What to do if I catch my child watching porn

Not everyone dares to say that they have caught their pre-adolescent or adolescent child watching porn, and for many it is undoubtedly a source of shame, but knowing how to act is Very important for all parents. Kids these days have a lot of facilities on the internet and chances are that at some point they’ll be curious about what porn is and if they have access to it, they’ll watch it.

Porn is off-putting and unrealistic and so quickly becomes a concern. It is important to remember that curiosity about sex is normal, but unfortunately what porn shows is not normal as it is an extreme and unrealistic form of what sex really means. In pornography you rarely see sex scenes of a couple in love, instead they focus on extreme fetishes, rape fantasies and degrading images to satisfy degenerate fantasies of sexual abuse .

Internet pornography is an introduction to disturbing human sexuality. But it’s important that you respond with concern and empathy instead of getting too angry. If you do not know how to react, do not miss the following tips.

Try to be emotionally stable

Try to remain emotionally stable in the face of the situation in front of you, it is difficult to fight with your feelings of anger when see that your son is watching explicit sex. But you need to not show anger or rage because it will increase your embarrassment and this is not useful in this case. If your child sees you angry he won’t want to listen to you and he won’t learn what is right. Before you talk to your child about what has happened, you need to calm down and feel calm.

I caught my son/daughter watching porn

Don’t be shocked or say that watching porn is bad

Normalizing the situation or not shocking you doesn’t mean that the behavior is approved, but it does mean that your child’s embarrassment for being curious is reduced. sex or for wanting to look at sexual images. Your child needs to know that having sexual feelings is natural and not bad, but sex should be expressed in another way and what porn shows is not real and is toxic.

Sex is not porn

Children need to see sex as something good and healthy and tell them that you want them to be able to have healthy sex with their partners when they are adults, and porn will be making him believe a reality that is not true. Help him take a long-term view of sexual relationships with the goal of having healthy sexual relationships.

It is You need to educate your child and have a frank conversation about what sex is and the reality of porn, plus viewing porn is detrimental to a pre-teen’s or teen’s developing brain. Pornography promotes machismo, sexual abuse, the degradation and humiliation of women, it is sexist… Pornography is not representative of a real sexual encounter.

Establish rules and limits at home

If your child has seen pornography, it is necessary to ask him if he has any questions and talk to him about his concerns. Once this point is reached, it will be necessary to establish rules and establish security controls on the Internet on all electronic devices in the house. Remember that you are not protecting your children from pornography because you think that sex is something bad or dirty, but because in this way and by having open communication about sexuality, you will ensure that your children have a healthy sexual life in the future.