If you have children, it is more than likely that some night when you woke up you saw them uncovered. The biggest concern that may come to mind is that your children may be cold and catch a cold… during the day you keep them warm, especially in cold weather, but then at night they uncover and get cold. In winter you may put them in warm pajamas and tuck them in so they are warm the whole time they are sleeping.
If you have children, it is more than likely that some night when you woke up you saw them uncovered. The biggest concern that may come to mind is that your children may be cold and catch a cold… during the day you keep them warm, especially in cold weather, but then at night they uncover and get cold. In winter you may put them in warm pajamas and tuck them in so they are warm the whole time they are sleeping.
Why is it uncovered at night?
He doesn’t do it on purpose. If your son uncovers himself at night, you may think that it is because he moves or also because he is warmer than us while he sleeps. In reality, it is like that, you keep them warm a little more than yourself “just in case” and the only thing we achieve is that they do not sleep comfortably because they are hot.
If you wrap him up too much, he may call you crying in the middle of the night because he is sweating and hot. The next day you put him in thinner pajamas and cover him with the duvet, the duvet or many blankets and after a while he begins to move, complains and goes back to sleep uncomfortable because he is hot and sweating, again.
When this happens several times, the child may suddenly begin to have a dry cough or barking cough. This is because her vocal cords have become inflamed when she cries at night. He has laryngitis… and do you know what the remedy is? Don’t let it get so hot. In fact, doctors say it’s good to wrap them in a blanket and take them out into the fresh air so the swelling goes down.
How do you have to cover your son
For your child to sleep comfortably, it is a good idea to put on thin pajamas and cover him with a duvet but not up to the waist or chest and with the arms out is fine if that is what the child wants . What is important is that your child does not sweat at night and above all, that he sleeps as comfortably as possible.
This is so for small children. In the case of babies, the ideal is to use a sleeping bag that is not too thick so that it does not get hot. But in the case of children, which is the issue at hand, they do have the ability to uncover themselves, especially when they are over a year old.
What if my child sweats at night?
If your child sweats at night it is because you have overdressed him, and if he sweats it is possible that with his pajamas or wet sheets he will end up catching a cold. You should not be afraid of the cold, just look at how to get your child to sleep comfortably, but without sweating.
If your child uncovers himself at night, you do not have to be more alarmed than necessary, because it may only mean that he is hot, just as it happens to you that when you are hot you take blankets off yourself! So if he’s hot, see if you’ve bundled him up too much or if the bedroom thermostat is turned up too high.