If you are the father or mother of a teenager, it is more than likely that you already know what it is that your child rebels against you. Some teenagers do it in a mild way and others in a more severe way, but all In one way or another they rebel against their parents. They do not do it because they want conflicts nor because they love their parents less, they do it simply, as a way to reaffirm themselves and show the identity they are forming in their personality.
When you were a teenager, more than likely your parents had to deal with your rebelliousness too, but now that you’re a parent, things have changed for you.
When teenagers rebel
Teenagers rebelling is normal, it is an act of asserting their independence. They want to show how they are separated from their parents and that they have a say in the decisions of their own lives. It is called “rebellion” because it consists of a constant and intense confrontation between the adolescent and his parents.
For parents, this type of rebellion can be spontaneous and illogical , but in order to cope with this behavior, it is important to understand why this happens and what the causes of this behavior are.
Causes of rebelliousness in adolescents
They are There are many reasons why your child may be rebellious, and it is important that you understand him. To do this, we are going to tell you about the most common causes:
- Independence. Your teenager wants to be independent because he is on the way to being an adult, leaving childhood behind of the. It is an intermediate phase where they often challenge the rules and do not listen to what their parents say.
- Differences between children and parents. Adolescents question the rules and may begin to differ with the parental tastes. This can generate conflicts.
- Impulsivity. Teenagers are impulsive and that is why their decisions are sometimes not the best. The adolescent may seek excitement or approval so he may not think rationally.
- Peer pressure. The adolescent brain wants to impress her peers and so may do things to be accepted by them. Even if the parents do not approve of that kind of attitude or behavior.
- Brain change. A change in the structure of the brain occurs in adolescence, the brain connections are not fully developed until past 20 years. This affects decision making so rebellious behavior is commonplace.
- Hormones. Teenagers are known to have hormonal changes and this can cause drastic changes in thinking . Mood and behavior can be affected.
Although the word “rebellious” may sound negative to parents, it is actually necessary for the development of adolescents and for them to become balanced adults. Although it is a difficult stage, it is absolutely necessary.
Being rebellious is not negative
Teenagers being rebellious doesn’t have to be negative, in fact, it has its good side. ena. Some good things are:
- Teenagers can openly express their opinion to parents. Mature conversations start to appear when teens try to discuss the rules.
- They are more independent. Teenagers actually become more independent in different situations. They begin to do things for themselves.
- Behave better socially. They begin to understand the importance of appropriate social behavior. In addition, they will learn from their own mistakes.
- Feels like an adult. The adolescent “rehearses” being an adult and this is good for him. Healthy defiance is important for him to begin to think like an adult in a responsible way.
- Boosts confidence. Begins to have more self-confidence and a good self-concept. Assertiveness and self-confidence appear.