Remembering the years of childhood is to remember the school days. It is something that cannot be avoided and there is a certain nostalgia… that time when we learned the things that the teacher taught us with all the innocence of an age in which everything is new. You may remember that time without digital screens, or computers… much less with the Internet. You went to the library to find the information you needed in the famous encyclopedias that seemed to have no end.
We passed the handwritten information so that we could study it later at home. It was an effort that without realizing it bore fruit in the mind. Nowadays, everything is on the Internet and at the click of a mouse it is copied into a file so that it can be printed and studied. It is more comfortable yes, but the mind works less and the effort that is lacking is necessary to have an academic commitment. “The color monster”: An excellent resource to work on children’s emotions.
Tricks you learned in school to teach your children
We cannot fight against the digital age, but we can teach our children some things that we learned in school… since they are tricks that they will also need today. Because no matter how digitized everything is, the reality is that the mind has to understand and memorize the same in order to pass an exam…
They are quick learning methods that worked and can continue to work, because they are effective! If they worked for you, they will surely work for your children too. They will get them out of more than one jam and they will be able to face the studies with adequate tools to feel sure of themselves.
The months of the year, how many days do they have?
This trick is ideal, because it will not only help them for an exam in the first cycle of primary school, but also for the rest of their lives. What’s more, today many adults still use it because it’s a quick way to remember how many days there are in a given month.
With closed fists you have to start counting the knuckles, start with the knuckle of the left hand, that of the index finger, counting from January. The knuckle ends in 31 and between the gap (or basin) between knuckle and knuckle ends in 30 days.
January knuckle 31, hollow February 28 or 29, March knuckle 31, April hollow between knuckles 30, May knuckle 31, and so on until finishing counting the months of the year counting the hollows and knuckles of the hands.
The table of 9
To learn the table of 9 is as simple as remembering that 1 is added in the first row and 1 is subtracted in the second, let’s see:
- 9 x 1 = 09
- 9 x 2 = 18
- 9 x 3 = 27
- 9 x 4 = 36
- 9 x 5 = 45
- 9 x 6 = 54
- 9 x 7 = 63
- 9 x 8 = 72
- 9 x 9 = 81
- 9 x 1 = 90
If you look at the results, the first row starts at 0 and ends at 9, adding 1 each time you go from one multiplication to another. In the second row it starts at 9 and ends at 0 subtracting 1 each time.
Waxing or Waxing Moon?
To learn the phases of the moon it is not necessary to understand much about astronomy. It is easy to get confused when the moon is waxing or waning, to avoid doing so you just have to pay attention to the fact that if it forms a C it is decreasing and if it looks like a D it is growing, it’s that easy!
learn the angles
It is a simple trick that will get you out of more than one hurry. You just have to reach out and have him look at his fingers, extend them as far as possible as well. The little finger will have to be resting on the table and it will be the 0º angle, between the little finger and the thumb there will be a kind of L, it will be the 90º angle! Then you just have to keep counting from finger to finger. It would stay like this.
- Thumb: 90º
- Index: 60º
- Heart: 45º
- Annular: 30º
- Little finger: 0º
You can now teach your children everything we have told you! They will love learning it, and you will love remembering it!