“V” represents Constructions. The V shows Honesty, Truthful, Reliable, and Loyal. The V is gregarious, practical, industrious sensitive.
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Here on this page, we have compiled 110 American Baby Boy Names Starting With V. Choose the best name for your newborn from the following list of most popular 110 American Baby Boy Names Starting With V. You might be interested in more baby names on our site.
Famous American Baby Boy Names Start With V
Vadia | TBD |
Vagelis | TBD |
Vaggelis | TBD |
Vahram | TBD |
Vaios | TBD |
Valdez | Unclear |
Valdeze | Fierce One |
Valen | Strong, Variant of Valentinus |
Valen | Strong |
Valenti | TBD |
Valentin | Hale, Healthy, Strong, Valiant |
Valentine | Healthy or strong |
Valentine | Strong, Courageous, Healthy, Hale |
Valentino | Strong and Healthy, Brave, Strong |
Valerie | TBD |
Valiant | Courageous, Brave |
Valiant | Brave |
Vallen | Strong, Variant of Valentinus |
Vallen | Strong |
Valon | The Monkey King |
Vance | From the Moors, Very High Places |
Vance | Marshland |
Vania | TBD |
Vann | Descendant |
Vannes | Grain Fans |
Vareck | From the Fortress |
Varek | From the Fortress |
Varik | From the Fortress |
Varin | Gift, Water, River, Lord Siva |
Varu | TBD |
Vashon | God is Gracious, Merciful |
Vassili | Kingly, Royal |
Vassilios | Kingly, Royal |
Vatche | TBD |
Vaughn | Small, Little |
Vaz | TBD |
Vega | Meadow |
Vegas | TBD |
Velizar | TBD |
Venedict | Form of Benedict |
Venson | TBD |
Verl | Truth |
Verlin | Spring, Blossoming |
Verlon | Spring |
Verlyn | Spring |
Vern | Youthful, Alder Tree |
Vern | Youthful or springlike |
Vernard | Place of Alders, Brave as a Bear |
Verne | Youthful, Spring Green, Green |
Verne | Youthful or springlike |
Vernell | Green, Flourishing, Springtime |
Vernie | Spring Green |
Vernon | Youthful |
Vernon | Youthful or springlike |
Vic | Victor, From the Village |
Vicente | The One who Conquered, Conquering |
Victor | Victorious, Conqueror, Winner |
Victor | Conqueror |
Victoria | Conqueror, Victorious |
Vidal | Vital, Life |
Vidal | Life |
Videl | Life |
Viho | Chief (Cheyenne) |
Vikky | Victorious, Conqueror |
Villa | TBD |
Villamor | From a Town or Village |
Vince | Conquering, Form of Vincent |
Vince | Conquering |
Vincent | The One who Conquered, Prevailing |
Vincent | Conquering |
Vincenzo | Conquering |
Ving | Green River |
Vingon | Son of Vinn |
Vinn | Conqueror |
Vinnie | Sword Friend, Polished Chief |
Vinnie | Conqueror |
Vinny | Conquering, Charming |
Vinod | Happy, Full of Joy, Pleasing |
Vinson | Son of Vincent |
Vinson | Conqueror |
Vinsone | Son of Vinn |
Vint | Conquering, Winning |
Vinz | TBD |
Viraj | Resplendent, Splendour |
Virgil | Staff Bearer, Strong |
Virgil | Staff bearer |
Vitalie | TBD |
Vitalij | TBD |
Vitalik | TBD |
Vitaliy | Life-giving, Vital of Life |
Vitek | TBD |
Vito | Full of Life, Life, Life-giving |
Vivian | Lively, Full of Life, Gracious |
Vladimiros | TBD |
Vlassis | Stammering, Lisping |
Voltaire | The Younger Arouet |
Von | Little / Small One, Nobility |
Vonn | Little |
Vyron | At the Cow Sheds |