Facial shaving is much more than a simple personal care routine for teenagers, it is a milestone on their way to adulthood. For them, shaving represents a kind of ritual with which they reaffirm their identity and initiate themselves in masculine practices. Perhaps for this reason, it also generates some anxiety and fear since it is a completely unknown new stage. For this reason, it is important that parents talk to their adolescent children about this moment, prepare them and accompany them throughout the process.

When should a teenager shave for the first time?

In reality, there is no set age for a teenager to shave for the first time. That moment varies from one young person to another since it depends on the changes that take place in their body as part of sexual maturation and the way in which they accept those changes. The appearance of facial hair usually occurs around the age of 15, but it may grow earlier or take longer to appear. Some teens are proud of their budding mustache and choose to wait to start shaving while others are embarrassed and prefer to remove it as soon as possible.

Dermatologists recommend waiting for facial hair to gain strength and become more than just a shadow. However, this will also depend on how comfortable teens feel with their new look as, sometimes due to peer pressure or simply a matter of personal taste, they prefer not to wear facial hair. In any case, they will appreciate having the advice and guidance of their parents to choose the best time, so this milestone is a great opportunity to strengthen your relationship of complicity.

Preparation is key: Accompany your child at this stage

Just as important as shaving is the process of preparing for that moment. Choosing the most suitable razor, a skin-friendly shaving cream and a mild aftershave that helps repair the skin after shaving is essential for your child to have a positive experience the first time. However, finding the most suitable products is not an easy task, so it is essential that you accompany your child during this process and help him choose the best options.

At this stage, your child will also need emotional support because they are likely to have a lot of insecurities. Make sure you are available so that he can talk to you about his fears whenever he needs it and can tell you about his main doubts and concerns. Being open to talking about the challenges of growing up and maturing will not only make you part of this experience, but it will give you the opportunity to help your child develop a positive appreciation of his body.

Teach your child to shave for the first time in three easy steps

Once your son is ready to shave for the first time, become his guide and show him how to do it step by step. The ideal is to do it after getting out of the shower since the heat opens the pores and this allows hair to be removed more easily. And, if it is at night, much better since your child will avoid exposing himself to the sun, wind or cold and the skin will be able to calm down and regenerate while he sleeps. Once ready, explain how it’s done.

1. Prepare the skin

The first step and perhaps one of the most important during shaving is to prepare the face for the process. To do this, you should use a shaving gel or foam that softens the skin and makes shaving easier. Ideally, it should be a delicate product, respectful of the skin and that does not contain alcohol since it could irritate the epidermis. The product should be applied to the fingers of the hand and spread over the shaving area as it should cover the entire area where the razor will be passed.

2. Pass the razor

With the skin ready, it’s time to pass the razor. It is recommended to use a multi-blade razor to avoid unnecessary cuts and to achieve a more precise shave and, preferably, with the flexible head so that it adapts well to the face. It is important to bear in mind that the razor must be passed in the same direction as the hair growth , as this will prevent the appearance of irritation and redness. Likewise, both hands should be used, one to stretch the skin and the other to pass the razor, taking care not to press too hard. It’s better to shave multiple times than once too hard.

3. Repair the skin

After shaving it is normal for the skin to be sensitive and a little irritated, especially considering that it is the first shave of your teenager. Applying cold water can help close the pores and calm the face. However, to help repair the skin in depth , it is recommended to use an aftershave. It is a kind of lotion that is applied after shaving to close the pores, calm irritation and moisturize the skin. Of course, it is better that it does not contain alcohol since it could be counterproductive and irritate the skin.

Part of the instructions also involves teaching your teen some basic hygiene and cleanliness rules. Explain how to clean the bathroom and accessories after shaving. Ideally , rinse the razor with hot water to remove any remaining hair and shaving cream and let it dry naturally, as using a towel or paper to dry it could damage it.

Then, the remains of hair that have fallen into the sink should be removed to prevent them from going down the drain. And finally, it is recommended to rinse the sink with water to leave everything spotless. And ready! Your teenager will already have the main keys to shave the next time on his own, although he will still have to train several times before finding the shaving technique that works best for him.