The seasons of the year are different depending on where you are.
Did you know that while you are enjoying a warm day with your family or friends, others in the world are wearing coats, gloves and scarves? This is due to the seasons.
Seasons are the times of the year when there are changes in the weather and the amount of daylight. The seasons are the result of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. As the Earth orbits the Sun, it also rotates on its own axis. Imagine a straight line that runs through the planet from the North Pole to the South Pole; that is the axis of the Earth. But that axis is tilted to one side. If the axis points toward the Sun, that hemisphere can wait for summer. If the axis is pointing away from the Sun, it will be winter in that hemisphere. Regions near the equator have no seasons, only dry and rainy seasons.
What are the seasons of the year and how do they affect the weather?
The four seasons of the year are: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each season lasts 3 months, with summer being the warmest season, winter being the coldest, and spring and autumn in between.
Spring begins around March 21 in the Northern Hemisphere and September 21 in the Southern Hemisphere. At this time of year, flowers begin to bloom and leaves grow on the trees. During this season the young of many animals are born.
Summer is the hottest season, the days are longer because the Sun provides direct light to the Earth. It starts around June 21 in the Northern Hemisphere and December 21 in the Southern Hemisphere. Corn crops are often harvested in late summer.
Autumn is the season of the year when the temperature drops, the leaves of the trees lose their green color and begin to fall. This season begins around September 21 in the northern hemisphere and March 21 in the southern hemisphere. Some birds migrate to warmer climates.
Winter begins around December 21 in the Northern Hemisphere and June 21 in the Southern Hemisphere. It is a season where it is colder, even snow falls in some regions. Days are shorter as the Sun provides indirect light to Earth. The cold affects the behavior of animals, some animals like bears hibernate in winter.
Did you know . . . ?
✔ June 21 marks the day the Earth rotates closest to the Sun. This is known as the Summer Solstice. It is the longest and sunniest day of the year. December 21 marks the day the Earth is furthest from the Sun. This is known as the Winter Solstice. It is the shortest and darkest day of the year.
✔ In India there are heavy periods of rain caused by the seasons known as the monsoons.