The United States is a country that arouses a lot of interest in the little ones at home. Cradle of Hollywood movies and the largest technology companies in the world, this nation has an enormous cultural and natural wealth that extends far and wide over its more than 9,000,000 square kilometers. Made up of 50 states, it boasts internationally renowned cities such as New York, Los Angeles or Chicago and natural destinations such as the Grand Canyon of Colorado or Yosemite National Park.
A simple way to teach children a little more about this country is through maps of the United States. This is an excellent educational resource that will allow you to get an idea of its vast extension, learn about some of its most important states and cities, and identify the most significant mountains, rivers, and valleys in the region. Of course, it is also a good opportunity to stimulate the cognitive development of the little ones at home, encourage their visual memory and let their imagination fly.
Whether children are interested in discovering this nation or you simply want to introduce them to one of the most important countries in the world, at Children’s Stage we have prepared a selection of some of the most representative maps of the United States. From political maps that describe the main internal divisions and physical maps that represent the geography of the landscape to cultural maps so that the little ones learn a little about the history and identity of the Americans.
7 maps of the United States for the little ones at home
1. Political map
A simple way to explain the American political-administrative division to the little ones at home is through a political map. As its name suggests, the political map of the United States represents the main administrative boundaries of the country, while highlighting the 50 states and their capitals, as well as some of the most important cities by region. Undoubtedly, a very illustrative and clear map to understand since, in addition to showing the state borders, it differentiates each area by color so that children can understand it better.
2. Mute political map
Blank maps are a very useful cartographic tool for children to exercise their knowledge of geography. This is thanks to the fact that the silent map delimits the different borders, but unlike the traditional political map, it does not include the names of the states, so it will be the kids who have to locate it. Undoubtedly, an excellent way for children to test their memory and entertain themselves by naming the different states of the country or locating the regions on the map by name. A simple way to motivate them is to organize a kind of competition in turns, in which each member of the family has to locate a state on the map. Whoever can locate the most states wins.
3. Physical map
This physical map of the United States depicts the country’s major landforms, a very effective way for kids to learn where the region’s major forests and mountain systems are located. Based on the intensity of colors, which range from dark brown to light green, they will be able to identify the most and least forested areas of the nation, as well as the different regions with access to the sea and the oceans that bathe this immense territory. The map also describes where America’s major rivers flow and where the most significant lakes are located. Information that will be useful to the little ones at home when they are older, if they decide to organize a road trip through this beautiful country.
4. Dumb physical map
The silent physical map represents the main geographical characteristics of a region, but unlike the traditional one, it does not include their names. Its color distribution, which also ranges from light green to dark brown, help identify the mountainous areas of the plains and valleys, while the blue details represent the different lakes and rivers. Therefore, this blank physical map of the United States can become an excellent resource for children to exercise their knowledge of American geography and locate the major mountain systems and water systems that come to life in this territory.
5. Map of states
The maps can also become a very nice decoration accessory for the children’s room, a way to give a different touch to the space while the children exercise their knowledge of geography. In that sense, this map of the states of the United States is perfect since, in addition to including the very clear names and boundaries of the different American regions, it has a nice industrial aspect that comes in handy for practically any decorative style. Without a doubt, a good strategy for children to learn a little more about this country and its states.
6. Map of flags
In addition to the national flag, many countries have other flags that represent their cities or states and are symbolic of the history and culture of each region. America is no different. In fact, this map of the United States precisely represents the flags of the different states of the country. Undoubtedly, an excellent resource for children to get to know them, become familiar with American history and be interested in knowing a little more about the conquest of this territory by the British Empire, its Civil War and expansion throughout the American continent.
7. Culture map
Cultural maps represent some of the most identifying symbols of a certain region. In this case, the cultural map of the United States includes some of the main icons of each state, those that identify its inhabitants and that any traveler who wants to really get to know the country should discover during their stay. Undoubtedly, a very simple and fun way to bring children closer to American culture and to get to know the most important habits, customs and activities that characterize its people.