Why does anger appear in our lives?

Anger is a feeling that not all children -and adults- control or understand, so it is necessary to know why anger can appear in our lives and above all, understand what It is what he wants to tell us at every moment. Next I want to explain to you why anger appears in our lives and that in this way you understand it in your own life and you can also explain it to your children.

Why does anger appear in our lives?

It helps you understand what you feel

Emotions change the the way we feel in our body, the expression on our face, our response to situations or people, the type of thoughts we have and the memories that come to us. Usually you can tell when someone is angry just by looking at them. The person can say the same thing when he is angry, he knows that his face changes and the body expands to appear bigger and stronger… When anger appears without realizing it we give warnings so that others don’t get too close.

It gives you energy

Anger makes us feel bad, but what would make you feel even worse is being in a bad situation and not realizing it, or not having enough energy or motivation to change it. Anger helps you know when something isn’t right, when something happens that makes you feel angry, the brain releases chemicals – oxygen, adrenaline, hormones like cortisol – to feed the body so you have enough energy to take charge of the problem.

You feel emotions that are difficult to control

Anger is the only emotion that does not exist by itself. There is always another more powerful emotion underlying it. When an emotion is too intense or when you feel that feeling will not be supported, anger will be the way to stop that difficult feeling.

Some common underlying emotions are: fear, grief, insecurity, jealousy, or shame. When these feelings feel too intense, anger can be a way of maintaining control and trying to create an environment where the person feels more secure and able to respond well and feel better. better. Anger can be quite helpful as long as it doesn’t become a habitual response. All emotions are valid, it is important not to keep any of them for too long, it is necessary to recognize and feel the emotion, but above all to give it a name to know what happens to us. Recognizing emotions is an important part of a healthy life.

anger emotion

What does anger feel like

Anger It is an emotional and physical response. When something happens to you that makes you angry, your brain thinks it has to protect itself from danger so it releases chemicals – oxygen, hormones and adrenaline – to fuel the body so you can fight the threat or run away from it. Usually this is what anger feels like:

  • Changes in breathing. Slow deep breaths, that’s because the The brain tells the body to get plenty of oxygen through breaths and to tell the muscles to be ready to fight or flight.
  • The heart races to get oxygen to your entire body and become stronger, faster, and more powerful.
  • Your muscles tighten.
  • You may feel weak, sick, or in pain in the stomach. This is because your digestive system is so that all your energy is focused on your arms and legs in case you have to fight or flee.
  • You may feel like crying, crying helps relieve stress, it is a way for the body to calm itself.
  • You may also want to scream or run away to escape danger.

< It is possible that out of anger you will also hurt someone, but remember that if you hurt someone with your words or physically, there will always be problems later. An angry brain is strong, fast and powerful, but it is also impulsive and forgets to think about the consequences.