“D” represents Balance. The D shows Will-Power’s natural talent for Business, Perseverance, Authority, and Organization.
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Here on this page, we have compiled 796 American Baby Boy Names Starting With D. Choose the best name for your newborn from the following list of the most popular 796 American Baby Boy Names Starting With D. You might be interested in more baby names on our site.
Famous American Baby Boy Names Start With D
Daanyal | Wise |
Dace | Southerner |
Dace | Southerner, Of the Nobility |
Dacey | Southerner |
Dacey | Adored, Southerner |
Dacian | Southerner |
Dacian | Southerner, Of the Nobility |
Dack | From the French town Dax |
Dack | Reference to the French Town Dax |
Daddy | TBD |
Dade | Dark One, Man from Hadria |
Dael | Lives in the valley |
Dael | Lives in the Valley, Small Valley |
DaeQuan | TBD |
Daevon | TBD |
Dago | Teaching |
Daijon | Gods Gift of Hope |
Dailon | TBD |
Dain | From Denmark |
Dain | From Denmark, Brook |
Daine | From Denmark |
Dainis | God of Wine |
Dajon | TBD |
Dakota | Friendly Companion, Friends |
Dakota | Allies or friends |
Dakotah | Friend, Ally, Tribal Name |
Dalbert | Bright, Proud, Day-bright |
Dalbert | Bright or shining |
Dale | Hollow or valley |
Dale | Living in a Valley |
Dalen | Hollow or valley |
Dalen | Valley, Rhyming Variant of Waylon |
Daley | Hollow or valley |
Daley | A Place for Assembly, Valley |
Dallas | Waterfall Near the Field |
Dallen | Blind, Similar to Dallin |
Dallin | From the Dale, Proud, Blind |
Dallis | TBD |
Dalston | Daegel’s town |
Dalton | The Settlement in the Valley |
Dalton | Town in the valley |
Dalvin | Proud Friend |
Dalyn | Hollow or valley |
Dalyn | Hollow, Valley |
Damar | TBD |
Damarcus | From the God Mars |
Damari | Unclear |
Dame | Tamer |
Dameon | Tame |
Damian | To tame |
Damian | To Tame, Subdue, Tamer |
Damien | To Tame, Subdues, Spirit, Subdue |
Damion | Tame |
Damon | To tame |
Damon | To Tame, Constant, Spirit, Subdue |
Damond | Constant, Loyal |
Damone | Gentle, One who Tames |
Dana | God is My Judge, Judge, Arbiter |
Danae | God is My Judge |
Dandre | The Strong / Courageous Man |
Dane | From Denmark |
Dane | From a Valley, From Denmark |
Daneil | God has Judged, God is My Judge |
Dangelo | Descendant of Angelo, Angel |
Danger | One who Takes Great Risks |
Danial | God is My Judge |
Daniel | The Lord is My Judge, Joyful |
Daniel | God is my judge |
Danielle | God is My Judge |
Danish | Knowledge, Careful, To be Clever |
Daniyar | TBD |
Dann | Judge, An Abbreviation of Daniel |
Dannie | God is My Judge |
Danniel | God is My Judge |
Dannis | Follower of Dionysos |
Danno | Field Gathering |
Danny | God is my judge |
Danny | Form of Daniel, God is My Judge |
Danon | God is My Judge |
Danovan | Form of David |
Dante | Steadfast, Faithful, Enduring |
Dante | Enduring |
Danyal | Prophet |
Danyele | TBD |
Danylo | God has Judged, God is My Judge |
Danzel | Fertile Land, Fort |
Daquan | A Spring |
Daran | Great, Small and Great, Wealthy |
Daran | Great |
Darby | A Settlement Where Deer Come |
Darby | Free |
Dardo | Astute and Skillful |
Darek | Ruler of the People, Gifted Ruler |
Darek | Ruler of the people |
Darel | Darling, Beloved, Open |
Darel | Darling or beloved |
Darell | From Airel, Beloved |
Daren | Born at Night, Great |
Daren | Great |
Darence | Blend of Darell and Clarence |
Darian | Wealthy, Upholder of the Good |
Darian | Great |
Dariel | Open, Variant of Darrel Open |
Dariel | Little darling |
Dariell | Little Darling, Open |
Dariell | Little darling |
Darien | Wealthy Protector |
Darik | Ruler of the People |
Darin | Precious Present, Great |
Darin | Great |
Dario | Rich, Maintain Well |
Darion | Gift, Similar to Darin |
Darious | Wealthy, Protector |
Darius | Wealthy |
Dark | Gift, God of Lord |
Darl | Darling, Beloved |
Darlen | A Darling, A Sweet Man |
Darnall | Hiding Place |
Darnall | Hidden place |
Darnay | A Tale of Two Cities |
Darneil | Hidden Place |
Darnel | Hiding Place, The Hidden Alcove |
Darnel | Hidden place |
Darnell | Hidden Spot |
Darnell | Hidden |
Darol | Leader |
Darold | From Airelle, Lord of the Manor |
Darold | Blend of Daryl and Harold |
Daron | Great |
Darrance | Blend of Darell and Clarence |
Darrel | Darling, Beloved, France |
Darrel | Darling |
Darrell | Darling, Form of Daryl, Dear |
Darrell | Darling |
Darren | Greta, Oak Tree |
Darren | Great |
Darrence | Blend of Darell and Clarence |
Darrian | Gift, Similar to Darin |
Darrick | Ruler of the Land |
Darriel | Beloved |
Darrien | Gift, Similar to Darin, Protector |
Darrin | Great, Form of Darren, Wealthy |
Darrin | Great |
Darrion | Great, Form of Darren |
Darrius | He who Upholds the Good |
Darrold | TBD |
Darrold | Blend of Daryl and Harold |
Darroll | Open, Variant of Darrel Open |
Darron | Great |
Darrow | Spear Wielder |
Darry | Wealthy |
Darryl | Darling, Form of Daryl, Dear |
Darryl | Darling |
Darryle | From Airelle |
Darryll | Darling, Beloved, From Airelle |
Darryll | Darling |
Darryn | Great |
Darton | From the Deer Park, Place Name |
Darton | From the deer park |
Darus | Wealthy, Protector |
Darvel | Eagle Town |
Darvell | Town of Eagles |
Darvin | Blend of Daryl and Marvin |
Darwin | Dear friend |
Darwyn | Dear / Good Friend |
Darwyn | Dear friend |
Daryl | Darling, Dear, Beloved |
Daryl | Darling |
Daryle | Darling, Beloved |
Daryle | Darling |
Daryll | Darling, Dearly Loved |
Daryll | Darling |
Daryn | Gifted, Great, Small |
Das | Love, Devotee, Servant of God |
Dasan | Devotee, Servant of God, Vasan |
Dasen | Leader |
Dashawn | Yahweh is Merciful / Gracious |
Dashi | One who is Fast, A Charming Man |
Dasin | Leader |
Dassan | Leader |
Dathan | Faith or Law |
Daulton | Town in the Valley |
Daunte | Enduring |
Dauren | TBD |
Dav | Friend, Beloved, Favourite |
Dave | Beloved; David’s Son; Form of … |
Daved | Beloved One |
Daveon | Beloved, Variant of David |
Daveon | Beloved |
Davey | Dearly Loved |
Davian | Adored, Beloved |
Davian | Beloved |
David | Adored, Beloved One |
David | beloved |
Davidson | Surname, Variant of David |
Davidson | Son of David |
Davie | Cherished, Beloved |
Daviel | Beloved, Variant of David |
Daviel | Beloved |
Davin | Beloved, Dear One, Bright Finn |
Davion | Brilliant Finn, Beloved |
Daviot | Beloved, Variant of David |
Daviot | Beloved |
Davis | Adored; Son of David; David’s Son; … |
Davis | Son of David |
Davison | Son of David; David’s Son; … |
Davison | Son of David |
Davo | TBD |
Davon | Dear One |
Davontae | TBD |
Davonte | TBD |
Davy | Beloved, Son of David |
Davy | Beloved |
Davyd | Beloved One, Adored |
Dawan | Yahweh is Merciful / Gracious |
Dawin | Yahweh is Merciful / Gracious |
Dawn | Awakening, Daybreak, Sunrise |
Dawson | Beloved, Son of David |
Dawson | Beloved |
Dax | Reference to the Town, Water |
Daxton | French town Dax |
Day | Light, Hope, Day |
Dayan | Judge |
Daylan | Hollow, Valley |
Daylan | Hollow or valley |
Dayle | Valley |
Dayle | Hollow or valley |
Daylen | Valley, Rhyming Variant of Waylon |
Daylen | Hollow or valley |
Daylin | Hollow, Valley |
Daylin | Hollow or valley |
Daylon | Hollow, Valley |
Daylon | Hollow or valley |
Daymond | Tamer |
Dayna | Dane |
Dayne | From Denmark |
Dayner | From Denmark |
Dayner | Variant of Dane from Denmark |
Dayron | TBD |
Dayshawn | Yahweh is Merciful / Gracious |
Dayson | Surname |
Dayson | Son of the Beloved, Surname |
Dayton | Sunny town |
Dayton | Sunny Town, Bright |
Daz | Wealthy, Small and Great |
Deacon | One who serves |
Deacon | A Servant / Friend, Dusty One |
Dean | Hollow or valley |
Dean | Dweller in a Valley, Hollow |
DeAndra | Male, Manly, Virility, Brave |
Deandre | Strong and womanly |
Deandre | Strong – Manly |
Deane | Place Name, Valley |
Deangelo | From the Angel, Heavenly Messenger |
Deborah | TBD |
December | Born in December; Winter’s Child |
Deck | One who Dyes |
Declan | Man of Prayer |
Deddy | Wealthy Protector, Gift of God |
Dedric | Gifted Ruler; The People’s Ruler; … |
Dedrick | Ruler of the people |
Dedrick | Powerful Ruler of the People |
Dee | Brave, Unclear |
Deegan | Black-haired |
Deejay | TBD |
Deem | Rainbow After the Rain |
Deems | Judge’s Son |
Deerward | Guardian of the deer |
Deeter | A Friendly Woman |
Deforest | From the Forest |
DeForrest | From the Forest |
Deion | Of Zeus, Follower of Dionysos |
Deiondre | Valley |
Deji | TBD |
Dejon | Yahweh / God is Gracious |
Dejuan | God is Merciful |
Deke | Palm tree |
Deke | Ruler, Servant |
Dekel | Palm tree |
Dekel | Dusty One, Servant, Palm Tree |
Dekle | Palm tree |
Dekle | Dusty One, Servant |
Del | Proud Friend |
Delano | Coming from Swamps, Night Time |
Delbert | Bright as day |
Delbert | Sunny Day, Shining One |
Dell | From the Yew Tree Valley, Rich |
Delman | Man from the valley |
Delman | From the Dell |
Delmar | From the Sea, Mariner |
Delmas | Noble |
Delmer | Mariner of the Sea |
Delmon | Of the mountain |
Delmon | From the Mountain Valley |
Delmont | Of the Mountain |
Delroy | The King, Son |
Delson | TBD |
Delton | From the town in the valley |
Delton | A Settlement in a Valley |
Delvin | Good friend |
Delvin | Bright / Godly Friend |
Delvon | Good friend |
Delvon | Bright Friend, Godly Friend |
Delwin | Bright Friend, Valley Friend |
Demar | TBD |
Demarco | Of Marco, From the God Mars |
Demarcus | Dedicated to Mars |
Demario | TBD |
Demarion | Wished for a Child |
Demason | Judge’s Son |
Demasone | Judge’s Son |
Demetre | Follower of Demeter |
Demetri | Gift from Demeter |
Demetrious | Follower of Demeter |
Demetris | Earth-lover of Demeter |
Demetrius | Of the earth |
Demetrius | Of the Earth, God of Fertility |
Demian | To Tame |
Demis | TBD |
Demond | From South Munster |
Demonte | Living Near the Top of a Mountain |
Dempsey | From the Judge’s Meadow; Proud |
Denali | Great One |
Dene | From the valley |
Dene | From the Valley, Place Name |
Deney | Follower of Dionysus |
Deniel | The Lord is My Judge |
Denim | Strong Cloth |
Denis | Named for Saint Denys |
Deniss | Follower of Dionysus |
Denley | From the valley meadow |
Denley | The Dean’s Farm; From the Valley … |
Denney | Follower of Dionysius |
Dennie | God of wine |
Dennie | Follower of Dionysius |
Dennies | Follower of Dionysus |
Dennis | God of wine |
Dennison | Son of Dennis |
Dennison | Son of Dennis; Dennis’ Son |
Denny | Follower of Zeus, God of Wine |
Denny | God of wine |
Deno | TBD |
Denson | TBD |
Denton | Settlement in the valley |
Denver | Green valley |
Denzel | A place in Cornwall |
Denzel | From Denzell |
Denzell | A place in Cornwall |
Denzil | A place in Cornwall |
Denzil | A Place in Cornwall, British Town |
Deon | God of wine |
Deon | Abbreviation of Dionysius |
Deondre | Brave, Manly |
Deontae | TBD |
Deonte | TBD |
Dequan | Spring |
Derald | Blend of Daryl and Harold |
Derald | TBD |
Deran | Wealthy, Small – Great |
Derebourne | From the deer brook |
Dereck | Ruler of the people |
Derek | Ruler of the People |
Derell | Darling or beloved |
Derell | Darling, Beloved, Open |
Derex | Famous Ruler |
Deric | The People’s Ruler |
Derick | Ruler of the people |
Derick | Ruler of the People, Gifted Ruler |
Derik | Ruler of the People, Gifted Ruler |
Derik | Ruler of the people |
Derin | Gift of God, Precious Present |
Derius | Wealthy |
Derrall | Darling or beloved |
Derrall | Darling, Beloved, Open |
Derrance | Blend of Darell and Clarence |
Derrek | Ruler of the people |
Derrek | Ruler of the People, Gifted Ruler |
Derrel | Beloved, Variant of Darrel |
Derrell | Darling or beloved |
Derrell | Darling, Beloved, From Airel |
Derren | Great |
Derren | Great, Small and Great, Wealthy |
Derrian | Great |
Derric | TBD |
Derrick | Ruler of the people |
Derrick | Rich |
Derrik | Ruler of the people |
Derrik | Ruler of the People, Gifted Ruler |
Derrill | Darling or beloved |
Derrill | Darling, Beloved, Open |
Derrin | Great |
Derrion | Great, Good Wealth |
Derrold | Blend of Daryl and Harold |
Derrold | TBD |
Derryl | Darling or beloved |
Derryl | Darling, Beloved |
Derryn | Wealthy, Small – Great |
Dervin | Gifted friend |
Dervis | TBD |
Dervon | Gifted friend |
Derwan | Guardian of the deer |
Derward | Guardian of the deer |
Derward | Guardian of the Deer, Deer Keeper |
Derwent | Derwent River in England |
Derwent | TBD |
Derwin | Guardian of the deer |
Derwin | Friend of the Deer, Gifted Friend |
Derwyn | Guardian of the deer |
Derwyn | Guardian of the Deer, Dear Friend |
Deryck | Ruler of the people |
Deryck | Ruler of the People, Gifted Ruler |
Deryk | Ruler of the People, Gifted Ruler |
Deryk | Ruler of the people |
Deryl | TBD |
Des | Names beginning with Des |
Des | TBD |
Desean | The Sean, The Gift from God |
Deshaun | God is Merciful |
Deshay | TBD |
Deshon | Yahweh is Merciful / Gracious |
Deshun | God is Merciful |
Desiree | Desired, Longing |
Desmond | From south Munster |
Desmond | Gracious Defender |
Destin | Determined, Destiny, Fate |
Deston | Fate |
Deston | Destiny, Fate |
Destrey | Destiny |
Destrey | Fate |
Destrie | Fate |
Destrie | Fate, Variant of a French Surname |
Destry | Fate |
Destry | Destiny |
Detroit | TBD |
Dev | Poet |
Dev | Divine, Poet, God, Respect |
Devaan | Divine, Worshipper of the God |
Devan | Men of Devon, Divine, Like a God |
Devan | Poet |
Devante | Fighter of Wrong |
Devaughn | Divine Qualities, Little Deer |
Deven | TBD |
Deven | Poet |
Deveon | Poet |
Deveon | A Form of Devon |
Deveral | Riverbank |
Devere | Riverbank |
Devereau | Riverbank |
Devereaux | Riverbank |
Deverel | Riverbank, Place-name |
Deverel | Riverbank |
Deverell | riverbank |
Deverell | From the Bank of the River |
Deverick | Riverbank |
Devery | Riverbank |
Devid | God, Beloved / Friends |
Devin | Of a Little Deer, Poet |
Devin | Poet |
Devion | Poet |
Devion | Bard, Poet |
Devon | English and American Place Name |
Devon | Poet |
Devone | TBD |
Devonn | Poet |
Devonne | TBD |
Devontae | Men of Devon |
Devonte | Men of Devon, Of a Little Deer |
Devron | Poet |
Devry | Riverbank |
Devy | Devine, Fawn, Poet |
Devyn | Poet |
Dew | Friend, Divine, Favourite |
Dewain | Dark, Song |
Dewane | TBD |
Dewayne | Waggon Maker, Swarthy, Dark, Black |
Dewey | Adored, Prized, Form of David |
Dewey | Prized |
Dewitt | White Complexioned, Blond |
Dexter | Dexterous, Right Handed, Dyer |
Dez | Lord of Light |
Dhane | TBD |
Diallo | Bold One, From Malinke |
Diamantis | TBD |
Diamond | A Shining Protector |
Diamond | Bright guardian |
Diamont | Bright guardian |
Dian | A Candle, From God of Wine |
Diana | Heavenly, Divine |
Diandre | Blend of Dion and Andre, Manly |
Diandre | Manly |
Diane | Night |
Dianne | TBD |
Diar | An Expensive Wood |
Dias | TBD |
Diaz | Teaching |
Dic | Peaceful / Powerful Ruler |
Dick | Rich and powerful ruler |
Dick | Rich and Powerful Ruler, Powerful |
Dickey | TBD |
Dickie | Dominant Ruler, Powerful Ruler |
Dickson | Rich and Powerful Ruler |
Diego | Doctrine, One who Supplants |
Diego | Supplanter |
Dijen | Fighter, Handsome |
Dijon | Gracious God |
Dik | Wild |
Dikesone | Rich and powerful ruler |
Dilan | Loving, Son of Waves, Faithful |
Dill | Heart, Lots of Love |
Dillan | Faithful, Loyal, Form of Dillon |
Dillard | TBD |
Dillion | Faithful, Loyal |
Dillon | Faithful, Like a Lion, Loyal |
Dimi | TBD |
Dimitri | From the Mother of Land |
Dimitrios | Earth-lover, Follower of Demeter |
Dimitrious | Follower of Demeter |
Dimitris | Earth Mother |
Dimitrius | Follower of Demeter |
Dimos | Follower of Demeter |
Dingo | Resembling the Wild Dog |
Dino | Little sword |
Dino | Little Sword, Various |
Dins | One who Climbs to the Top |
Dio | TBD |
Diogo | Superior, Doctrine, Teaching |
Dion | God of wine |
Dion | God, Abbreviation of Dionysius |
Diondre | Manly, Blend of Dion and Andre |
Diondre | Manly |
Dionicio | TBD |
Dionisis | TBD |
Dionta | TBD |
Dionte | Follower of Zeus, God of Wine |
Dionte | God of wine |
Dirk | Ruler of the people |
Diron | Bird |
Dito | TBD |
Dix | Strong Ruler, From Richard, Ten |
Dix | Strong ruler |
Dixon | The Legend, Rich, Powerful Ruler |
Dixon | Rich and powerful ruler |
Diz | Silly, Giddy |
Dizzy | TBD |
Django | Yahweh is Gracious / Merciful |
Djimon | With Strong Blood or Strong Roots |
Dmitriy | Loves the Earth |
Doan | Rolling Hills |
Doane | From the Low, Rolling Hills |
Doane | From the low rolling hills |
Dobbs | A Fiery Man |
Dock | TBD |
Domenic | Lord, Child Born on Sunday |
Domenick | Alternate Spelling of Dominick |
Domingo | Lord’s Child; Lord; Child Born on … |
Domini | Belonging to God, Of the Lord |
Dominic | Lord’s Child; Belonging to the … |
Dominic | Belonging to the lord |
Dominick | Belongs to the Lord |
Dominique | Lord’s Child; Of the Lord; From … |
Domonic | Belonging to God, Of the Lord |
Don | Ruler of the World |
Don | World ruler |
Donal | World Mighty, Great Chief |
Donald | Ruler of the World |
Donald | World ruler |
Donavan | Brown-haired Chieftain, Dark |
Donavon | Dark, Brown-haired Chieftain |
Dondi | Virility, Brave, Manly |
Dondre | God of Wine, A Form of Deandre |
Dondre | God of wine |
Donell | World Rule, Great Chief |
Donis | Ruler, Lord |
Donn | World ruler |
Donna | TBD |
Donne | World Ruler, Form of Donn |
Donne | World ruler |
Donnie | Ruler of the World, Form of Donn |
Donnie | World ruler |
Donny | Form of Donald, World Leader |
Donny | World ruler |
Donovan | Son of the Dark One, Dark Warrior |
Donovan | Dark warrior |
Donta | Steadfast, Enduring |
Dontae | To Endure |
Dontay | To Endure |
Dontaye | To Endure |
Donte | To Endure |
Dontell | To Endure |
Dontre | TBD |
Dontrell | To Endure, Enduring |
Dony | Dark Courage, Brave, Dark One |
Doon | There |
Doran | Exiled, Stranger, Fist, Gift |
Doran | Exiled or stranger |
Dori | Gift from God, Adored |
Dorian | From the Tribe |
Dorian | Mountainous region of Greece |
Dorien | Descendant of Dorus, Place Name |
Dorien | Of the sea |
Dorion | Of the Sea, Descendant of Dorus |
Dorion | Of the sea |
Doron | Stranger, Fist, Exile, Gift |
Doron | Stranger |
Dorothy | Gift, Gift of God |
Dorrance | Stranger |
Dorrel | King’s Doorkeeper; Stranger; … |
Dorrell | King’s Doorkeeper; Stranger; … |
Dorren | Stranger, Fist, Exile, Dark-bowed |
Dorrin | Stranger |
Dorsea | From Orsay |
Dorsey | Tribe Near the Sea, From Orsay |
Doug | From the Dark River |
Douglas | Dark Stream, Dark River |
Douglas | Dark stream or dark river |
Douglass | Black Water, From the Dark River |
Doune | From the Down Hill |
Dove | White |
Doye | Descendant |
Doyle | Dark Stranger, Black Stranger |
Draca | Dragon |
Dracon | Dragon, Modern Variant of Drake |
Dracon | Dragon |
Drag | Mythical Creature |
Dragon | Fire-breathing Creature |
Drake | Dragon, Male Duck, Snake |
Drake | Dragon |
Draven | Avenger |
Drayce | Dragon, Modern Variant of Drake |
Drayce | Dragon |
Drew | Manly |
Drew | Wise |
Drey | TBD |
Dridan | From the Dry Valley |
Driden | From the Dry Valley |
Dru | Manly, Similar to Andrew Manly |
Drue | Manly, Abbreviation of Andrew |
Drue | Manly |
Dryden | From the Dry Valley |
Duan | TBD |
Duane | Dark, Form of Wayne, Wagoner |
Duane | Dark |
Duck | TBD |
Dude | A Cowboy, Small |
Dudley | From the People’s Field; People; S … |
Dug | Dark River, Dark Stranger |
Dujuan | God is Gracious |
Duke | Title of Nobility, A Leader of Men |
Duke | Leader |
Duncan | Brown Warrior |
Dunleigh | From the Hill Meadow |
Dunley | From the Hill Meadow |
Dunly | From the Hill Meadow |
Dunn | Brown Warrior, Brown |
Dunn | Brown warrior |
Dunstan | brownstone fortress |
Dunstan | Brown Stone, Brown Fortress |
Dunton | Hill Settlement |
Dunton | From the town on the hill |
Dunya | The World, Dark-featured |
Dupree | From the Meadow |
Duran | Firm, Enduring, Durable |
Duran | Firm or enduring |
Durand | Firm, Enduring |
Durand | Firm or enduring |
Durant | Steadfast, Firm, Enduring |
Durant | Firm or enduring |
Durante | Firm, Enduring, Steadfast |
Durante | Firm or enduring |
Durell | King’s Doorkeeper; Strong |
Duron | Strong, Bird, Freedom |
Durrant | Firm or enduring |
Durrant | Firm, Enduring |
Durrell | Hardy, Resilient |
Durward | Gatekeeper |
Durward | Gatekeeper, Door Guard |
Durwin | Dear / Best Friend |
Durwood | TBD |
Durwyn | Friend of the deer |
Durwyn | Friend of the Deer, Dear Friend |
Dushan | Spirit, Inspiration |
Dushawn | TBD |
Dustan | Valiant fighter |
Dustan | Valiant Fighter, Dusty Place |
Dustin | Valiant fighter |
Dustin | Valiant Fighter, Brave Warrior |
Duston | Valiant fighter |
Duston | Valiant Fighter, Dusty Place |
Dusty | Valiant fighter |
Dusty | Tough Like a Stone of Thor |
Dustyn | Valiant fighter |
Dustyn | Valiant Fighter, Dusty Area |
Duval | Of the Valley |
Duwane | Love |
Duwayne | Black, Dark |
Dwade | Dark Traveller |
Dwain | Dark |
Dwaine | A Little Dark One |
Dwane | A Little Dark One |
Dwayne | From the Dunes, Dark, Black |
Dwight | Blond |
Dwight | Blond, White |
Dwight | DeWitt, blond |
Dyami | Eagle |
Dylan | Son of the sea |
Dylan | From a Large Sea, Winner of Mind |
Dylann | Sea |
Dyllan | Sea |
Dylon | Loyal |
Dyson | A Short Form of Dennison |