-College. At age 13 she was a finalist in the Andrea Postacchini International Violin Competition and attended the Green Mountain Chamber Music Festival. During that year he gave his first international tour and performed his version of the United States National Anthem at NBA games, as well as performances on ESPN and at the Disney World Resort in Florida. In addition to that, she appeared in the second episode of a Teen Vogue series, special presentations for Prada FW 2021, Milan Fashion Week 2021 and an interview on Kelly Clarkson’s television show. He has an Instagram account with more than half a million followers.
Pilar Mateo Herrero
- Spanish scientist : was born in Valencia. She is a well-known chemist who innovated in research to control Chagas disease and the development of a resinous paint that controls the presence of arthropods. After obtaining a doctorate in chemistry, she was general director of the Development Cooperation of the Generalitat, among other important positions. He received the Princess of Asturias Award for his research and received the Unicef Award from the Spanish Committee for the promotion of health and the environment.
Pilar Lozano Carbayo
- Spanish writer : she was born in Benavente, province of Zamora in 1953. After graduating in Information Sciences and with a diploma in EGB Teaching, she decided to dedicate herself to the economic and specialized press. He also wrote advertising and informative texts and has produced several didactic guides, until writing his first children’s book. She was also director of a specialized magazine. He has won several awards such as the Barco de Vapor Prize for Children’s Literature, the Edebé Prize, the Lazarillo Prize, the Apel Prize, among others. His writings have been selected for distribution in public schools.
General characteristics of the most famous people named Pilar:
They are generally calm, patient, generous people who have the gift of friendship. They are calm and peaceful, they do not usually get upset easily or look for conflicts where the way out can be dialogue. The serenity that they transmit contrasts clearly with the tenacity that they carry inside, and despite being different aspects they do not contradict each other. The duality of being calm and brave at the same time allows them to go after their dreams in a very admirable way. Sometimes they can be tender or also distant if they want to maintain a social distance.