When we talk about pedagogy we understand that it is the way of understanding teaching. Pedagogy is defined by the many types that exist and by the different variations of teaching. Universal Design for Learning should ensure that students with different learning styles can learn similarly within a class or activity.
Pedagogy, therefore, is the science and art of education, the specific theory of instruction. The practice of creating teaching experiences make the acquisition of knowledge and skills efficient, effective and attractive. Pedagogy also uses methods to prepare lessons with different learning styles of students.
Pedagogy today
Pedagogy today is undergoing a small transformation since much more importance is being given to alternative pedagogies or education free for the education of boys and girls from many parts of the world. And this, in principle, is good news.
It is good news because many of these alternative pedagogies have a good basis for promoting the interests of the child, their emotional education and Also your common sense. Because free education is committed to collective education with the child as the protagonist but also taking into account others, nature and animals. An education that is committed to the interests of the world and that differs from traditional pedagogy where teachers impart knowledge and children learn passively.
Traditional pedagogy
But I disagree about this concept of ‘traditional pedagogy’. It is true that children from all over the world -as well as anyone who is learning something- must be the protagonist of their learning. You learn with your hands, you learn with interaction and motivation… you don’t learn just by listening and saying yes to everything without having the opportunity to interact with knowledge.
But this does not depend on the pedagogy, it depends on the person who teaches the pedagogy. Pedagogy is inside the hearts of people and depending on how you want to educate or what the method to transmit knowledge is, more or less positive results will be achieved.
None is better than another…it is the people who make the difference difference
Currently In reality, you can find that there are more and more centers that want and teach pedagogies that they call ‘innovative’ or that are alternatives to the traditional one, such as free schools, Waldorf pedagogy, Pestalozzi, Montessori, democratic schools, free schools, active schools… There are many options and none has to be better than another.
That’s right, maybe they will sell you that one pedagogy is better than another, because it is fashionable, because it is or seems innovative or because it puts more effort into having materials or a marketing face that seems to be better than any other. Butdo not trust any pedagogy that tries to discredit the work of other professionals just because they do not follow a specific pedagogy.
Pedagogy is carried in the heart
Pedagogy is carried in the heart. It is the hearts of professionals who truly love their work that will be able to make a difference in the lives of children and also adults. The definitive pedagogy has no name, it has no principles to follow except those of the pedagogy itself… The definitive pedagogy deals with common sense and the love that professionals put into their work, how they teach children and parents, how love, respect, trust, empathy, and open communication are the best teaching strategies.