As parents, we all have the final decision on how we are going to raise our children. The problem is that many parents are caught up in many different opinions and judgments that occur between different types of parents, which can often lead to educational contradictions. Parenting styles may have different outcomes for many, but the goal will always be to do what you feel is best for your child.
Parenting is a conscious effort to raise children, without knowing what the long-term outcome will be. You can feel fear, frustration, gratification… or all at the same time. Each parenting style can come with a long list of pros and cons, no one can say what is right or wrong for you.
Attachment Parenting
Attached parenting is highly recommended by doctors and educational professionals because it is a great way to establish a healthy bond with your children. The goal is to be in contact with the baby as much as possible, to know and understand the needs of children. This includes skin-to-skin contact, breastfeeding, or safe co-sleeping.
Attachment parenting can help children increase awareness of children for the needs of others, but the other side of the coin is that it can also create separation anxiety.
Overprotective parenting
This type of parenting will remove parents from children’s lives any problem, danger or obstacle of their children. It can be tough when it’s a parent’s job to keep kids safe, happy, and successful… but it can deter kids from learning life skills.
In this type of parenting, parents want success for their children, but they do not realize that they are prohibiting them from achieving it. Helping children succeed doesn’t mean removing obstacles in their lives, but helping them overcome them.
Strict parenting
Parents may feel some confusion about the application of rules and limits, and this can lead them to practice strict parenting. Strict parents have high expectations, often unattainable for their children. If the rules and strictness of the home can be the educational focus, negative results can also be seen due to the extreme way of raising children. children.
Strict parenting can damage children’s self-esteem. Children grow up with rules and routines, it is necessary that they do so, but a balance must be found between guidance and consistent rules, showing children unconditional love at all times.
Free parenting
Playing outdoors all day, staying at a friend’s house, going shopping alone and even riding the bus as a child, is a parenting method that was carried out over the years 70’s and 80’s. Nowadays times have changed and this parenting style can be heavily criticized for being dangerous and even neglectful. Although parents trust the ability and knowledge of their children, the danger of society is imminent. It is fine for children to make decisions, but always under the supervision of adults.
Helicopter parenting
Helicopter parenting means parents hover above their children, always in fear and worry. This type of parenting is similar to overprotective parenting, it eliminates the child’s ability to be alone, to figure things out, to learn safely, etc. This will create children with low self-esteem, low confidence in themselves and others because of not developing the necessary life skills to live independently.
Survival Parenting
This parenting style is the most common. When parents set rules and limits but know they should also be flexible…survival parenting is basically doing the best you can with the knowledge and resources available. You will make efforts so that your child eats well, although you will also give him sweets….
You will have expectations for your children, for yourself and for life. We must be realistic, sometimes let children watch television a little more than necessary or play with the tablet, it is a basic survival mode to be able to do things like put on washing machines or make dinner… Having rules and structures during the day is appropriate, and in This upbringing is taken into account, but sometimes you have to let things go. Your children will learn to adapt to changing circumstances, which will give them life skills.