There was a poor woodcutter, so tired of his life that, according to the story, he found nothing but misery in it. One day he went to the forest to work and, as usual, began to complain about his luck. At that moment Jupiter appeared with lightning in his hand and exasperatedly said:
“What can I give you to make you stop complaining?”
So great was the horror of the woodcutter that he said:
—I want nothing; I wish nothing.
“Don’t be afraid,” answered Jupiter. So many are your complaints that I want to help you. Do not forget my words: you will see your first three wishes come true, whatever it is you wish for. Choose what can make you happy and completely satisfied, and since your happiness depends on you, think carefully before formulating your wishes.
Pronounced these words, Jupiter disappeared. The woodcutter, overjoyed, shouldered the logs; never before had his burden been so light. Giving wings to joy, he returned to his house, saying to himself in the meantime:
“I have to think long and hard before I make a wish.” The case is important and I want to take advice from my wife.
As soon as he entered his cabin, he shouted:
—My little wife, light a good fire and prepare an abundant supper because we are rich, but very rich; and such is our happiness that all our wishes will be fulfilled.
Hearing these words, the woman began to make castles in the air, but then she said to her husband:
“Beware that our impatience harms us.” Let’s proceed calmly and first consult with the pillow, which is a good advisor.
—I think the same, but let’s not miss dinner and bring something to drink.
They dined, drank, and sitting by the fire, the woodcutter exclaimed, leaning heavily on the back of his chair:
“Ahaha!” With this fire we need a stick of sausage. How I would like to have it at my fingertips!
Hardly had he uttered these words than his wife saw to her great surprise a very long sausage come out of the chimney. She cried out in horror, but realizing that the adventure was due to the ridiculous wish made by her husband, she got angry with him and did not stop scolding him:
“We could have had gold, pearls, diamonds, elegant suits,” he added, “and you are such a fool that it has occurred to you to wish for such a thing.”
—Silence woman; I recognize my fault and I will try to amend it.
“It is necessary not to have intelligence to do what you have done,” the woman said without measuring her words.
So much was the insistence of the woman that the man lost his calm. As despite his pleas she would not shut up, he exclaimed furiously:
“Unfortunate sausage that has untied your tongue; so it will hang you by the nose so that you will shut up!
Said and done, the sausage was left hanging from the nose of the woodcutter’s wife.
Fulfilling the wish, the woman was speechless with astonishment and the woodcutter with his mouth open and scratching his neck. Both remained silent, until the woman murmured:
-What will we do?
“Only the third wish remains to be made,” replied the woodcutter. I can become a king, but what queen are you going to be with three inches of nose? Take your pick, woman: either a queen with that nose longer than a week without bread, or a woodcutter’s wife with a nose like yours.
They argued a lot before resolving, but since his gaze could not be separated from the sausage and with each gesture it moved like a branch at the impulse of the hurricane. He preferred the woman to remain without a throne and to have the nose of before; and once the woodcutter made his wish, her wife returned to being as she was, which did not prevent him from raising his hand to her face to convince himself that the sausage had disappeared.
The woodcutter did not change his position, he did not become a great potentate, he did not fill his purse with treasures, and yet he felt very happy using the last of the three wishes to give his wife back the nose that she once had.