What most parents want is for their children to grow up well, to be happy, to have good health… Although sometimes, in this society that is in such a hurry, stress and overload of responsibilities both at home and at work work, make those priorities take a backseat.

This is not to say that parents don’t want their children to be happy all the time, of course they do! It’s just that sometimes, they don’t realize that their minds are “elsewhere” instead of their real priority: their children.

Basic pillars in education

For this reason, it is necessary for parents to dedicate time to their children on a daily basis, but also to reflect on what they should do to improve not only their children’s education, but also communication and family well-being.

It is essential to take this into account, because it is what will mark the adult that your child will become when the years go by. On a day-to-day basis, there may be these emotional voids that do not take care of the family’s well-being and for this reason, on some occasions, they generate serious behavior problems in adolescents.

They don’t know how to handle their emotions because they haven’t learned how to do it. Young people with a low tolerance for frustration who have forgotten what respect for oneself or for others really is.

We see that these children and adolescents do not want to make an effort and often have toxic emotional dependency that limits them as people. That is why it is necessary for parents to dedicate time and effort every day, it is the most important obligation above anything else.

The fundamental pillars are the ones that we discuss below…

The values

Values ​​in a family are fundamental. Respect for oneself and for others, perseverance, effort, patience, humility, kindness, empathy, assertiveness, are examples of values ​​necessary for a child to be formed in an integral way. This will provide essential skills for their comprehensive development and to have healthy and quality social ties.

Values ​​are learned through example and never just with words. You will always have to be the best role model so that your child can learn what you really want him to be in life. Be the best example of him, strive for it and as the years go by, you will be pleasantly surprised.

The beliefs

We are not referring to religious beliefs, this is something personal for each one and for each family. We refer to believing in oneself, in the family, believing in dreams and knowing that with effort they can be fulfilled.

Believe. Believe that it is possible. That there are no more limits than the one that the imagination wants to put. This will give you enough motivation so that nothing and no one can stop you in life.

Have hope

Without hope there is nothing in this life. Hope must be above everything. Without hope there is no motivation to do anything. Hope is a generator of illusions and thanks to it, the necessary strength will be drawn to fight for goals.

Along with all this, we want to highlight empathy, since without it depression and mental disorders will appear suddenly. Without empathy and without understanding emotions we cannot be functional people in this life.

For this reason, it is essential that emotions be worked on with children since they are young, because although we have not marked it as a pillar, empathy and working on emotions is the basis of everything. Without this, there are no pillars… or anything.

Understanding their own emotions and those of others will help them to feel self-confident, to think critically and to be able to manage their most intense emotions, even in the most critical moments that life may present them with.